Need to get active-er.


Expedition Leader
I'm a pretty busy/active guy, yet I carry around too much weight.

I'm 6'0", 265lbs, 31 years old, non-smoker, light drinker, etc.

I need some idea's on stuff I can do thats:

-gonna keep me moving/breathin' hard
-not expensive
-not boring
-can be done anywhere
-easy on my joints
-does not involve jogging...haha
-is effective in 30-45mins per day

What do you guys do? Jump rope? Climb tree's? I watched my 5 year old run around for like 20 mins solid riding a broom as a horse, and realized (again) how simple activities can keep you healthy. She was having so much fun, I'm positive it didn't even enter her mind that she was "getting a great workout"...(haha! obviously)

I want that.



It is 80% diet...:elkgrin:

We bicycle, walk the dog, weight train and hike. Splitting wood by hand is a good workout too.

While not exactly inexpensive the motocross track is one hell of workout. I would say it is the toughest thing I do.


Expedition Leader
It is 80% diet...:elkgrin:

We bicycle, walk the dog, weight train and hike. Splitting wood by hand is a good workout too.

While not exactly inexpensive the motocross track is one hell of workout. I would say it is the toughest thing I do.

yeah, thats a good thought, I've ridden quads before, and didn't realize
how much I used my whole body until the day after, when I couldn't move..:D

kite boarding came to mind, since I'm an ex-surfer...I just don't think I'd get out as often as I'm imagining I would. plus, its not simple, and not cheap/free.


island Explorer
like said diet is 80% of losing weight. I do bootcamp style workouts 3 times a week for 1 hour of complete beat the hell out of yourself. If I eat like crap I don't lose anyhting it just makes sure I don't gain anymore! :D If I weatch what I eat and cut out the soda and chips the lbs. fall off. I am very similar to you. 6' and started around 250 around xmas. I am down to 230 and already feel way better. although this last month has been hard due to a home reno with no real kitchen we have been eating out more than we should. My goal is around 200 and run a 1/2 marathon next year with my wife.

I can now chase my 4yo boy for extended periods of time and not be winded!


yeah, thats a good thought, I've ridden quads before, and didn't realize
how much I used my whole body until the day after, when I couldn't move..:D

Yeah, I gotta laugh when people think riding dirt bikes is easy...I tell 'em come spend a day with me, you won't be able to move for a week afterwards.

From Wiki:
The National Athletic Health Institute in Inglewood, California tested several professional motocross racers in September 1979 as part of a comparative study of the cardio-vascular, muscle endurance, and flexibility fitness of athletes from various disciplines. Athletes from track, American football, pro basketball and soccer were tested, among others. As a group, the motocross riders tested to a higher overall fitness level than any group tested.[citation needed] Motocross racers get their heart rate up to around 180 to 190 beats per minute and hold it there for about 35 minutes. These riders do this twice per day (original article appeared in Cycle magazine in early 1980[citation needed]). A subsequent study by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center's Sports Performance Complex in 2002 reconfirmed the result with more recent motocross racers. The intense physical demand of motocross derives from the fact that the racer of the bike must keep complete control of a 200 lb (91 kg) or heavier bike, while also maintaining their top speed throughout the race.[10]


Expedition Leader
yeah, I started out this year at 290. I cut out cereal and bread. (my two biggest cravings) I simply couldn't control myself. I'd literally have like 3-4 bowls a day sometimes.

I don't drink soda, have maybe 10 beers a month, etc. We do eat out
quite a bit, but usually choose stuff that thats on the healthy side. (we eat mexican food, and I get a grilled chicken burrito. thats it. chicken/tortilla) I eat turkey and chicken exclusively and am lactose intollerant, so consequently, I eat zero dairy. I actually had VERY low cholesterol when I was tested recently.

I walk, here at work, twice a day, every day, and have done so for about a year and a half. My breaks are only 15mins, so not very long, but its better than nothing, i figure.

As I said, I'm now hovering at 265-70, and feel like I need to add something.


Yeah, I gotta laugh when people think riding dirt bikes is easy...I tell 'em come spend a day with me, you won't be able to move for a week afterwards.

From Wiki:

x2. I can go out and ride my quad like mad through the desert all day long no big deal. 1st time I rode a motocross track I thought I was going to die after 1 lap. Those guys that ride pro supercross are some of the most in-shape athletes out there. Not only do you have to have the stamina but also the strenght to handle the machine.


