OldSven's 4Runner


I have them in my basement, they measure in at 33 3/8'' in height, unmounted. Some say they measure 33.5'' but thats probably rounding off.
I'm mounting them on the spare style steelies, on my 04 tacoma 3.4L.
I think i'll have more than enough power without a super charger, although I plan on regearing, to maintain the low range and drop the rpm's. I'll run them for a while with the stock gearing, until my money tree grows again.:coffeedrink:

can you measure the exact tread width? trying to decide between them and 285's for an 8 inch wide wheel


Likes to Drive and Ride
Answer: New, 255/85R16 Maxxis Bighorn, mounted on a 16x7.5" Toyota TRD wheel, tread width (tread face) is 7 13/16"

I was going to simply say 8-inches which is how I usually refer to them. Of course it depends on your 'eye' and how you hold the tape (3/16" isn't much), but you wanted exact :ylsmoke:

Most 285/75R16 will measure 9" to 9.2" for tread width. I would strongly suggest a 255/85 over a 285/75. 1 to 1.4” difference Per Tire is a big difference. I know that I'm very biased toward narrower tires, and I'm currently trying to like/accept 285s as an optional size for my 4Runner... but the performance most will get from a 255/85 is simply better.

Not to clutter OldSven's thread with tire talk... back On Topic: Look at what OldSven chose for his 4Runner, the very good yet affordable Maxxis Bighorn in LT255/85R16D :sombrero:

can you measure the exact tread width? trying to decide between them and 285's for an 8 inch wide wheel


That is looking nice and tall now....awesome.......

you reckon you got room to fit a taller tyre later on if you needed to without rubbing?


That is looking nice and tall now....awesome.......

you reckon you got room to fit a taller tyre later on if you needed to without rubbing?

I could probably stuff a 35" tire in there maybe with some more triming, but if I get to that point I'm going to SAS it for sure. Kind of funny but these 255' Maxxis on stock rims look wider than my 33x10.5's on an 8" wheel on the Tacoma.


OldSven you build some nice looking trucks, I must say. I was so looking forward to buying my wife another '99 4Runner, as you were giving so many great ideas. Unfortunately she opted for a WRX. Oh well, more mods for me!


Ah, now you have a road car to tune and build up so you have a toy for both:sombrero:

Well went down south today and we went through and retuned the runner and man we hit it on the nose this time. This thing "pulls like a mother" now!!! This tune is all dialed in, as for the hiccup I called Magnuson who makes the supercharger for TRD and they had me check the bypass valve to see if there was a brass restrictor in the end of the nipple and it was MIA so they are sending me one that should cure the hiccup.


Also found out last night that mine is missing a one way check valve
part#PTR26-35042 from the idle air control that is from what alot say is the real reason for my issue. When mine was installed it was not a needed part so most didn't install it but the updated TRD install instructions say that it is a must, go figure:coffee:


Got the supercharger and 7th injector setup all dialed in with the new valve and runs awsome now.

Did run into a problem with the swingout though. On the Tacoma when you open the swingout you drop the tailgate down and rest the swingout against it while doing what ever. Now with the runner having a liftgate once you open the swingout if you are parked the wrong way you have to mess with it swinging shut or hitting it with the lift gate if it isn't open all the way. So I picked up a latch today and found a shock tab lying around that worked great now just pull the latch to secure it in place no matter what angle you park at...




Well I'm all locked up now:victory: I scored an e-locker axle off of craigslist this week complete. Did the swap last night, what a pain lining up all those control arms and coils... Mine has ABS so it is somewhat prewired for the e-locker as in all I had to do was plug in the switch and run a 18/7 wire from the locker to the control ECU. Also did the mod so I have it in 2wd also. It is great to be back, makes for a long day of wheeling without that added traction when you need it.




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