Patagonia AT 2,000 mile initial impression.
So I finally got Patagonia ATs mounted last week and had a solid week of racking up some serious miles running up and down the coast. Overall, it does what it supposed to and that's about it. I wanted to find something that it does better than other tires I have used but could not. So it's a solid middle of the road average tire so far, so average that it's almost boring.
2,000 miles so far and I like it, it does what it supposed to and nothing more and nothing less. I only used them on the pavement, inflated to 70psi. Approximately 1,000 miles empty truck with family, groceries, camping gear. Approximately 1,000 miles with a 7,500# trailer in tow, 500lbs in the truck and 1,100# tongue weight with a weight distributing hitch and rear air-bags pumped up to compensate for the 1,500# of added weight on the rear end.
I used Falkem Wildpeak AT 33x12.5s for daily driving and factory 2014ish RAM 2500 rims 275/70R18 or approximately 33"x11" for towing. Patagonia AT tires are loud, much louder than Falkens and my Patagonia MTs on my 1500 Sub. There is a distinctive road hum at speeds over 20mph. It's not annoying, not very distractedly loud but noticeably there. (these are much louder than my Patagonia MTs but about the same sound as BFGoodrich ATs) Next surprise is that these tires provide a very comfortable ride. Inflated to 70psi they ride smoother than the larger and wider Wildpeaks at 35psi, which I still can not figure out how it's possible to have a smoother ride on a smaller diameter and firmer tire. Grip is good, I can throw the truck around very well and no skidding out or squealing unlike the RAM rims or the Falkens.
Rain performance is good, solid and confident, completely within the limits of the truck both empty and with a relatively heavy trailer.
I have not had a chance to take them off road yet, will try to find a fun dirt road with a little bit of mud this week to check out the AT performance.
Looking forward to playing with them in the snow this winter, skinny aggressive treads tend to perform really well. And there are holes for studs if I decide to go that route too.
Overall I am content with Patagonia ATs. They do what they are supposed to and nothing more. Do well for regular driving as well as pulling a loaded trailer. Looking forward to see how they do off-road as well as tread life. The price is really good too.