MG Metalworks Van Build


Then drive it to the east coast so we all could take a look first hand ;)

I'm thinking of doing a break-in lap around the US once I have it done. I'll post a route plan and approximate dates when we get to that point. Lots of little things to cross off the list first.


Lots of little things to cross off the list first.

Understatement of pick...


i'm so glad that I joined long enough ago to only have had to go back and catch up on about 1/3 of the thread. The rest has been current.

Amazing to see the work being done.

I thought that you were doing this work at a shop in and industrial park. Then I saw that yoru shop is in your backyard in a residential neighborhood. You must have the most understanding neighbors!

Thanks for taking the time to all of us informed.



New member
This is an amazing build and fun to watch. Hope you don't mind I wanted to show a picture of my friends 76 quad(ra?)van engine crossmember. They chose to fab one out of tube to provide the clearance for the front diff uptravel. Having cracked and braced my Advanced E350 crossmember (that they butchered) I can appreciate your additional bracing. Also noteworthy on the removeable crossmember if you accidentally drop a nut into your newly installed motor you can pull the crossmember and oil pan without removing the engine from the frame.
11 freshly painted quadvan xmember.jpg10 found the socket.jpg


Dearly beloved...we are gathered here today to marry these two spectacular pieces of machinery in holy HELL YEAH!!! Damn I've waited a long time for this day!

The Allison gettin' all gussied up with the torque converter in place...

Made up a quick cart today for the newlyweds. My shop is so small, I have to have a way to move things around without any help.

Oh yeah!!! They make a beautiful couple!

Looking forward to meet and greet the newly weds next month. Have they registered anywhere besides at the diesel pump?


Expedition Leader
My neighbors think I've lost my mind.... It's almost time to find the industrial space. :)

You're not in one already... I guess you're ok so long as it's your own junk... To a point.

Bylaw enforcement started telling all our vehicles had to be plated and ensured (not just storage policy) when we had a parts car parked in the car for too long... Even though I've seen worse looking vehicles driving around on the road.


Here's an example of iterative design...

In order from 1st 3D print to final waterjet bracket blank...

They don't look a lot different side by side but stacked on top of each other, you can see how I kept moving the pump mounts up to find the right spot, mostly because of belt routing and clearance.

Between the 3rd and 4th iterations, I eliminated tapped holes to cut down on part costs. As it is now, it just needs one countersink. That change significantly reduced the cost of the part.

The final belt routing worked out good and the belt is aligned and tensioned well.



Love it. Impressions on the Zortrax thus far?


The good:
-looks awesome
-excellent build quality
-all metal components
-interface is easy to use
-no special procedures when changing just select the material you want and then default settings work well.
-little to no warpage of parts.

The bad:
-parts are difficult to remove from build plate. You have to wait until completely cool before you have any hope of getting the part off.
-the spool holder and filament guide suck. I've had a few prints with feed issues. Definitely need to work on something more reliable.
-I don't like the small connectors used on the build plate. You have to disconnect to take it out and they're kinda delicate. I can see a repair on those happening at some point.

Overall, I'd say this printer is light years ahead of the Makerbot I had at work. I'm very happy with it despite the few annoying things i listed. Pretty much any FDM printer will have similar issues though...


Addicted to Gear Oil
Here's an example of iterative design...

In order from 1st 3D print to final waterjet bracket blank...

That's sexy.:sombrero:

Meanwhile, I'm over here with a chunk of flat plate, a drill press, a MIG welder, and a 4.5" angle grinder...:snorkel:

You have all the cool tools:drool:


As if there weren't enough things going on, I recently took up a new hobby. I want to be able to "control my own destiny" so to speak...not be at the mercy of vendors for prototyping or special projects. I decided I needed to learn how to sew. I stopped by to talk to the guy who did the SEMA van seats to get some pointers and he said "Practice...go make stuff". We needed some pillows around the house so that's what I'm practicing on.

The mechanics of sewing aren't that difficult to get down. It helps that the machine we bought is pretty bad-a** though. Getting the machine dialed in perfect and keeping your stitches dead nuts know, the little details...those take some practice. I think by the time I finish my interior and a bunch of projects around the house the wife is asking for, I'll have some pretty decent skillz. This is something I've wanted to learn for a while and now that I'm doing more interior work for camper vans, what better time to make it happen. Pretty funny change of pace going from welding in the shop to the sewing machine. :)


Expedition Leader
Let me know if you need any pointers I know those machines well. Cloth, canvas, leather... done it all.

Oil it very frequently, all sorts of bad things happen when not oiled enough... and all sorts of things start to work right again when they are oiled.

Always make sure the motor/flywheel is stopped before working on it... turned off isn't enough to make sure it won't stitch through your finger.


Some sort of lost...
Nice work! It is really a useful skill to be able to do some basic stuff. I haven't sewed anything in 10+ years. I made some black out curtains for my 4x4 VW van, and a few padded cases for radios etc. I bought my wife a sewing machine a few years ago and it has mostly collected dust. I may need to dig it out soon (hopefully) to start working on insulated curtains for a newer van.

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