Sean, how do you like the suspension? Right now I have 5100s up front and rear with Wheeler's AAL and plan to add some Camburg or Light Racing UCA. Eventually I'll probably grab some ICON coil overs and Deaver spring pack, but this should hold me over for a while.
The front suspension is great. Icons and Deavers sound awesome, but not worth the money to me, for my situation. I took the advice of Derek24, who has had everything from 5100s with OME coils to Icons on his Tundra, and said the Icons aren't worth the money if you aren't driving fast offroad all the time. Depends on what you want to do with your truck. I went with the OME 886 coils because they're for a Tacoma with a bumper and a winch, and our V8 weighs about 150 lbs more than the Taco V6. Made sense to me. The Uniballs are awesome, I am super happy with the ride and performance from my suspension. I do want to get rid of the rear 1" blocks I have had since the previous owner, and put in the Wheelers 3 pack add a leaf. I have an almost 500 lb snowmobile in the bed most of the winter, I could use a little more spring back there.