Now, what are all the details?
The wonderful guys at AC Transmission pulled my old trans, took the tailshaft out of the donor tranny and swapped it in. While they were in there, the tweeked a few things to help with more firm shifts, and put in a magnificent billet torque converter. I didn't really know this was going to happen, but when I dropped it off I told them "Men makes transmissions bomb proof. I am a Man, therefore make my transmission bomb proof". And bomb proof they made it.
Somewhere in the flurry of activity it occured to me that this would be a good time to add a deep pan, particularly one that would also assist in the bombproofness of the transmission. This Mag-Hytec pan does just that by adding a ton of rigidity to the transmission itself. And it now holds enough transmission fluid to keep an Abrahms tank tranny cool.
Driveshafts. Oh the horror. Front shaft? No problem. New ujoints all around and a CV up top. The rear shaft? Remember the trouble I went through to get the Vantom mobile just so I could drive to 2 miles to the tranny shop? Yeah, that all went away. I still have big-*** 1410 ujoints, but the rest of the shaft was scrapped since we needed a CV at the transfer case, and put the slip yolk down at the rear axle....
Oh, and now you are all cranky cause the picture quality sucks. Yeah, me too, but thats what happens when you are taking paparazzi photos of your own van in the lot of the transmission shop and trying not to look like a creeper.
FYI - the cheap little computer that Chris sells to make the 4WD tranny talk to the Speedo/Odomoeter? BUY THAT. I didn't, I figured I would 'have lots of time later'. I didn't, and forgot. Now Vantom can't tell me how fast he is going. He isn't SUPPOSED to shift without the speed sensor plugged in, but he does. Apparently the trans shop guys got him to run all up and down the street. They think he sifts because I have the speed sensor at the rear axle hooked up. I don't plan on driving him until I get the computer from Chris, which should happen next week.
So much for a weekend shakedown run!!!