Pre birth of a camper - No laughing!


New member
workshop manual

Hi Ian, your camper looks like its coming along, think I saw you were looking for a workshop manual
somewhere, did you find one, as would like to get one myself, let me know if any leads.

Nigel Evans

Ian, you may want to have a close look at the clearance between the front tyre and the wheel arch. On full lock over rough ground my tyres hit the rear of the arch. I had to cut off about 30mm. No welding needed I just took an angle grinder to it. Whilst I was at it I trimmed a bit off the bumper. The other issue I've had is that the outside edge of the tyre is about level with the plastic arch extension. I get a surprising about of road crud up the sides of the van.


Adventurer Wannabe
Hi Ian, your camper looks like its coming along, think I saw you were looking for a workshop manual
somewhere, did you find one, as would like to get one myself, let me know if any leads.

I bought an electronic copy from "futuretruth" on ebay "merc-benz 05/12 wis/asra & epc net - 64 bit systems compatible ( 251110669240 ) "

I've also got a scanned copy of a workshop manual which was given to the guys in the ESB during their training. I can send you a link for download if you PM me.

I was told it was identifiable so I don't want to put it out for general download.
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Adventurer Wannabe
Ian, you may want to have a close look at the clearance between the front tyre and the wheel arch. On full lock over rough ground my tyres hit the rear of the arch. I had to cut off about 30mm. No welding needed I just took an angle grinder to it. Whilst I was at it I trimmed a bit off the bumper. The other issue I've had is that the outside edge of the tyre is about level with the plastic arch extension. I get a surprising about of road crud up the sides of the van.

Nigel - I did a static test without the plastic bits on at it cleared the bumper and the metalwork ok. I stillneed to do some more testing with load and with the spats fitted. I think there is a little more clearance on the later model van. Ullie fitted the Toyos and didn't need to cut (I think!).



Nigel - I did a static test without the plastic bits on at it cleared the bumper and the metalwork ok. I stillneed to do some more testing with load and with the spats fitted. I think there is a little more clearance on the later model van. Ullie fitted the Toyos and didn't need to cut (I think!).


No, no cutting needed for us in the metal. Only adjusting the plastic a bit and fixing the spats with a little chain to te step so they can't get caught by the wheel. Ours is from 1998.

And this is only incase of for offroad tracks, because on the road there was no problem at all.
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Nigel Evans

Based on my experience off-road I think you need a minimum of 110mm of clearance. I got caught out on a full lock turn at the bottom of a downhill section.


Adventurer Wannabe
When you say 110mm clearance - Do you mean above wheel in wheel arches?
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New member
I think you'll be able to see from the photo the tightest point is at the bottom of the arch. This is after I cut it. Not very neat I'm afraid, I did it out on the tank track.


Adventurer Wannabe
My baby is home!

DSC00502 (1024x768).jpg
DSC00503 (1024x768).jpg

My daughter posed to give a sense of scale.

It drives better than I'd expected and cruised at 100kph no problem on the motorway. It still has a 90kph limiter fitted - the bigger wheels helped the top speed.

I am getting some tyre contact with the front bumper when pushing on at roundabouts! I think I can sort by moving the bumper out with packers.

So only thing left to do is the fitting of hatches, windows & skylights and the full fit out inside. Watch this space.


Looks ace! Very jealous!
Do you plan to have the speed limiter removed and if so how and by whom?
Merc said they wouldnt do it on mine even if it was re registered as a motorcaravan on V5...


Adventurer Wannabe
Steps Challenge

Docka - Not sure if I will have it removed.

The biggie problem I'm trying to sort at the moment is the steps into the van.
The box fabricators were to make a step but they then realised it was more work than they had anticipated.

The drop from the underside to the ground is 1030mm

I've looked at these - They have a three step (ES1057653) in the catalogue but it's v expensive, is 510mm high when folded (limiting ground clearance) and will still leave a 400+mm drop from the last rung.
And also these Expensive and still leaving a 500mm drop. These guys do a 4 step unit but they are reluctant to recommend it!

Any pointers/suggestions are very welcome


Looks great! Did you have wheel wells moulded into the camper body? Are you intending to fit any airbags or anything?

Looking forward to seeing the fit out pictures!


Adventurer Wannabe
Looks great! Did you have wheel wells moulded into the camper body? Are you intending to fit any airbags or anything?

Yes - There's a 160mm skirt around the bottom and then the box floor is sculpted out and finished in welded aluminium sheeting. I have about 180mm clearance above the wheels. I'm holding on the airbags until get most of the weight into the van and can determine if they are necessary.


Adventurer Wannabe
I just had the van weighed with a slightly worrying result. GVW is rated at 7500kg with a max of 2800kg on the front and 5500kg on the back axles. The weight bridge tells me that I'm at 4600kg total but that I'm already at 2400kg at the front. And this is just with the box and before I fit it out! I think I need to revisit the layout :(

I'm not so worried about the carrying capacity of the front axle as getting through the DoE test.

Here's what I have now.

Floor level
floor level 19-2-13.jpg

Subfloor level
subfloor 19-2-13.jpg

Chassis level
chassis 19-2-13.jpg

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