Downsized* 1985 BJ70


El Gringo Spectacular!
Ok, Ok, here you go gents! A short write up is in the Completed Adventures and Events section....


Necessite grasa para mi suspension.


So, the 411...

Averaged between 19-21mpg fully loaded, with the roofrack weighing in at about 200lbs.

I really didn't understand the hype over 70 series cruiser...but I'm now a convert. Really guys and gals, these are everything they are said to be. Excellent compromise between comfort, capability, efficiency, field maintainable, and reliable.

There's just something about putting along in a 70 series in a third world country; listening to a Toyota diesel rattle that is almost one of the best overlanding experiences one can have.

I'm sold on these things...beg, steal, borrow, or sell the first born son to get one if you can.


Grease Cruiser

Averaged between 19-21mpg fully loaded, with the roofrack weighing in at about 200lbs.

I really didn't understand the hype over 70 series cruiser...but I'm now a convert. Really guys and gals, these are everything they are said to be. Excellent compromise between comfort, capability, efficiency, field maintainable, and reliable.

There's just something about putting along in a 70 series in a third world country; listening to a Toyota diesel rattle that is almost one of the best overlanding experiences one can have.

I'm sold on these things...beg, steal, borrow, or sell the first born son to get one if you can.


Amen.......I've had several and it's hard to go back to a 40 series.

Speaking of buying a 70 series, I have one for sale in Colorado if anyone is interested. PM me.
I apologize for the shameless plug for the sale of my 70 series but I'd like it to go to a good home and possibly to someone on this forum so I can watch it in all its glory.


El Gringo Spectacular!
I was planning, if something fell through on this 70, just to take a right at Utah and come to Colorado to speak with you in person regarding your 70!

Take some pics and post that thing in the FS section! Shouldn't last too long at all!


Grease Cruiser

I was planning, if something fell through on this 70, just to take a right at Utah and come to Colorado to speak with you in person regarding your 70!

Take some pics and post that thing in the FS section! Shouldn't last too long at all!


I was hoping you would swing by as well. Looks like you got a nice 70 there so I don't blame you. I may end up putting my 70 series for sale in the FS section but then it is "officially" for sale. I don't really want to sell it but I just don't use it, so I should sell it. Ahhhhh the quandary.


Sweet truck


I love 70 series cruisers and have ridden in them many times. Here's my buddy Mauricio with his BJ70. He transplanted a 14BT and added a couple of goodies.


I want one, too.


16 Years on ExPo. Whoa!!
Speaking of buying a 70 series, I have one for sale in Colorado if anyone is interested. PM me.
I apologize for the shameless plug for the sale of my 70 series but I'd like it to go to a good home and possibly to someone on this forum so I can watch it in all its glory.

If that is your BJ74 that is one of my dream vehicles, even RHD...


El Gringo Spectacular!
Ooo that smell...can't you smell that smell...

That smell, mi amigos y amigas, is B99 biodiesel! Gotta love virtually zero emissions and french fries!

Delivered some parts to Pskhaat's uber troopy, then wandered by Western States Petroleum in Phoenix yesterday with an empty fuel tank and several NATO cans, and filled up with pure waste vegetable oil biodiesel!

I'll cut it slightly for use in Flagstaff, to prevent gelling, but the joy of running "recycled" fuel in a diesel is excellent! costs less than regular #2 diesel!

-H- :sombrero:


El Gringo Spectacular!
I have a couple of friends who've done it, and my general opinion is that you've really got to do it right, especially when I have limited garage space.

I really like the FuelPod 2, which allows for 50L of biodiesel to be made at a time, while being a fully self contained, small package. But...they run about $3K US:

Sounds like it might just be easier for me to spend $50 on a 35gal. drum and $50 on a pump and fill it up in Phoenix every once and a while. Since Flagstaff is prone to low temps; I'll likely run 50/50 in the summer and 20% in the winter.



Expedition Leader
I do not know if he is still around Andy, but there was a guy at Sound Pro in east Flag that brewed his on bio-diesel.

KNAZ did a story on him several years ago.

Dude has three or four various diesels; VW Bus, Troopy, PuP, Rabbit....don't know if it would be worth your time to check in to though.

Good guy...used to ooggle over my diesel Luv.

EDIT: On your MX trip back in march, did you run in to the dude from P&T with his family?


El Gringo Spectacular!
There are several folks homebrewing BD here in Flag. I'm a-retentive enough to really like the idea of having an actual petroleum processor make it, as my idea of sourcing a 3B injection pump doesn't sound like fun.

Funny thing, I was packing the truck outside of Alfonsina's in Gonzaga Bay when I heard my name called...turns out it was Scott from the P&T and his wife, 18mo. old, and their friends!

The Flagstaff contingent isn't afraid of Mexico! :sombrero:

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Expedition Leader
Understandable on the pump concerns...hadnt actaully thought of that.

You'll need to introduce Tiff and I(and our daughter) to Mexico once we are on Flagstaff.

See you in a few weeks!!


Expedition Leader
andy double check, but i dont think you'll have a problem with the bio you bought in Phx gelling. its got no glycerin any more,,, i put a small jar of it on ice and didnt seem to do anything.


El Gringo Spectacular!
R, that's what I've heard...but maybe I'm being cautious. I'll give the "bio in the freezer" test a go!


Always ready for the next Mexico adventure!


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