Any built 300tdi D1 owners here?


However, I have had the vanes jam. They coke up. And the actuator mechanism can seize if the car sits for a while. Eventually, my vanes sheared right off and went through the turbine.

On a diesel??? I'm fairly up on the diesel performance scene and I've not heard of this happening. People blow turbos from high EGTs or from surge by running too much boost at low rpm. Sometimes seals go. Vane failure, nope.


Cynical old bastard
Have to echo Rob's comment on this thread. Wasn't expecting all this info on the VNT et al. Didn't know about the GT so that's a bonus for me. I've been thinking about a new turbo for the 200 but I will have problems physically fitting a VNT onto a 200 Defender. Mind you I have a couple of spare standard ones in my spares box so maybe I could just stick with being a cheap skate. It's not extra power I'm after it's long term reliability - better lubrication and water cooling would be nice. Been thinking along the lines of a timed low pressure oiler for when the engine is turned off...


Expedition Leader
Rob, sounds like you and I need to edjumucate some folks about impeller and exhaust sizes. To be fair I think the t3super60 is better for these applications while the gt28 is better on our smaller engine but higher revving track cars. T3s60 is super cheap too. Not bad spool either given the displacement.


I think a Super 60 would be a bit much for a sub-200hp diesel engine, no? IIRC, that was capable of putting out 300hp on a gas engine. It's also older generation, the aerodynamics just aren't as good.

This chart seems a bit off, but it appears to me the 300TDI used a variant of the T25, but it's a special arrangement with the CHRA built into the exhaust manifold.

Then the Td5 went to a GT2052 which is what I was going to suggest before I even found this info.

This demonstrates what I mean about the GT series. The GT20 can put out more power than a T25, yet is spools faster because it is in fact smaller. You get a big improvement in drivability. The difficulty would be in putting one on a 300TDI due to the integrated exhaust manifold. You might be able to fit a GT25 CHRA easily, or just build a new manifold and bolt on a normal GT20.

Apples and oranges. You are comparing a VNT on a petrol....


On a diesel, they are magic. They are simple to control and peak torque goes way down in the rev range, basically killing turbo lag. Every diesel engine in the last ten years, at least, has one. Because the normal power band on a diesel is so small this makes a huge difference in driveability.

They're magic on a gas engine too. I'm just gun shy after having a $2000 turbo fail catastrophicly after 40,000km.

Exactly which turbo are you running?

I take issue with the statement that "every diesel in the last 10 years had a VNT". The Td5 didn't. Looks like the Puma diesel does. GTA2052V Notice however, they're still using a GT20 family turbo for that engine as well.

On a diesel??? I'm fairly up on the diesel performance scene and I've not heard of this happening. People blow turbos from high EGTs or from surge by running too much boost at low rpm. Sometimes seals go. Vane failure, nope.

No, on a gas. I admit I'm out of my element on diesel turbos. My main point to this posting is just to state that a GT turbo will over better performance over an older T series, and you don't have to think about vanes. It might be possible to put a GT25 CHRA into the 300TDI manifold. You couldn't do that with a VNT. If you were to go to the trouble of making a new manifold to fit a GT20 for even better performance, it probably makes sense to go with a GT20V VNT.

Been thinking along the lines of a timed low pressure oiler for when the engine is turned off...

I think water cooling would be better. It's simpler, and eliminates the need for the oiler.


The VNT on a diesel is NOT to give more power. You do that in other ways. It is solely to increase the torque at lower rpm by producing peak boost much earlier. More turbo is not normally the answer at these engines cannot take a large amount more boost without problems.

I do not have a VNT. I'm stock (as I stated earlier). Many people have them, normally they use the one that was put on the HS2.8.

For the 200TDI, Allard do a full kit. AFAIK, they are the only ones doing a kit that fits the 200TDI Defender easily. Lots of people do 300TDI and TD5 kits.


Expedition Leader

I agree the t3 series is older technology but one in a .48 housing would be a nice size for that motor and can be had for much cheaper than a gt turbo. I was getting new t3s for 450ish back in 2000. Prices are way way down now.

If you aren't looking for high hp or boost, you could score a borgwarner k04 for dirt cheap too. You can make 250hp of a 1.8 motor. Reliable, VERY cheap. No issues with surge. Compact size too.



None of the ex-pats I know of decided to run diesels in their Land Rovers- they all opted for V8s or 6's usually either the Rover V8 or US 5l+v8s. I've had several of them state that they think we are crazy to swap in diesels here.

Have you seen the price of fuel over here? when I was over there the other year gas was a quarter of the price back home in the UK.
hell if I lived in the states I would have the big V8 motor too, actually I prefer a diesel for off roading,


Have you seen the price of fuel over here? when I was over there the other year gas was a quarter of the price back home in the UK.
hell if I lived in the states I would have the big V8 motor too, actually I prefer a diesel for off roading,
This expat took out the V8 and installed diesel. I think its smart move but I would rather have been able to buy one factory equipped that way.



Cynical old bastard
Must be something about this thread; I have just bought a '97 300Tdi Auto as a stop gap while The Wife's car is in the spray shop...

Nice vehicle not to bad shape at all - an ES some Service History all the bits work 155k

$1,597.25 all in


needs a bigger intercooler and removal of the viscous fan Dave.

then it can get out of its own way, the auto 300 tdi range rover Linda had was poor until I modded it.


Cynical old bastard
Already got a 'cooler for it and one or two other goodies

Only intending on keeping it a few weeks though

David Harris

Expedition Leader
Must be something about this thread; I have just bought a '97 300Tdi Auto as a stop gap while The Wife's car is in the spray shop...

Nice vehicle not to bad shape at all - an ES some Service History all the bits work 155k

$1,597.25 all in

See what I mean? You guys get all the deals on 300 Tdi's over there. (Mouth-watering . . .)


Cynical old bastard
Best not tell you what I paid for my ex Factory 110 CSW (spec'd up to Defender spec when the factory sold it) 200Tdi :Wow1:


Just here...
Must be something about this thread; I have just bought a '97 300Tdi Auto as a stop gap while The Wife's car is in the spray shop...

Nice vehicle not to bad shape at all - an ES some Service History all the bits work 155k

$1,597.25 all in

So, hows about you take a reciprocating saw and chop the front half, say just behind the transfer case, and send it my way...


Cynical old bastard
I've said it before and will no doubt say it again, if I can help find any parts, bits, vehicles or whatever just let me know. I'm not far from the Port of Bristol so it shouldn't be too hard to get stuff accross the Atlantic

A decent 300Tdi lump and autobox is around $950 lose, but an MoT fail (on rust) is about the same...


Have you seen the price of fuel over here? when I was over there the other year gas was a quarter of the price back home in the UK.
hell if I lived in the states I would have the big V8 motor too, actually I prefer a diesel for off roading,

Yes I am well acquainted with the price of fuel over there, I have family in Norway and Sweden. The ex-pats I have talked to have pretty much echoed your sentiment- with gasoline this cheap they'll gladly pay for a 300ci+V8 vs. a 2.5l diesel.

As for me I want a diesel with a stadard transmission.

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