Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
I carry my v strom on a custom bike loader on the back, its got pretty wide bars and ive got it as far back as possible without compromising balance for loading
not a great deal of room between the bike and wall even for the 7.50
the monsters alan has on his beast will take up heaps of space
I carry my spare between cab and body the additional room leaves me space for tool box, jerry cans and boat fuel tank
Hey Stu...would you like to do start a seperate thread on your truck and show how your boat loader and bike rack operates, how you've got the back of the truck set up and maybe even the van on the back ???? ......looks pretty interesting. Just so Alan's thread doesn't get too cluttered.
Alan's TW 200 might offer a little more room. The TW handlebars are probably similar width to the Strom but the fuel tank would be half the width.....I think my Vstrom tank must be somewhere between 500mm and 600mm wide. Would that be right??
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