Downsized* 1985 BJ70


Love having fun 😊 in the 🌞 by the ⛵ and the ⏳
Just a heads up, as I too am a 70 series owner. Living in Kanukistan, puts BD out of our reach for at least the winter months, way too cold! However, some are making it via an old water heater and various other paraphernalia and are using it in the summer months. Suspect they are starting with BD10 and working their way up to BD80 or 90.

I have heard that BD will degrade/eat some rubber/plastic tubing like fuel lines unless they are metal of course. Then there is the fuel filter gumming up, injectors, fuel pump, injector pump, etc. Getting parts for your 70, Andrew, probably won't be too hard as it was sold in Kanukistan. If you need parts, call or email me and I will give you hand. Another thing to try, is a blend of BD with D; start with more D than BD and work your way up to BD90 or higher if you have the guts.

My 73 is a bit different, tough to find parts even in Kanukistan so I am a bit leery of trying it.

BTW...I am up for a MX trip in the late fall or winter as well. Hope to be wintering in the south of I can find a house to sit.


El Gringo Spectacular!
I did a little research last night, and apparently the cloud point of B99 is about 55 degrees F (12.7 degrees C), while regular #2 diesel is about -10 F (-23 degrees C). So, even in Flagstaff during the summer, I'd likely run a blend of about 50/50 summer, with maybe 10-20% in the winter.

The fuel lines on the 70, because they are still natural rubber, may degrade and need replacing with vitron line, but may be fine with lower percentages of biodiesel. I'll likely spend the $100 on new lines just to be sure, but so far no problems.

I did change out the fuel filter, as I'm sure that the injector pump and everything else is getting a good cleaning!

I'm gonna head to my local Walgreens and pick up some stuff to make my first test batch...1L, so I'm expecting some odd looks when I buy a postal scale, blender, drain cleaner (Lye), and HEET fuel additive (methanol)! Hopefully the local drug task force won't tackle me in the parking lot....:Wow1:

Jan, I'll take you up on being a parts source for info! Thanks! 70 parts, while OK to source, can be a bit more difficult here in the states!


Grease Cruiser

........70 parts, while OK to source, can be a bit more difficult here in the states!


You would be surprised of what parts are available for the 70 series through good auto parts stores as well as your Toyota dealer.

Also, if you don't want to mess with the hassle of making bio-diesel, you might also try 'blending'. I've brewed quite a few batches of bio-d and I found blending to be a lot easier as well as less corrosive on your internal parts. You can go up to 20% just mixing veggie oil and dyno diesel together. You can also add kero, acetone (very small quantities), RUG (regular unleaded gasoline), etc and up the amount of VO being used. Some people are running up to an 80% blend of VO with a variety of other fuels.

I ran a 10% mixture of VO with dyno diesel last summer with my 13BT and it improved the mileage and ran a lot better on it.

Diesels are very cool, especially the old 3B. That diesel will run on about anything.

If you are interested, try researching: "vegetable oil blending" as well as "single tank VO systems".

Have fun with it.


El Gringo Spectacular!
Well...since my wife is out tonight for a dance rehearsal....

I'm brewin' biodiesel in the kitchen! (Let's not mention this if you do happen to know my wife...some things a spouse doesn't need to know.... :ylsmoke:)

What ya' need for a liter test batch:


Believe it or not, I didn't get asked about this when buying the stuff at the local supermarket!

Heating the soybean oil to 140 degrees F:


A little mix of NaOH and Methanol:


Add together and agitate (shake!):


Letting it settle now...watching the glycerine fall to the bottom!

Next "wash" or not to "wash."

Thanks for the info GC, I wasn't sure about blending...I'll do the research!

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Expedition Leader
I'm gonna head to my local Walgreens and pick up some stuff to make my first test batch...1L, so I'm expecting some odd looks when I buy a postal scale, blender, drain cleaner (Lye), and HEET fuel additive (methanol)! Hopefully the local drug task force won't tackle me in the parking lot....:Wow1:


H- all you need is some Coleman fuel, acetone and another ingredient and your ready to go. Maybe you weren't tackled due to your small quantities. I started laughing when I first read your grocery list.

Watch out for the black choppers!!!


Expedition Leader
cool H, a little experamental cookery in the wifes kitchen (dont fool yourself we know whos house it is).

i gues i have been "blending" for a while,,,, my neighbor trimmed a few palms last summer and i collected all the seedpods,,, i squeezed them best i could and ran the oil in the cruiser, i also put a few of the wifes oil changes in the cruiser and the oil from fish fry fridays at the local VFW,,, ect,ect, i've been playing around with all kinds of stuff.


Thanks for info!

I am so glad you are on this topic; I am paying off/picking up a nice 87 BJ74 w/13BT in near future, and have been looking for alternative possibilities to run/brew myself. I will stay tuned, and see what works well for you.


El Gringo Spectacular!
Ok, GC & Rhino, I may need ya'lls' opinion (Yes, I just used the plural possessive tense of ya'll, in true Texan fashion....).

After letting the mix settle all night (at about 70 degrees F), I have this:


There's a clear glycerine layer; however, I've been told it should be dark brown...otherwise I didn't use enough NaOH.

What say ye?



Expedition Leader
in your pics it looks like you used virgin oil,,, i'm no expert but veggie oil only gets brown when its used (burnt) so,,,, ya gonna make some glycerin soap?


El Gringo Spectacular!
I'll tell the wife I made some soap just for her! With the byproduct being just for me! :coffeedrink:

I was kinda thinking that with the new oil, it may not be brown....


Grease Cruiser

I'm no expert either but I think Rhino is right. That's what it should like when you use virgin oil. Color can vary with different types of oil as well.

I always felt like a mad scientist when I brewed bio-d. Something about the mixing of the ingredients and making this magical liquid that can be used to fuel your car. And of course the visions of overthrowing the big, bad oil companies.

If you start collecting used oil, you might want to research cold flow filtration as well as centrifuges.


El Gringo Spectacular!
I have a client who's offered all the used oil I can take....

I just have limited space in my garage, and since it's a condo, I can't really have a processor on the front deck...:chef:

I'll wash this batch and put it in the tank! With virgin oil it's not gonna be a price win, but just getting back to my B.S. in Evironmental Science and practicing some lab skills is fun as all get out!



Expedition Leader
you can easily run a centrifuge at your place,, heck in a closet. then just blend it at 20% or so.

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