Freelander as an overland vehicle?


Expedition Leader
How anyone with even the slightest love for a Land Rover can claim he has owned a NAS D110 and not know it's number is beyond me.
I don't know. I've been driving mostly nothing but Land Rovers for 35 years (so you could say I have a slight love of them) and even though I own two that are nearly as rare as the NAS 110 (actually probably even more rare now) I never paid any attention to the actual numbers on them until someone started a 109 6cly NADA "registry" last year. Even now, even with the fact I have one as my avatar, I couldn't tell you what the numbers are without looking. It just doesn't matter.
Odds are, as much as I wanted NAS 110 when they were introduced, I'd have not paid any attention to the number.

So, just because most owners care, because of the fact that I don't really care I can easily imagine someone else not caring.


I don't know. I've been driving mostly nothing but Land Rovers for 35 years (so you could say I have a slight love of them) and even though I own two that are nearly as rare as the NAS 110 (actually probably even more rare now) I never paid any attention to the actual numbers on them until someone started a 109 6cly NADA "registry" last year. Even now, even with the fact I have one as my avatar, I couldn't tell you what the numbers are without looking. It just doesn't matter.
Odds are, as much as I wanted NAS 110 when they were introduced, I'd have not paid any attention to the number.

So, just because most owners care, because of the fact that I don't really care I can easily imagine someone else not caring.

But if you've been asked this question a hundred times, on 5 or 6 bulletin boards, wouldn't you just provide the stupid number so people would stop calling you an out and out liar. All this bull**** would grind to a halt if said party just posted a picture standing next to said truck.

And it would also help the reputation of this guy by at least giving him some credibilty...
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So far, from what what I've seen on this site, Steve lied about nothing. And why on earth should he have to provide proof of anything? Anyway, if we ban everyone who exaggerates their achievements, or how difficult their trail was, or what position they hold at work, I reckon we'll have a thin membership.

Judge a guy by what you actually see him do, not by hearsay. I know the Portal is not a democracy, and that decisions to ban are ultimately at Scott's sole discretion, but I, for one, like to understand the principles behind a ban. See ******** or Jane break rules, see ******** or Jane get banned.

This smacked of an e-lynching, ending with an official coup de gráce.


Expedition Leader
Maybe, if I had it, but if you asked me for the VIN for any of the Land Rovers I've had, but have sold, I couldn't tell you. Even for my '73 that I drove for two years I haven't a clue what the number was. The only reason I "know" the numbers of my 109's is because I still have the Land Rovers.
On the other hand, I might not provide it, just so I could laugh to myself at the people making a big deal out of it. I've never been the type to feel like I had to prove anything to anyone. I just don't care about others' opinions about me, well, cept maybe my wife's. ;)

Now, if I see someone providing what I think is incorrect information that might cause someone harm or a waste of time or money, then I will point it out. And I like it when others do the same about information I've provided. But if it doesn't really matter (as in, "I'm a certified instructor" has no relevance on whether or not a Freelander makes a resonable expedition vehicle), I couldn't care less if they are making stuff up.

Ah, now that I've posted, I see by my avatar that one of my 109's is #274.
Just in case I needed to prove it. ;)
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Expedition Leader
All this bull**** would grind to a halt if said party just posted a picture standing next to said truck.
Oh man, I hope I'm not called on to prove anything. In all my years of driving Land Rovers, I think I have 3, maybe 4, photos of me beside one of them.


So far, from what what I've seen on this site, Steve lied about nothing. And why on earth should he have to provide proof of anything? Anyway, if we ban everyone who exaggerates their achievements, or how difficult their trail was, or what position they hold at work, I reckon we'll have a thin membership.

Judge a guy by what you actually see him do, not by hearsay. I know the Portal is not a democracy, and that decisions to ban are ultimately at Scott's sole discretion, but I, for one, like to understand the principles behind a ban. See ******** or Jane break rules, see ******** or Jane get banned.

This smacked of an e-lynching, ending with an official coup de gráce.

This situation has grown over many boards and many lies...This may seem like it has only happened on this board, but the same issues with said individual has been questioned many times. He claims to own a Land Rover parts supply house, and credibility is a huge concern of mine when buying parts and aftermarket kit for a truck. When one see's the postings and apparent side steppings of this guy, you have to question his actual knowledge and experience. Understand that most of the guy's questioning his actual experience and knowledge are trying to protect other from being screwed over by someone who claims vast knowledge, but in reality, is living a life of lies.
So think want you want, but this guy has been given the opportunity on just about every board where he has been questioned, to back up his claims with fact, and rarely has it happened.


