Scoutkid's van is HERE!!!


Van Builder
you can head north about 17 miles and help me finish multiple "almost done" projects if you like--like the complete rewire of a vintage italian bike i seem to be dragging my feet on but go into the garage and stare at it every night--plus my van build--ha

Motorcycle? Doesn't that have like, 3 wires on it? Can't have more than a few cylinders, kick start so no starter, maybe a coil and a headlight? Thats like, a 10 minute deal! :D

seriously though--i think we may need to get a rocky mountain 4x4 van group going. we had one in the syncro world and lots of campin trips transpired from it

oh yeah--good job BTW

or at least lunch at ScoutKid's place so we can learn how to actually get stuff done. :coffee:

I second and/or third this. We can most certainly convene at my place any old time. I have plenty of parking and tools to go around. Heck, I even live right next door to a liquor store for those who imbibe. I say we do it and come up with an interior layout idea for Vantom!


I'm in. just not next weekend.

but you'll probably have the whole thing done and listed for sale by the following weekend.


Thanks for the posts, its something I have/want to do for my project. I need/want to know more about the whole Gym/Work/Eat/Internet/Sleep deal you are on so I can find time to do all of the things I want to do daily, man the things I could do with your energy. Also I didn't know there was a time in the morning before 6AM (and even that's early these days) are you sure about that?

I had a friend like you when I was in High School and we used to joke that if he ever took speed he would slow down. Hes still flying around today 30 plus years later.

Seriously. We need to take this guy to a lab and start performing detailed analysis on his serum. Maybe a few biopsy's too...

Some say... that he sleeps hanging from the rafters in his garage and that he lives on the internet... all we know is he's called the Scoutkid.

TangoBlue Great Top Gear like quote...I love that show...Do you write the scrips for Jeremy Clarkson?


Van Builder
Thanks for the posts, its something I have/want to do for my project. I need/want to know more about the whole Gym/Work/Eat/Internet/Sleep deal you are on so I can find time to do all of the things I want to do daily, man the things I could do with your energy. Also I didn't know there was a time in the morning before 6AM (and even that's early these days) are you sure about that?

Typical day for Scoutkid:

4:15A - Wake up, drink lots of water
5:00A - On cardio equip for 30 - 60 mins (varies depending on time of year)
6:30A - Breakfast & Internet
7:00A - Start work
10:00A - Eat and work
12:00P - Eat and work
12:30P - Gym for 45 - 60 mins (weight training)
2:00P - Eat and work
6:00P - Eat and work
7:00P - On cardio equip for 30 mins (depending on time of year)
9:00P - Eat and work
10:00P - internet till sleep
11:00P - sleep somewhere in there

I have a great job that has a lot of flexibility, and I get a lot of 'work' work done in the evenings (computer stuff) instead of during the daylight when I could be 'working' on other stuff. I stay pretty busy!


Van Builder
I was thinking WAY too small scale when I named the van, Vantom. I didn't know folks got so... creative...



yes, but commanding anyone to get in a van, ho or not, generally gets the police called...

Your van is looking awesome! I'm making a junkyard run tomorrow, I think they at the very least have a t-case, hopefully I can channel some of your energy and get things moving faster on mine!


Van Builder
Got a pic from my welder today! He was just about to start getting the end plate buzzed on :) I should be able to pick it up tomorrow!


Otherwise, I had to work with my dad all weekend, so Vantom got a little break... back to it this week!


Van Builder
Tank is BACK! My welder showed up this morning with a finished tank. He is amazing. Who does LPI on a fuel tank weld for no charge?!

When he got it here, we filled it up with water for a final 'hydro' test of sorts.


The pic above shows 2 things - 1: the water test, and 2: the section we removed from the front sitting near the back. Now, I haven't looked yet, but we thought we MAY be able to just reweld that section of the tank onto the back! That way I wouldn't lose that 3 gallons! Thoughts?


See the LPI ink. Test was flawless by the way.


Camera doesn't do the weld justice..


Stack of dimes!


So even on a weekend when I didn't get anything done, stuff got done! :D


Supporting Sponsor
Gorgeous welds! Too bad they won't be on display. There's not enough room at the rear to add that section, although its a great idea!


What about a second rear tank, like the 70's vans and trucks had? Easy to fit an off-the-shelf fuel cell where the tire was. I think Transfer flow even made one for a while, with a hidden filler neck in the wheel well.


Van Builder
What about a second rear tank, like the 70's vans and trucks had? Easy to fit an off-the-shelf fuel cell where the tire was. I think Transfer flow even made one for a while, with a hidden filler neck in the wheel well.

Only problem with that is additional fuel pumps/electronics. But I like the idea!


I thought you'd be done by now. Its been 2 months since you bought. Come on you've got trips to go on.

Looks great keep it up.

BTW. Grunting motions work goood with transmission guys

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