Hello to everyone here at Expedition portal. I just learned of this post form a potential (and now perhaps not so potential) customer. Sometimes I see posts and I feel I should just keep my nose out of it, and other times they seem like they need some attentions. This is one of those cases.
It's unfortunate to wake up to a post like this, but I certainly understand Tequilasunsets frustration. Addressing issues from afar on a custom product is tricky and I appreciate the plethora of pictures and video that has been sent. It really does help us diagnose the problems from Colorado. Finding shops willing to tackle a fix on a custom product like this is tricky, and we are working on finding a fix for him. The fiberglass shop in his area is the first step to getting him whole again. At the time I wrote this response I (nor Derek) haven't heard from the glass shop that met with Tequilasunset to fix this issue. I'm sure we will shortly. Although I wish things move quicker for Tequilasunset, some things are a quick fix, and others are more complicated. In order to find someone local to Tequilasunset we need to fully understand the problem and accurately communicate them to a local shop. If I were the third party I would be nervous to step in the middle of such a problem, and it's challenging to find someone in nor cal who is able and willing to do the work.
As our sales guy here at CCV I have the ability to respond and address issues, but some mechanical details are over my head and require response form Derek. This certainly is one of those cases and I look to him to find a solution. As I'm sure many of you know communication is not Derek's strong suit, and that's exactly why he brought me in. Unfortunately this means things move slower as I don't have the authority to fix this.
I know there have been problems in the past, and that there are still QC issues here at CCV. We are all trying to make changes for the better, but we are busy, and it's a challenge for a small shop like ours to make them as quickly as we want.
I am also upset that we sent Tequilasunset away with a product in this state. When he and I walked the van neither he nor I noticed the issues. I'm not making excuses, I honestly just didn't see the cracks and flaws in the top. I wouldn't have been so happy to show the van to him had I known of these issues. I'm in the office on the phone and email all day, so I don't see the product as closely. When the top left the shop it was all working fine from my view. We cycled the top up and down, ran the fan, it seemed fine. I'm not saying Tequilasunset did anything to cause this, only that it has seemed to work itself out of alignment over his drive home. Again, not an excuse and it shouldn't do this, but I want to be clear, I wouldn't let something in it's current state drive away. I have a couple theories as to what may be causing this, but I don't want to post them here. We will find a solution for Tequilasunset and ultimately I hope he enjoys his product.
Below I have copied the latest email between Derek, myself and Tequilasunset. I took out his email and changed his name to his handle here for his privacy. I did leave in our spelling errors as I didn't want to be accused of editing anything in the email to make ourselves look better. We're human. This is only a snapshot of our communication, and there have been many emails and pictures exchanged. I only post them here to show that we do care, our response was not spurred by this post, and we're doing our best to get him taken care of.
We aren't trying to ignore him, nor are we unwilling to fix his issues. I appreciate his patience with us and his help with all the pics and video. I know a lot of you are fabricators yourselves and understand the problems that arise with custom work. Sometimes there are issues. We seldom hear of success stories as they don't draw as much attention and passion as problems.
I do still believe in our pop top product, and do feel it is the best (and one of the cheapest) tops on the market.
Matt Dunkerly - Colorado Campervan
Email as follows…
On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 9:09 AM, "derek@coloradocampervan.com" <derek@coloradocampervan.com> wrote:
I am still willing to make your problems right if you want to do that. This includes to pay a shop to wet sand, repair and buff the top out, fix the broken dome light, repair the loose carpet that needs glued, replace your missing fuse and holder and send you a new prop stick.
If you want to get this fix contact David @ (number removed for this post) he will have you come in so he can get me an estimate on time needed to fix it and schedule a time to do it. This is a professional close to you that will have give a professional opinion on how to clean up your top as apposed to your google search saing that it cannot be fixed.
This is the third e-mail I have offered this help to fix the problem and so far all you seem to do is complain about my excuses and lack of people skills however not once have you said yes or no on if your willing to let us fix the issues.
I can not fix something if your not willing to move forward with the process and just want to complain about every word we say or type. To get this resolved you will need to work with me in a timely manor.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Re: Re: video-
Date: Tue, July 12, 2016 8:09 am
To: "Yahoo mail" Tequilasunset
Morning Tequilasunset,
I just got your other email this AM, but I wanted to reply here so we can keep this as one string. You said you didn't want to hear anything until we had a quick and total fix, so I was waiting until I got a solution from Derek.
I had Derek reply to you on the last email, because I feel these issues are above me, and should be addressed by the owner of the company. Derek doesn't ream my emails unless I send them on to him. In your case I have been sending him all of our correspondence.
I'll wait for Derek to find a shop in Sacramento that can take care of you.
Matt Dunkerly
(970) 699-6000
Colorado Camper Van LLC
(I pulled Tequilasunsets email form my post) 7/15/16 11:22 AM