field knives


4Rescue said:
Here it is:


Gotta get me one of these!


Daily carry is a CRKT Snap Fire.


Pack and glovebox each carry a Frost's of Sweden Mora 780 Craftsman tri-flex fixed blade that has proven very durable and useful.



When I camp... I carry...

These are my tool group for camping... have yet to run into a situation that can't be dealt with using one of these.

EDC... mine has black main blade and I sharpened off the serrations... Knives/?action=view&current=Fireman.jpg

Weekend EDC (with above) Knives/?action=view&current=LMWave.jpg

My best camp Knife... Knives/?action=view&current=SG-REV7.jpg

Used for stuff you shouldn't do with a knife... Knives/?action=view&current=SP8.jpg


Recently purchased to replace my SP8... Knives/?action=view&current=SP16.jpg

I don't carry the last 2 on me... kept in the truck.
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Expedition Leader
cjmitchell5 said:
Gotta get me one of these!
They really are amazing. The long handle allows for multiple grips for different tasks, and the blade is heavy so it carries right through larger pieces of brush that you just don't initialy think it will cut. And like I said, I'v cut up about a 15" diameter log by ringing it and whittling it down. This tool is one amazing brush knife.

Here's about 1/3 of my colection, mostly the Gerbers the GF has been getting me over the last year. Such a cool GF.

All of'm... My personal fav's are the left row and the fixed blades.

I have the torch II as my daily carry, and I LOVE this knife, it has this finger flip opening mechanism that is really neat and when open provides a finger guard or another style of finger hold. Love this knife, it's heavyish all metal very torsionaly strong and is pretty large for a folder. I fell lilke I have a tool with me at all times that is worth it's weight to me. The other knife is a mini that has the same opening mechanism and feels amazing to just play with opening and closeing etc.

I have a ton of Gators. They make these here in Portland and there'sd a ton of them

This row is my fave of these. The wooden handle knives are some freebies from Duluth trading, but they're pretty well made knives and most importantly the just FEEL great to handle and work with. The black knife next to the Yellow Rescue cutter is an UZI rescue tool and it's one stout knife.

the Brush Knife...

Close up of hte Duluth knives.

Close up of eh rescue knives.

Some of my Fixed blades





Expedition Leader
Co-opski said:
Dave the Fiskar axes are nice too. :campfire:
yeah got a few of those too. I was super skeptical of their durability, but after letting my GF's brother get ahold of it one weekend camping it was still alive the next week. To say he abuses and ruins tools is to say Hitler was a bit of a racist...




I am a fan of cheap things that work well. So my camping knives are a kershaw military boot knife and a cold steel kukri machete. At $20 for the machete I don't need to worry about it to much. The kershaw actually kind of fell in my lap. I was contemplating buying it when I found a text book in the middle of the road on my way to class. There was no name in it and no way to track down the owner, so I took it to the book store and sold it for $60. That covered the price of the knife exactly.


I've recently become enamored with Benchmade folders for EDC. I have carried for nearly 30 years, without fail, a Victorinox Classic (I actually bought a case some years ago for just a few dollars a knife so I can easily replace one when it wears out).

When I was younger my three main knives were a Buck 119 for camping, a Folding Hunter for general use/hiking, and an Air Force survival knife that I never warmed up to.

These days, like I mentioned in an earlier post, I use the Fallkniven F1 (I've got two and the old Buck 119 in three different packs). I also like the Vic Farmer.

But the other day I saw and handled some Benchmade folders and actually bought a 710 but am returning it in favor of the Griptilian (full size and a mini) with the regular modified drop point blade. They are a brilliant knife.


Appalachian Ridgerunner
I can always count on my wife for some good steel. Here's a field knife she got me for Xmas.

It's made by Windlass Steelcrafts and is a full tang Krupp steel knife with a hammer hilt. The leather wrapped grip is way comfortable. Check out the thickness of the blade. This thing takes one mean edge.

It split a deer's ribcage with ease. Handled skinning work quite well, though I wouldn't want to fillet a bass with it. This is going to be my carry knife when hiking or exploring the backwoods.

Maximus Ram

Expedition Leader
I can always count on my wife for some good steel. Here's a field knife she got me for Xmas.

It's made by Windlass Steelcrafts and is a full tang Krupp steel knife with a hammer hilt. The leather wrapped grip is way comfortable. Check out the thickness of the blade. This thing takes one mean edge.

It split a deer's ribcage with ease. Handled skinning work quite well, though I wouldn't want to fillet a bass with it. This is going to be my carry knife when hiking or exploring the backwoods.

Nice blade, Haggis. What is the name of it ? I looked at their site, but couldn't find it. Thanks.


For the money, I think few knives come close to the Ontario RAT-7 for durability and effectiveness. Same goes for the smaller RAT-5.

As for folders, I'd say that distinction goes to the CRKT folders. Great little knives and pretty dang tough, too.

Of course, if the SHTF and I could have only one knife with me, it would be my Busse Fusion Battle Mistress. :drool:

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