Do the Rotopax mounts work with the Rubican water pack?
I need something like that for across the hood hinges. To serve as a step for my rtt
@Jeff just wondering if the fold down window in the image above.. can these hinges be reinforced as to allow an average size person to stand on these or would this be a redundant suggestion. Not saying one would need to climb that far up the side, but who knows. Think I'm just interested in the hinges being reinforced.
When installed to swing down, the cargo door is intended to serve as a table. It's designed to use an affordable rv-style cargo hatch, which isn't intended to support heavy loads, but use as a table would be fine. It is possible to design a table/hinges strong enough to support the weight of a person, but I can't imagine that would be a common need.
Would be cool to see if this Lock Cylinder could be used for your hatch.
Did anyone ever pick up the barn door for production?
I don't think there would be enough demand for them to make it worth the trouble for me to find a company to manufacture and market them, so I haven't tried to find a company to bring it market.
I did post a question a while back asking if people would be interested in a DIY-finish kit which would include the fiberglass parts but leave the finishing and mounting up to the buyer but almost nobody was interested in that idea.
I kept the molds so if anything changes more can be made or they can go into production if a company thinks there's a market for them.
Maybe Ursa Minor would be interested? It would go perfect with their J30 pop-up camper top.