AmboVan Restarted


Expedition Leader
I actually like the screws in contrast to the wood. If you pay attention to the patterns the screws make it could be aesthetic. glad you're getting to cover up things. It must be a real treat. bD


Plugging along...

Wood in the water area installed with a coat of clear coat. Tank is 24? 26? gallons, picked this one because the dimensions fit the space pretty well.


Outer water fill door installed. This is definitely the crappiest thing I have installed, pure plastic RV polar white junk. Couldn't find a metal door, all the RV places swore they last, I guess I'll see. Some things need to just keep moving, even though I cut a hole in the wall, nothing here I cant retrofit if the door fails down the road.

So, the space shown below will house all the house controls - switch panel, AC thermostat, heater thermostat, inverter panel (Inverter reinstallation went fine, BTW), batt monitor, AC distribution register. Getting these systems on and tested meant the controls need to be installed as well, so I worked on the 'control panel'. Might even be able to turn on the AC when I'm working in the 100+ temps.




Needed to make a distribution register on the back of the control panel to mate the 6" output from the AC with the roto-grilles I got from the local van upfitter/ambo shop. A study in duct tape and caulking.



Shopping for fabrics and piano hinges tomorrow so this piece can get fully installed, and the systems can start to be brought on line.


I think I need a bigger truck!
The water filler door will probably work out ok. We have a travel trailer and a similar water fill and outside shower setup. So far so good, holding up well and no signs of failing. Plastic feels cheap, but seems to take a beating. I hate most RV stuff, all seems low I use a lot of Marine stuff instead. A lot of times it is not only better materials, but cheaper too!!

Nice progress on a big project. Are you planning on more water or will that be the extent of your on board h20?


Nice progress on a big project. Are you planning on more water or will that be the extent of your on board h20?

I currently plan on one sink, no hot water, grey water direct dump out the bottom of the van. Simple, and easily winterized - Ski trips are a main use for this vehicle. So, 26 gallons is probably overkill for how I will use it. Winter use is currently planned to use water jugs, no use of the water system at all, except to dump dish water/etc out the sink. I am not opposed to looking at a instant-hot water system in the future, but for now, keeping it simple


I think I need a bigger truck!
I currently plan on one sink, no hot water, grey water direct dump out the bottom of the van. Simple, and easily winterized - Ski trips are a main use for this vehicle. So, 26 gallons is probably overkill for how I will use it. Winter use is currently planned to use water jugs, no use of the water system at all, except to dump dish water/etc out the sink. I am not opposed to looking at a instant-hot water system in the future, but for now, keeping it simple

Good call. From the sounds of it, you have it all in hand. I picked up an Eccotemp L7 on demand unit, very good output and reasonably priced too. Should you decide on one, worth a look. The easy winterization bit is nice too, my travel trailer is a PITA to winterize the way it was designed. I might hack into it this winter to make it easier to drain.


The holes already cut, but....

Some of the aftermarket billet fuel doors are complete with hinge, latch, and clamp-on mount.


Finishing up the 'control panel'
Fabric on



Kind of a trial run for the rest of the doors, used aluminum piano hinge to allow this panel to fold down, need exposed fasteners and small through bolts, but I think with a pleasing pattern, this will look good in the rest of the rig
Back side.

So, AC/thermostat works now, battery monitor is monitoring, switch panel is switching. Still don't have any display function on the inverter, a little stumped, found some damage on one of the switches, don't think I did it, but I also don't see how it would have been damaged before it got to me, or how it would jack the whole display... I also used a shorter comm cable from the unit to the display, so maybe that is the easy fix, got a call into my favorite local Xantrax dude, maybe he has an extra display for troubleshooting? We'll see... Especially excited that the AC works, been kicking around my house for a couple years now, but the van gets to icebox temps in minutes. If I can get it to run off the inverter, I'll be stoked!


AC run off the inverter... How many amp hours is your battery bank?

400AH in the house bank, I don't expect to run it off the battery alone, but while the truck is running/driving. I seem to recall you have some vehicle electrical expertise, is there some math I can do to figure it out?


Well, got a loner display panel for the inverter, learned that phone/data lines have polarity, and figured out how to crimp my own data cables. Result, inverter/charger is fully on line. I think the rest of the systems will be gravy now.
So, with the engine running, and no shorepower, I tried to fire up the 120v house AC, took a couple tries, and I needed to let the fan spool up first, but it caught and I was able to get cold air blowing. Unfortunately, even with the engine over 2k rpms, I still had a negative draw from the house batteries, pretty clear that this is not going to be a sustainable function. I suppose that is what the van AC is for anyway, and with the loads of insulation I added, should be less of a problem to keep it cool while driving.
Anyway, progress continues, started on the water system over a week ago, will dive back into that in the am, for those keeping track of my daily activities.

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