Expedition Leader
Agreed, I worked out from Nov till now, 4-5 times per week. I started out not even being able to run 4.5 mph non-stop, now I am doing 7.3mph, uphill, for 30 minutes. I'm by far, in the best cardio-vascular shape of my life. But I only lost 6 lbs. Mind you, I'm sure I lost more fat than that and built some muscle too. But I ate as much if not more than before, which is why I didn't lose. I did that purposefully though, as I was more interested in increasing performance (cardio, strength) than about meeting a weight target, or having some body shape. I didn't want to diet to lose fat, but also hold back my strength gain.

I've tried various cardio things over the years, and nothing has worked. What worked this time? A treadmill with a TV in front of it. As lame as that sounds, it's the only way. I find that it works best for me because I can push myself easily. If I feel I conquered 7.1mph, turn it up to 7.2. And you have to keep up the pace, because if you don't... well it's obvious. ;) Also, the TV helps me forget about the "pain". I'd usually get my heart rate into the 170's so this was pretty hard core running.

My problem is I can't do anything repetitive. I love hiking, but it's not practical to do every day. I've tried running around the suburb, but that gets old really fast too.

I don't think there's any magic bullet. If you want to lose weight, diet, and find whatever it is that YOU are into.

Yeah, I gotta laugh when people think riding dirt bikes is easy...I tell 'em come spend a day with me, you won't be able to move for a week afterwards.

Yeah... despite training all winter, and achieving a best of 7.3mph uphill for 30 minutes... and alternating with weight training, at my first Enduro yesterday, I'm beat to hell today. However, I did notice a difference, and I barely got winded, and didn't collapse into a ball on the grass for an hour when I finished.


Check out, specifically the core performance books. I've tried the Essentials book and now the standard book and love it. Workouts are generally 45min and woop my butt without being prohibitively sore the next day, like when i just lifted weights.

The workouts are based on fundamental movements and aren't the typical "weight lifting" routines. A good portion of the workouts can be done without weights so they travel well also.

The workouts overall are about functional fitness and I've found that the fitness gained translates well into my outdoor activities and life in general. They also have sport specific CP routines too that you can follow on their website, but I've found the books work well for me since i can take them to the gym as needed.

I think it's comparable to P90X (my buddy is going thru now) and Crossfit but the routines in CP are a bit more prescribed so you have a weeks worth of workouts in mind each week.

Black Dog

Makin' Beer.
I'd recommend finding a big ol' hill or a mountain, load up a pack, and hike it. You're going to burn a lot of calories and get your heart rate up, and it will work every single muscle in your body and improve your balance and agility.

Another thing that has worked for me in the past is doing circuit work outs. So I would run flat out for a couple hundred yards, then do push ups for a minute, then run more, then a minute of sit ups or something, and every once in a while just walk a bit instead of run. I remember reading somewhere that for some reason working out like that is more effective then just running or just doing calisthenics.


I'm by far, in the best cardio-vascular shape of my life. But I only lost 6 lbs.

Interesting how that can happen... I went from barely being able to bicycle 4 miles up a very slight (maybe 2% grade) incline a couple years ago to doing rides with 6,000ft of climbing by last summer. Weight hasn't changed much!

I like food...


San Diego? Buy yourself a decent road bike and start riding, ride to work, ride to the store, ride for fun! Low impact, inexpensive (high initial cost, but very low afterwards), fun, and you can do it anywhere.


The only way I have ever been able to lose weight is to stop eating, or eat much less. Kind of weird how the body works. Used to be a chow hound, could eat four huge meals a day. We're talking heaping plates of food. Stopped eating for three days. Stomach shrunk up like a raisin. Couldn't hardly sit down and eat anything after that. Went from 225 lbs down to 175 lbs. From gorilla to ninja. Not trying to be smart, but stopping eating works, and then makes it much easier to eat less.


Look up FitDeck. Basicly its a deck of cards with exercises on them. easy to carry in your pocket for a workout any time and not to much money. They have several different versions. The bycycle is also a great option. Didn't relize how much I missed mine until Saturdaywhen I got the parts to repair it and make it rideable again. It was like finding a long lost friend.

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