Scott Brady
We just had some great Sushi in Whitehorse to celebrate our drive to the ocean. We have been so fortunate with great weather and wonderful people met along the way.
Here is our trip update for our day in Tuktoyuktuk
alvarorb said:Chris,
I looked around for an Echolink enabled repeater near Inuvik.
The closest one is in Alaska... Unfortunately that's too far.
Echolink allows a user on a computer running Echolink software to talk to any one in the range of a Echolink enabled repeater. In other words, if there was an Echolink enabled repeater in your area, I could talk to your 2m radio using my computer.
Let me know the towns you'll visit when traveling south. We might be able to get this going.
Chris said:We encountered no one along the way. We watched Caribou battling in the snow. That evening, I saw the Northern Lights for the very first time. We ended up camping along the Dempster ....
Scott said:In all of my travels, whether a Tarahumaran family in Barranca Del Cobre or a Bedouin tent in the Sahara, the distant enclaves of aboriginal people are nearly always the most giving and content.