Found this on the IG forum which I thought was interesting and what I've brought up several times, the "KEY" which was hailed as a simple old school solution seems like it is simply an adaptation of the push button and not a real operational key in the historical sense.
From the other forum:
"I relate the Grenadier key positions to a standard start button: 1st position = 1st press = power ON. 2nd position (crank) = 2nd press = start. Low battery voltage and below-par software may have kept the start circuit latched when the engine failed to start.
I don't know why Ineos bothered with an old-school ignition when the ECU is primarily looking for two signals from a button. It's a retro adaptation they didn't need to implement."
It's that sort of 'retro' tomfoolery that has bugged me, retro styled, retro marketed but it's simply rebadged BMW software/electrics.
I also think it's hilarious that one of the most popular threads on that site in the first 5 pages is one about the Bellstaff jacket you were supposed to get with the rig....if that tells you anything