Schattenjager's '97 FZJ-80


would you post a pic or two of this setup? My ashtray is too useful as a coin tray and I don't want to jetison it.

here ya go, sorry kinda a bad photo but its cold and dark out:ylsmoke:

just pulled the cover off the cb screwed it directly to the center console and re installed the cb to it now mounted cover


Expedition Leader
Almost there...

Well, it was a big weekend for the Cruiser - new radiator and the lift finally found its way out of the house and under the rig.

The radiator had a small leak from seepage on the bottom. Being an animal lover, I did not want to run the risk of a chemical sealer, so I replaced the unit. Not a fun job, but like most, once it is done a second visit would go smoother. The fluid was green, old and tired. I was told that the original fluid was red and the green might be indicative of a head gasket job in the past. Thoughts on this? I put green back in it as the Toyota dealer said it would be safer than going from green to red. Who knows?


Next was the interior - the dark wood trim, apparently from Toyota (icon was on most pieces) was falling apart and ugly. I did a search of british car interiors (they are among the most tasteful, yes?) and found many of the light wood / coffee-ish combo, so I ordered a new set of honey maple. It really added a nice feel to the interior and lightened up things tremendously. The sunlight washes the interior plastics a bit in this photo. Compared to the pics in the very first post:


The lift - if only I were smart I would have thought of using the bottle jack as a spanner much sooner. Over all the job was not too difficult, but doing it on cold ground with puny hand tools certainly added to the time line. A healthy dose of 'dumb' started me off at a disadvantage. It's done and the springs and shocks are mostly in the right places.:sombrero: I was very surprised to see how well the Toyota shocks (Tokico) still functioned despite an obviously large number of miles/

Here is an OME vs Stock shock pic:

And here is how she sits now:


looks great:coffeedrink:

in regards to the HG if the two half moons are glued in with gray fipg (form in place gasket) it most likely factory fipg and the HG has not been done if its another color like black the is a good chance that it has had a hg job

Gray fipg only came from the factory

half moons...


I think a more probable explanation for the coolant is that the red coolant from Toyota is more expensive and difficult to obtain, the P.O. probably switched out of convenience. Mud wisdom is that the two (Red and Green) should not be mixed, a very thorough flushing should be done if you switch, and that if you use green it is better to find a specific kind that I can't remember at the moment. There is plenty to be read in the 80's tech forum on this subject, probably more than anyone can stand to read.


Expedition Leader
Front end gear:

The ARB bull bar and winch finally made their way to the cruiser yesterday. Today saw the fitment of the CB, it's aerial and the much loved Light Forces. I have got to clean up the wiring under the hood as it is more than a bit frightening. Slee's light harness and aux light setup made short work of the illumination requirements.

Here is the weekends result:



Many thanks to my friends who lent a major role in The Imperial Land Cruisers swift and professional progress: Chad, Rob, Mike, and Atlas!
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Expedition Leader
Imperial? ARB should arrive this week.

And a thanks for the Slee info re: the light harness. I didnt know that existed and saw it here in your thread...have one ready to install.

Do you have a PN on the aerial mount, or does it just go through the upper light tab?


Expedition Leader
Imperial? ARB should arrive this week.

And a thanks for the Slee info re: the light harness. I didnt know that existed and saw it here in your thread...have one ready to install.

Do you have a PN on the aerial mount, or does it just go through the upper light tab?

Fixed it. :snorkel:

I used the Firestik Heavy Duty SO-239 Stud mount or simply K-4A to afix it to the upper tab.

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