(Post copied from sister forum...)
Productive day for a Monday!
Finally replaced the upper cabinets and made up the corner ends which were a little tricky to figure out.
Installing them without help was another hurdle but at the end i got it done.
For the end corners I made templates and also wanted to make sure they could easily be removed. Seems like a good spot for some small speakers or a secret stash, lol
The side panel is the only part not glued in but held with screws for easy access.
Moving along!
I was gonna built more cabinets above the back door but they'd be a concussion hazard. Instead I simply mounted a flat angled board and I'll either attach a net all across or make fabric pockets. Either way, they'll double as head protection.
And my buddy Jay came to give me a hand at wiring the lights. They can be turned on/off either from my phone or a switch by the electrical panel. Now I'll be able to see inside the cabinets at night or simply use them as ambiant lighting
Next I'll be installing some led strips under the cabinets for proper lights. Those will come with a remote control, can be dimed and have various colors.
Anyhow, I'm a satisfied owner! !!
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