This is getting tedious. You are ignoring the 2.5 million defensive uses of guns that DON'T happen in Canada every year, yet we have a lower crime rate. Why?
I wouldn't change those restrictions. (and many non-commonwealth countries have the same restrictions) I LIKE those restrictions. The system isn't perfect, but it's *working*.
Do you carry a AED? It's a tool. I think it's MUCH more likely to save a life.
We can't all carry all the tools. We all pick and choose, based on our perceptions and fears.
I used to have the "guns R bad" bug. It was largely dispelled when I went to the range. I already said, I think guns are cool. If I had the money, I'd buy lots of guns, just because they're cool. But I would lock them up. Just the same as I safety my power nailer, my welder (or at least the 220V socket for it), etc.
Well, I already answered it I thought. In certain rare circumstances, I'm screwed.
As for hunting... now there IS a good use. That IS why I said I would like to get a gun for TEOTWAWKI. And something in this thread made me switch that thought from shotguns for defence, to a rifle. If I were to have a gun, and it had to be unloaded, it would be faster to use because I imagine popping in a magazine is faster than plugging shells into a shotgun.
A couple things:
All crime does not involve guns. You have a lower crime rate yes, you also don't have the criminal culture in most of Canada that pervades much of the US-Gangs. You are right, there are very few defensive uses of guns in Canada. If more people had guns that were accessible, there would be more defensive uses of guns. It is a proven fact that when concealed carry is introduced into an area crime goes down. Canada could have an even lower crime rate than it does--why wouldn't you want that? Based on a story posted earlier in this thread, there is in fact some gun violence in Canada with (shock of all shocks) criminals using illegal guns. Why would they do such a thing?
Criminals are not always the smartest people around, but even they don't think that car jacking someone is worth getting shot over....(For the most part) there are, apparently, a few exceptions.
Dunno what an AED is. Can it protect me an mine? If it is in the same vein as a fire extinguisher and smaller than a baby hippo, I'd consider it.
What is TEOTWAWKI? Canadian Bigfoot?
Do your guns ALWAYS have to be unloaded? In the home? while hunting? in transport to hunting?
I'll admit to being a little over the top a couple times in this thread, but it pains me to see people killed who have the capacity to defend themselves. Sure, people are going to die, but when I see on the news that a woman has been raped and killed, I can't help but think that if she had even a little pocket gun, she at the very minimum could have scared off the rapist. And if the rapist has a bigger gun, she might be able to put some rounds into him before she is shot. She is still dead, but at least didn't have to get raped first.
If you don't want to have/carry a gun. Fine. I honestly hope nothing ever happens to you. I hope nothing ever happens to me too, but if it does, I'll be equipped to neutralize a threat. (not addressed specifically to Rob, just folks in general)