Offroad Teardrop - SawTooth XL

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
Cant believe I've missed this thread for this long, but now that I have, I'm glad I did because I would have been going more crazy than you were with no updates.

I sat down this morning and read all 30 some-odd pages of this and like has been said so many times before, you have some Madd Skills.

Great to hear you got a job, found a lovely lady to help with the build (That always makes any job better) and are working on this beauty again.

Hats off to one of the coolest build threads I've seen to date!


You crack me up Pat. You hang out with me for a weekend and promptly buy a RTT. Then you hang out with 1speed for awhile and now you are looking at Teardrops. LOL

No wonder the Ex-po drove you nuts.

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
Hanging out with 1Speed for the week, he kept talking about all these amazing build threads that I had never seen. So of course I had to go find them:drool:

Jess's teardrop is the Cat's Meow! I'd snatch it up in a heart beat if there was one available to sell. But for now, I'm content just drooling on my keyboard:drool:


Found this thread last night and have read practically every page of it. The goal is to build something very similar as I've always love the "teardrop" style but have been wanting something more off-road capable.

As has been said many times before, nicely done.

But if I have one piece of advice for both you and Nicole, it's to wear a respirator when working with Bondo, or any other product like that, during application and sanding. Not a dust mask, but a proper respirator.

While you may not notice it now and you might think you have great ventilation, there is nothing good about getting even a small amount of that stuff in your lungs. Having lost my father to asbestosis from working on brake linings, I cannot stress protecting your lungs enough. They didn't know any better back then. We know a lot better now.

Keep up the great work.


Expedition Leader
... wear a respirator when working with Bondo, or any other product like that, during application and sanding. Not a dust mask, but a proper respirator... there is nothing good about getting even a small amount of that stuff in your lungs.
Amen! Make sure it fits properly. It needs to seal to your face. The initial investment is usually only about $20. The HEPA filters about $1. Use them until they plug or become restrictive and then change them out.
HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters are available for the ShopVac too. Don't redistribute the particles when you clean up. I use a HEPA filter element and the high efficiency bags too. That makes the filters last much longer.


Thanks for the advice about the respirators... Never really thought about it being outside but you guys make a good point...

More progress.... Have I said i'm sick of sanding yet?

Got a few things done. More bondo and sanding, installed the new stainless hinges from McMaster with stainless #10 screws, tested the new 40lb gas struts, and more bondo and sanding...





This part of the body was worrying me a little. The panel didnt line up very well at all. A belt sander and some bondo fixed it though



More later. Hopefully going to start rolling some CPES next weekend if the weather holds for me...

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Rendezvous Conspiracy
Looking sharp,you done an excellent job on the trailer. I am amazed at the skill and workmanship you guys have put into the trailer.


I just noticed this morning that my thread has hit over 100,000 views :victory:

To all who have commented and given compliments, advice and encouragement..... THANK YOU! I never thought my trailer would generate this much interest. I have learned a lot over this build and have gotten some great advice from my friends here....

I'm nearly done with the bondo and sanding so CPES might get rolled on this weekend. I'll be ordering more parts tomorrow too...

Thanks again friends!



Expedition Leader
Everyone was always behind you Jess!

So glad you're back to work and back on the project once more!

Best of luck and we're looking forward to continued progress and especially..trail camping pics:smiley_drive::)


New member
Awesome build! There's a lot of work in there, and in the time you have taken to share your project with us - thank you!


Did some CPES'ing last weekend and this weekend had big plans to do a second coat and some other stuff and mother nature decided to pour rain all weekend.... bummer. I did get a few things done though. Started mounting the fenders and got the tail light boxes cut out for the lights. I got a package from the other day too...






Thats it for this round... Hopefully more progress this week after work. We'll see how the weather holds out.

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