Expedition Leader
He claims to own a Land Rover parts supply house, and credibility is a huge concern of mine when buying parts and aftermarket kit for a truck.
Actually he claims to be part owner.
Do you even do business with DAP? If your attitude is like some, I'm guessing you don't for the sole reason Steve works there.
Do you have every Land Rover business you buy from prove who's the owner and who is just an employee?
If Steve isn't part owner, does that make DAP's products more attractive?
If Steve is part owner, does that make them less attractive?

I know of at least one person who posted in this thread who's publically stated he won't deal with DAP. Not because he had bad dealings DAP, but because he used to get piled on, on another board, and decided to join in on Steve so he would fit in. Now he feels cool.
That's how ridiculous this all is.



Are you all still talking about this? If many of you all want to take advise from an out and out liar - Godspeed! Ignorance is bliss I guess. I for one would loooooooooove to know who's full of it and who isn't, who to take advise from and who not.

As far as Mr Young having to "prove" things? He's the boy that cries wolf - many of us that have had to endure his fictitious stories, statements, and poor advise have grown accustomed to asking for "proof" from Mr. Young.

And the whole "certification" topic? Again, when we teach a student in off-highway driving, he or she receives a certificate of completion. This IS NOT AN ENDORSEMENT OR CERTIFICATE TO INSTRUCT. Would you all want someone who went through ONE driving course to instruct you?


Expedition Leader
If Steve *wasn't* a part-owner of the company, don't you think that the real owners would have fired him, and corrected the mistatement? I can't think anybody would let that go.

And the whole "certification" topic? Again, when we teach a student in off-highway driving, he or she receives a certificate of completion. This IS NOT AN ENDORSEMENT OR CERTIFICATE TO INSTRUCT. Would you all want someone who went through ONE driving course to instruct you?

Steve sent me his Land Rover Experience training certificate. It indicates Level One, Instructor Training

Am I misreading what Scott wrote, or are you creating a straw-man?
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Actually he claims to be part owner.
Do you even do business with DAP? If your attitude is like some, I'm guessing you don't for the sole reason Steve works there. I did once, for a client whom followed Steve's advice on big blue springs and procomp shocks. Steve's word's "I've used these on all my vehicles and they out perform the RTE and OME packages hands done" Two weeks later changed the package over to RTE
Do you have every Land Rover business you buy from prove who's the owner and who is just an employee? When one of the employee's is spewing bull**** all over Land Rover, I question whether or not they as a shop or supply have any clue about what they are selling or providing information on. So, yes
If Steve isn't part owner, does that make DAP's products more attractive? No,but he's answering the phone and trying to sell me a aftermarket part, how do I know he's offering something that will work in my application. Especially when the reputation of DAP and SY proceeds the call
If Steve is part owner, does that make them less attractive? Yes. Quality starts at the top, and they have done nothing to stop this...

I know of at least one person who posted in this thread who's publically stated he won't deal with DAP. Not because he had bad dealings DAP, but because he used to get piled on, on another board, and decided to join in on Steve so he would fit in. Now he feels cool.
That's how ridiculous this all is.

beyond that, please follow SY advice and run pro comps and big blue springs and judge for yourself.

I'm done...

edit: So guy's who do driver training for a living for the military are full of bs also? Whatever...defend him all you want, he's created this mess by posting bs on several bb's and when called out, never can provide definitive back up for all his accolades.
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Expedition Leader
I'm not defending Steve. In fact he and I have had serious disagreements in the past.
I'm saying address the specific incorrect information presented relative to the topic of the thread, not drag a bunch of irrelevant BS in to it. This thread was about kitting Freelanders, and, originally, their suitablity as an expedition vehicle. You registered on this site solely to attack Steve. None of your posts have been about the thread topic. You just come across as someone with a vendetta.

FWIW, if I quit doing business with every company I got defective Land Rover parts from, I'd be making my own. I've gotten defective parts from all the major players.

Scott Brady

If there was ever justification of the banning, look at the aftermath. Even after Steve is gone, there is still an epic battle ensuing.

I did what I thought was best for the forum, and trust me, I do not ban people quickly (less than one per year). I wasted a bunch of time researching threads sent to me, allegations, etc. There is a huge contingent of LR owners, both credible and dubious that are on the war path with this guy. I do not want that spilling over into our forum.

The best thing Steve can do is lay low, and concentrate on his business. Fade into the background and spend time with his family, and travel, etc. Take a break from the forums. Hire someone else to be the face person.

The most important point in all of this:
The web destruction all started when Steve bought and wheeled a Freelander, so let that be a lesson to all of ya! :costumed-smiley-007

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