Building My Overland Tacoma: Plans, Progress, Perplexions


heeltoe989 said:
the nice thing also with the Dakar's is they don't give a harsh ride on the road when the truck is empty, because of the progressive spring and duel overloads. Most overland trucks carry heavy weight and it all depends on what you really are going to do with the truck. OME or Dakar's their both great springs.

You are right, that's the nice thing about Dakar. I remember, the numbers may not be right, it has ~189 lb/in as primary rate and jumps to ~300lb/in when overloads kick in.


heeltoe989 said:
the nice thing also with the Dakar's is they don't give a harsh ride on the road when the truck is empty....

I'll beg to differ, mine do give a harsh ride when empty, even with a Wildernest that weighs roughly 350 pounds, so I haul 20 gallons of water to make the ride smoother when running "empty".


Kermit said:
I'll beg to differ, mine do give a harsh ride when empty, even with a Wildernest that weighs roughly 350 pounds, so I haul 20 gallons of water to make the ride smoother when running "empty".

Everybody is different. I like the ride, plus I run a Donahoe res shock. Maybe my springs are a little softer due to the heavy weight they are carrying when I'm camping all the time. Shocks also make a big difference in the ride too.


I am running Bilsteins 5100.

My old Deaver springs were alot smoother, with Tundra spec, Bilsteins. I broke the Deavers, so that is why I went with OME...I do like them, but, they are very harsh when unloaded. They are however great when fully loaded...I'll put up with the harsh empty ride for that.

Very nice Tacoma, by the way, Heeltoe989.
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Kermit said:
I am running Bilsteins 5100.

My old Deaver springs were alot smoother, with Tundra spec, Bilsteins. I broke the Deavers, so that is why I went with OME...I do like them, but, they are very harsh when unloaded. They are however great when fully loaded...I'll put up with the harsh empty ride for that.

Very nice Tacoma, by the way Heeltoe.

Thanks very much.:)

I had Deaver 10 and 12 packs in my truck and they where a killer ride and killer articulation, nice and soft but no loading at all. Even my snowmobile pushed it down too far with a 12 pack.

Maybe I'm used to old farm trucks that road like tanks and anything is better than those.


HMR said:
Kermit- Do you have an '05+ Taco?

No, mine is a '99.

Will be a long time before I'll upgrade.

heeltoe, I hear on the old farm trucks, I used to work construction...our work trucks rode nothing like my Tacoma, the taco is almost car like.
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Kermit said:
No, mine is a '99.

Will be a long time before I'll upgrade.

heeltoe, I hear on the old farm trucks, I used to work construction...our work trucks rode nothing like my Tacoma, the taco is almost car like.

yeah. My mistake on your truck, I thought you had an 05+. I have no idea what a 99 would ride like. too bad its kinda harsh.


heeltoe989 said:
yeah. My mistake on your truck, I thought you had an 05+. I have no idea what a 99 would ride like. too bad its kinda harsh.

No worries, the 20 gallons of H2O I carry, takes care of the harshness. I live in the desert, so having the extra water isn't necessarily a bad thing.


Kermit said:
No worries, the 20 gallons of H2O I carry, takes care of the harshness. I live in the desert, so having the extra water isn't necessarily a bad thing.

no thats not a bad thing at all. Up here right now its -10C and everything will be frozen for the next 3 months.

Overland Hadley

on a journey



Overland Hadley

on a journey
Shady Boy awning is on it's way. (

I ordered it straight from Canada. It was cheaper, and I was able to work with Wolfgang, who was a great help.

I will be mounting it to the back of my roof top basket, so when opened it will cover the tailgate area. The aluminum case is only 50 inches long, slightly longer than the basket is wide. Should make a nice dry area to eat, get at gear, sit on the tailgate etc. And with no down poles, quick setup like at a trail head parking lot, will be easy.

Full report, with color photographs, to follow!

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