Snow Peak Addiction


New member
I thought the only difference between the V1 and V2 was color. If I ordered the green, will I be getting the new upgraded handles? If not, I'd like to amend my order and PayPal you the difference.

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If you're looking for a higher quality upgrade to the Snow Peak Knife, may I suggest the Field Knife Set. It is exclusively available at Tools for Adventure and it was recently reviewed in the latest Overland Journal 2017 Gear Issue. The set is available in two versions. *End of shameless plug.

I prefer Richlite as a cutting board material. That's the material I used for the cutting boards in the Field Knife Set.

Hello Snow Peak Addicts

I am so impressed with the level of insight on this forum; I am hoping people here can help me get a solution.

I have an IGT 4 with two Baja burners and a Snow Peak folding cutting board with the knife. I also have that beautiful kettle, but that has nothing to do with this post, just want to give a shout out. I am not a fan of the cutting board. While I like bamboo ok, I prefer walnut. Also, the knife does not seem to be of good quality, at least not with the same level the kettle, and it keeps dropping out of the magnet holder. I will probably sell it or something.
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We've e-mailed in the past; was waiting for you to get back in the game, while I built my set.

I'll PM you with my wishlist!


Supporting Sponsor
Yes! They come both as a knives only option in a cardstock sleeve and as a travel kit with the three Sandvik Swedish Stainless Steel knives and two Richlite cutting boards in an aluminum case.


Supporting Sponsor
I've been able to lower the pricing since the Kickstarter campaign so the current pricing is actually on par with the campaign discounts. The set was also featured in the latest 2017 Overland Journal Gear issue.

How did I miss that original offering with the EPIC discount?!

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