Doc's AT FlipPac Build Thread


Well-known member
Great fix only one concern; possibility of metal to paint interference if Heim was slid to far onto hood pin? Easily fixed with some plastic dip or a couple of layers of electrical tape over outside circumference? Or in your estimation ( since you have layer eyes and hands on) is this not an issue?

IIRC, that is as far back as it will slide onto the pin, as the mounting bracket part (vertical part) makes a natural stop. No way to slide back further and hit the painted surface.


Nice setup with the goose gear do you think you lost some weight compared to your old wood setup.

Dave Bennett

Nice setup with the goose gear do you think you lost some weight compared to your old wood setup.

Absolutely! I now have 40% more cubic inches of storage back there that weighs 50% less than the home built plywood setup I started with.


Well-known member
Technically you have the same amount of cubic inches of storage as the bed and Flipac didn't change shape, its just better orginized and the parts to orginize is 50% less weight. Hahaha.... just giving ya some crap. LOL Looks GREAT and really clean.

Dave Bennett

Technically you have the same amount of cubic inches of storage as the bed and Flipac didn't change shape, its just better orginized and the parts to orginize is 50% less weight. Hahaha.... just giving ya some crap. LOL Looks GREAT and really clean.


ACTUALLY, I had a LOT of wasted cubic inches from the bed rail down due to things like the thickness of walls and some areas of the bed being blocked/inaccessible due to the way I built the previous interior.

Now, all of those issues have been addressed including things like maintenance. Now I can get to EVERY bolt on the shell and the bolts holding the modules to the deck EASILY to visualize and re-torque them as well as the propane line and heater. The reality is that this system by Goose Gear does not waste any space at all and made camper maintenance painless.
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Looks great. Im glad a US company is producing a product like this. Excited to see what other products and platforms the Goose Gear will be designed for.


That's a great looking modular setup for sure!

Does Goose Gear have a production timeline or approximate cost? I didn't see anything listed on their site currently.


New member
Xrunner and others looking for system information and pricing, we are currently working out all of the details and will keep people posted on our website and better yet via social media, instagram, etc. You can find links to our social media pages on our site. Right now we are looking at about 6-8 weeks from having a lot of really good information on our site with various modules, options and sizes. Special thanks to Dave as he has been kind enough to allow us to use his truck as a test bed for product development.

We have posted more images on our site at


That's a great looking modular setup for sure!

Does Goose Gear have a production timeline or approximate cost? I didn't see anything listed on their site currently.

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