Martinjmpr said:
To put it another way, you could have two tires that have the exact same air pressure inside but completeley different contact patches because one tire is physically larger than the other tire.
This is helping, but I'll amplify where my curiosity is coming from.
The force exerted by a tire on the terrain comes from two sources. Internal pressure and sidewall stiffness. That's why a zero PSI tire might still hold up a vehicle and not be sitting on the rims. If the sidewalls flex enough, then the rims pressing through the tread are a third source of force. Let's ignore that scenario.
My first modeling error was neglecting the sidewall force. I also assumed that the force per unit area of the contact patch would be uniform, but that's clearly not true. The internal pressure force is applied uniformly because it's a fluid (gas) inside the tire, but the sidewall force is higher near the sidewalls, naturally. But the big difference is on the terrain side. Sand/rocks clearly resist compression with a force that's dependent on deflection, so the patch under the lowest part of the tire has more ground pressure than at the edges.
A wider tire has more of its contact patch in line with the lowest part of the tire (perpendicular to the vehicle centerline), and may approach a constant pressure over the patch. A longer, skinnier patch from a narrow tire will have more of a falloff in pressure from highest to lowest.
But because the up-force and down-force have to be in equilibrium (if they weren't, then the vehicle is still sinking into the terrain or rising up), the force
integrated over the contact patch has to be equal. The force is some number of pounds (vehicle weight divided by 4, assuming equal distribution). The terrain and the tires ONLY interact at an interface defined by the contact patch. That's a certain number of square inches.
I think it's a given from the laws of physics that the down force and the up force have to be equal and opposite, or else the system's not at a rest state.
So the force from the terrain upwards is going to be the average ground pressure times the contact patch area. (pounds per square inch times square inches gives the final result unit in pounds - this is OK.) The force downwards from the tire is the sidewall force plus the internal PSI times the contact patch area. These totals have to be equivalent.
But there can be a significant ratio of the peak ground pressure to the least, and narrow tires will maximize that ratio, which can give you some benefit. In non-uniform terrain, the peak pressure might "stick" rocks of a certain size into the substrate (sand/dirt) like pressing blueberries into pancakes and then the tire can push against that non-moving rock for more traction. A wider tire with lower peak/minimum ground pressure might not press that rock into the substrate, then the tire will slip on the rolling./moving rock as it moves forward. This effect might even work down to 1/8" size gravel, and I'm thinking it might even be the main benefit of narrower tires.
Even if the rock isn't pressed into its substrate, the narrow tire's peak/minimum ground pressure ratio will force the tire to "flow" over the rock more when the pressure is lower (on approach and departure), and therefore gain more traction.
This reminds me a bit of how pen plotters (not pin feed) can move paper with such precision over long distances because the feed rollers have microprotrusions that engage the paper like miniature pin feed teeth. As if anybody uses pen plotters nowadays.