Downsized* 1985 BJ70


El Gringo Spectacular!
Since I'm busy trying things out, now the "washing" part of the project comes in. Essentially, it's a water wash that will remove the excess NaOH/Methanol as well as glycerine (the main ingredient in soap).

The biodiesel is put in another 2L bottle, leaving the glycerine layer behind.


500ml of body temp water is added, then gently (very gently) rotated. Once done, the water is drained off, with the extra glycerine. Five washes later, the water is clear, and the biodiesel is "clean."


The clean biodiesel is not clear...kindof an orange juice lookin' mix. After a day or so it should go clear.


Next step...into the 70!

Full instructions can be found at

-H- :victory:
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Love having fun 😊 in the 🌞 by the ⛵ and the ⏳
There are several folks homebrewing BD here in Flag. I'm a-retentive enough to really like the idea of having an actual petroleum processor make it, as my idea of sourcing a 3B injection pump doesn't sound like fun.

Funny thing, I was packing the truck outside of Alfonsina's in Gonzaga Bay when I heard my name called...turns out it was Scott from the P&T and his wife, 18mo. old, and their friends!

The Flagstaff contingent isn't afraid of Mexico! :sombrero:


Hey Andrew, since you are really into this home brew BD, might consider getting in touch with all the current diesel owners and those already making the home brew and do a joint venture on a kit or home made system to make several hundreds of litres a batch. You could share the load by one supplying the used veggie oil, one supplying the place, others with the old hot water heater, chemicals, $$$, etc. and as you would divide the product there would be no legal hassles. That way all would have enough fuel each week or so, to get around in Flag. You could share data, info to refine the production runs to get it just right including the blends.

Just my $0.02...good luck.


El Gringo Spectacular!
One of my good friends has a Mercedes 300 TDI, and he's made quite a few batches in a larger 55 gallon processor in his we might put another one together using really nice, upgraded and efficient equipment. I'll likely make a couple more batches of 1L just to practice a bit and get the idea of how the catalysts work, etc.

But for now....

6 miles worth of veggie fuel into the tank!



I'll try some peanut oil next...maybe a larger batch. I hear it smells great!



Expedition Leader
Since I'm busy trying things out, now the "washing" part of the project comes in. Essentially, it's a water wash that will remove the excess NaOH/Methanol as well as glycerine (the main ingredient in soap).
That's called "de-estherification" or removing the esther molecule from the mix/compound... This is one of the key components of the sugar's make up. When the Esther mol. is removed the sugar is more easily/quickly broken down and removed. Is this WVO? Because if this is truly a "cracked" fuel from bio-haul this should have been done alot earlier in the process with lye or something. Or is this just a further "wash" because of concern over plugging the fuel system and overall viscosity of the fuel?




El Gringo Spectacular!
I didn't use WVO for this batch, just testing it with virgin soybean oil.

Fun learning about this stuff though!



Keeping in the vein of kitchen utensils for your reactor vessels...

I was watching your "Wash" steps, and started thinking an Ice Tea maker with the spout on the bottom would mimic a seperatory funnel quite nicely.


Expedition Leader
I didn't use WVO for this batch, just testing it with virgin soybean oil.

Fun learning about this stuff though!

Good on ya mate. just like heir Rudolph would have done ;) except he'd have used Penut oil.

I guess I should have read the previous 2 pages of te thread where you cover'd that eh HAHAHHAHA. Well, there's a REAl good book called "from the Fryer to the Fuel tank" that while not AS technical as some gives a real good bit of info for the everyday user. Larger batches using a full set-up will use Lye as I said to seperate the Esther/Glycerine.

I'm so jealous mate. 70 Seriesd, BD... What a great set-up. Keep it coming.




El Gringo Spectacular!
Keeping in the vein of kitchen utensils for your reactor vessels...

I was watching your "Wash" steps, and started thinking an Ice Tea maker with the spout on the bottom would mimic a seperatory funnel quite nicely.

Ok...why didn't I think of that! I'm picking one up on my way home today!



Central Scrutinizer
Ok...why didn't I think of that! I'm picking one up on my way home today!


Those crappy valves barely hold up to tea. I doubt they would last long with the use you plan.

Could you use something like this?



Those ones mo gas put up are available from Nalgene. They are probably a little spendy, and may not be available to individuals.

Agreed on the little drains on the Ice Tea models, they suck.

Check this:

They aint cheap... $80 bucks minimum looks like. 1 gal, 2.5 gal etc....

Another thought... How about an old laundry detergent bottle with spigot. they are not clear, but as you draw off the lower layer you will see when the fuel starts to come out. My liquid detergent spigots don't tend to leak....
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16 Years on ExPo. Whoa!!
Congrats Andy...

Also pretty neat with the washing, you have to wash the first round fairly "softly" but the second or third rounds you can do quite violently... Even with new oil you should get a pretty clear separation of glycerin layer or glyderin of a light brown. Peanut oil is very nice, it burns really well and also has some of the best emissions characteristics among biodiesel types but unfortunately also has the poorest cold weather characteristics. With NaOH not sure what the titation should be but probably closer to anywhere from 5-8g per liter on new oil and its better to be stronger rather than weaker as the excess just ends up in the glycerin layer regardless. It is probably worth it to titrate the oil just in case because there are some variations even among new oil types despite what the directions say. Titration is very easy and you get to the point where you can do it in 2 or 3 minutes :) Wait until you start getting into larger batches, it's pretty neat to bang out 100 or even a couple hundred gallons of biodiesel ready to go at any moment :) Biodiesel is a "science" but it's an "artful" science, not really like working on a car where guaranteed results are guaranteed results, takes lots of experimentation. Also unfortunately be weary of much of what you read on the net unfortunately a lot of is wrong or has small errors, just an FYI so always have a relatively thick BS filter on unfortunately...

Also if it helps I have a very ************ 80 gallon processor for sale if you are ready for only maybe $1500-2000 or so (will need to figure this out, we have about $3000 into it). Pretty neat, it is a mobile unit complete with its own fuse panel. It also has a 2.5 hp pump and 1 1/4 ports so it fills in about 50 seconds, which is amazing... We are even contemplating not selling it but we also have a pretty killer automated processor called a Bio Pro 380 which is pretty neat, add the ingredients and walk away. Come back 1 day later, drain the glycerin, walk away again you come back and 100 gallons is washed and ready to go....


El Gringo Spectacular!
Tempting Andre! I'll touch base with you when, and if, I'm ready to go that route...I've got a couple of buddies who are interested too....

MoGas was kind enough to get me a SWEET Nalgene 10L bottle with spigot, so I'll likely try a batch with WVO the next round. :coffeedrink:



16 Years on ExPo. Whoa!!
Very cool. Also be careful with certain types of plastic as they can melt with the reaction. Also I'm sure you noticed all the heat and the fumes with the lye/methanol reaction, be very careful around that and again very careful not to breathe those fumes as they are very toxic... Cheers and enjoy!

Also I'll try to get some photos of our processor soon. We're on the fence but haven't used it in a while so it might just have to go :(

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