What is Vantom bigger than? My house... oops..
I got a bit more nitpicky stuff done, rear shocks installed. But I figured a picture of shocks was boring, and I am sure you wonder what I look like. So here you go.
Thats me dressed up as a pretend-like-i-know-how-to-be-a-welder.
I finished JUST in time, the rain started to come down just like I had prophesized. Prophecied? Guessed it would.
So, being an adventerous spirit, I naturally took off for a test drive in a newly lifted/axled/steering system etc. giant lumbering vehicle with unproven electronics and completely bald tires, at dusk, in a downpour.
Where did I go? Discount tire. What did I do? Bought my tires. They will be in tomorrow, apparently I got the only damn set of 315/75/16's in the state. Go me.
To the tire store was local surface streets, around rush hour, lots of stop and go with no real problems (other than I can tell I need to rebleed the brakes). The way home was highway, torrential rain and I could tell them bald tires were hating life. I am pretty stoked for new shoes tomorrow! Other than that, the highway manners were great!
I have to tip my hat to Chris yet again, this thing drives and rides like a dream. Not super 'van' squishy, and not quite as harsh as a 1 ton pickup. Just right!
I also thought I had the steering wheel nice and lined up, but much to my surprise, it is about 30 degrees off still, oops.