Almost there...
Well, it was a big weekend for the Cruiser - new radiator and the lift finally found its way out of the house and under the rig.
The radiator had a small leak from seepage on the bottom. Being an animal lover, I did not want to run the risk of a chemical sealer, so I replaced the unit. Not a fun job, but like most, once it is done a second visit would go smoother. The fluid was green, old and tired. I was told that the original fluid was red and the green might be indicative of a head gasket job in the past. Thoughts on this? I put green back in it as the Toyota dealer said it would be safer than going from green to red. Who knows?
Next was the interior - the dark wood trim, apparently from Toyota (icon was on most pieces) was falling apart and ugly. I did a search of british car interiors (they are among the most tasteful, yes?) and found many of the light wood / coffee-ish combo, so I ordered a new set of honey maple. It really added a nice feel to the interior and lightened up things tremendously. The sunlight washes the interior plastics a bit in this photo. Compared to the pics in the very first post:
The lift - if only I were smart I would have thought of using the bottle jack as a spanner much sooner. Over all the job was not too difficult, but doing it on cold ground with puny hand tools certainly added to the time line. A healthy dose of 'dumb' started me off at a disadvantage. It's done and the springs and shocks are mostly in the right places.:sombrero: I was very surprised to see how well the Toyota shocks (Tokico) still functioned despite an obviously large number of miles/
Here is an OME vs Stock shock pic:
And here is how she sits now: