Ham radios. What is everyone using


What radios are everyone using? I'm looking for a dual band and looking for recommendations. Both mobile and handheld. What distances are being achieved? Any budget radio suggestions?


Yaesu FT-8800R has about the best receive I've seen in a mobile ham radio. Excellent sensitivity, and very little in the way of intermod, even while receiving outside the ham band right in the middle of the Los Angeles area.
The 8800 certainly isn't the cheapest radio available, but I think it's well worth it's cost. Has cross-band repeat if you ever need it (good for using your handheld as a remote mic away from your vehicle)

Good sounding transmit seems to be almost a given with any radio (some maybe a little tinnier than others, but none seem to be muffly or otherwise difficult to understand on the air).

Someone else may be able to comment better on handhelds (been out of the loop for awhile).
I do know there is the Baofeng UV-5R if you want "budget handheld". Heard 'em on the air... A little thin sounding, but again, pretty clear audio. No idea what their receive is like (I probably wouldn't expect a whole lot).
I have an older FT-50R that's been brutally durable (dropped into shallow water, dropped from an ATV at 30 MPH, left in the hot direct summer sun in a black car, etc.).
Seems the norm in handhelds is good receive sensitivity, but mediocre intermod rejection.


i'm using the Kenwood TM-V71A full dual band, because it has the option to later upgrade the control panel to the RC-D710 when i'm ready to spend a little more money and start doing APRS. i was only considering dual band with remote-face mounting option when i chose it. Icom was too expensive for me. my only other reason (besides upgrade-ability) to get the Kenwood over the comparable Yaesu model was that i read in a couple places of people feeling that the Kenwood controls were more intuitive. i don't fiddle with it often though, so i have to consult the Nifty Mini-manual anyway.

it's worked great, though i have nothing to compare it to. i suspect any Icom/Yaesu/Kenwood mobile rig of similar wattage will perform comparably - antenna and mounting location having a larger effect on performance.

details on my install including the antenna mounting, remote faceplate and radio mounts, and custom external speaker location can be found here: http://offroadpassport.com/forum/showthread.php?t=920



Expedition Leader
Another happy Yaesu FT-8800R user here.


I have a Yaesu VX-7R handheld and it is nice but the Wouxun KG-UV2 radio is a much better bang for the buck. Send and receive are excellent. I have put over two dozen of these into service for public agencies. They have tested and proved themselves there already. I prefer the antenna and programming flexibility of this model over the UV5 model.


Expedition Leader
What radios are everyone using? I'm looking for a dual band and looking for recommendations. Both mobile and handheld.

What do you want to do with these radios? Trail commo, APRS, emergency commo, talk to camp/base station, etc.,? There are a lot of dual-band radios out there and your intended purposes will help narrow it down. What radios I'm using is pretty irrelevant to you unless you want to do the exact same things that I'm doing with mine.

What distances are being achieved?

The 2m and 70cm bands are "line of sight" so distance is dependent on the height and efficiency of your antenna and that of the receiving station, the topography where you are, and the power of your radio. A repeater located up on a mountain or a tall tower can multiply the range greatly. In open relatively-flat country with a 65-watt mobile radio and a roof-top antenna, I've had simplex conversations of up to 30 miles. Using a repeater with the same set-up, up to 80-90 miles. But down in the very bottom of Mule Canyon in southern Utah, I couldn't hit repeaters in the mountains nearby and simplex was useless for anyone else not right down there in the canyon with me.

If you want real distance, up to and including around-the-world, you'll need a High Frequency radio (and an upgraded class of license to use it).

Any budget radio suggestions?

The cheapest dual-bands are the various Chinese hand-helds for sure, but they're only 5 watts. Cheapest for your intended use depends on your intended use...
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Right now till I get more funds for a mobile I'm looking at handheld and mag mount antenna. I'm just starting to get into it. I want it for vehicle to base and vehicle to vehicle. Eventually I want a nice aprs radio but that probably is a bit down the road. What is evenness take on the baofeng Uv5r+ ?

Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2


in my 80, i run the yeasu 7800, i also have 5xr that i found used on craigslist for $150 with a bunch of accessories. if you don't have to have dual band and money's an issue, look into a 2800 mobile and a small handheld.


What vehicle are you wanting to mount the radio in? This may help narrow down some opinions.

I'm Running a Kenwood TM-D700a with APRS hooked to my the GPS in my TJ.



Expedition Leader
Right now till I get more funds for a mobile I'm looking at handheld and mag mount antenna. I'm just starting to get into it. I want it for vehicle to base and vehicle to vehicle.

A 5-watt hand-held will do just fine for vehicle to vehicle on a trail. Vehicle to base depends on how far away the base is and what kind of repeater coverage you have in WA (or wherever you like to travel).

Eventually I want a nice aprs radio but that probably is a bit down the road.

My third mobile radio purchase was a Kenwood TM-D710A and the AvMap plug 'n play GPS to go with it. A great combo for APRS though expensive.


What is evenness take on the baofeng Uv5r+ ?

I know a bunch of guys that own these and every single one is happy with their purchase. A great little radio for the money; can't be beat for the price. I would buy one myself if I didn't already have a Yaesu VX-7R. I should probably buy one any just for a back-up/loaner/disposable HT.

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