TerraLiner:12 m Globally Mobile Beach House/Class-A Crossover w 6x6 Hybrid Drivetrain




6. A Cinderella Catalog


This is a very condense PDF that covers the full range of Cinderella Products, written in English -- see http://www.siriuseco.no/en-us/media/news.aspx and http://www.siriuseco.no/Portals/86/Media/Cinderella_2014_eng_WEB.pdf :

10 images

It too is quite valuable to have at one's fingertips, because it makes it easy to think comparatively across the range of Cinderella products. However, this compressed summary is still no substitute for the super-detailed multi-lingual PDFs available on the Norwegian website, the English sections now posted above.

At this stage I don't want to specify yet whether the TerraLiner's toilet will be the "Classic" or the "Comfort" model. Rather, I simply wanted to get this information up on the thread, so that others interested in this topic might begin reading it, and if they have particular insights, might begin posting some of their thoughts about Cinderella toilets and urinals.


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7. The Cinderella Motion and the Cabby Loo: the same product??


As it turns out, it would seem that the mobile version of the Cinderella was developed by the Swedish caravan manufacturer “Cabby”, in co-operation with Ecotech, and is therefore also referred to as the “Cabby Loo” – see https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...uer-fortgeschrittene-6400678.html&prev=search , https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...www.jysk-caravan.dk/om-cabby.html&prev=search , https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...eter/Cabby-Loo-Guldvargenvinnare/&prev=search , https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...pacaravans.be/contents/nl/d159.html&prev=sear , http://www.cabby.se/en/ , http://www.cabby.se/en/About-Cabby/Cabby-history/ , http://np.netpublicator.com/np/n56287721/Cabby_2016_eng_web_uppslag.pdf , and http://www.cabby.se/PageFiles/5638/Särtryck_Cabby_polar_HoC_120523.pdf :

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One Danish article seems to have incorrectly stated (at least in Google translation) that the Cabby Loo can switch easily between electric and gas operation. If that were true, it would be terrific, especially if the Cabby Loo could be somehow rejiggered to run on both diesel and electricity.....:ylsmoke: . – see https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...e-til-at-lukke-op-og-skide-i.html&prev=search , https://translate.googleusercontent...5.html&usg=ALkJrhi2ToHze7jLB5AnqLjPDD7f4GAFqw .

Unfortunately, a quick perusal of some additional websites makes it clear that just like the Cinderella Motion, the Cabby Loo is gas-powered, with electricity only serving to ignite the gas. Just like the Cinderella Motion, the Cabby Loo is really just a mobile repackaging of the gas-powered Cinderella originally intended for residential use -- see https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...ionell-ny-toalett-fran-cabby-3916&prev=search , https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...novativo-w-c-sulle-caravan-cabby/&prev=search , https://translate.google.co.uk/tran.../2012/12/frasch-nyhet-fran-cabby/&prev=search , and https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...sse_Cabby_Loo_Innovationspris.doc&prev=search .

Indeed, as near as I can tell, the Cinderalla Motion and the Cabby Loo are the same product. The “Cinderella Motion” on the Dutch or Norwegian websites looks exactly the same as the Cabby Loo – see http://www.cinder ella-toilet.nl/en/cinderella-motion/ and http://www.cinderellaeco.no/våre-toaletter/cinderella-motion . And the Cabby Loo looks exactly the same as the pictures in the Cinderella Motion PDFs posted in #2411 and #2412 above. Cinderella probably has some kind of co-marketing agreement with Cabby, with the latter selling the product as "The Cabby Loo" in some markets, while Cinderella sells the same product as the "Cinderella Motion" in other markets. After all, the original technology is Norwegian. As a number of the links just provided explicitly state, the patented technology for the Cabby Loo came from Cinderella, and no doubt part of the patent is the big fat plate that seals the toilet during combustion, ensuring that there is no odor..... See posts #2404 and #2405 at http://www.expeditionportal.com/for...w-6x6-Hybrid-Drivetrain?p=2014772#post2014772 .

Apparently Cabby won the "innovation" prize at the 2013 Düsseldorf Caravan Salon for their toilet, as well as a number of other awards -- see https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...1-a-pris-i-husvagnsklassen-903240&prev=search , https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...pris-paa-caravan-salon-dusseldorf&prev=search , and https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...net/article.php/20130918131458588&prev=search :

6 Photos

In the last photo are pictured the presidents of Ecotech and Cabby respectively, Tor Petter W. Christensen, and Hans Lindh.


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In terms of its product offerings, it seems that Cabby first introduced the Cabby Loo in the "Calenna" Caravan -- see http://www.caravaning.de/test/premiere-cabby-schwedisch-fuer-fortgeschrittene-6400678.html , http://www.caravaning.de/premium/ca...tte-und-vier-grundrisskategorien-6568641.html , http://www.caravaning.de/bilder/premiere-cabby-schwedisch-fuer-fortgeschrittene-6400678.html , https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...uer-fortgeschrittene-6400678.html&prev=search , and https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...envrijetijd.nl/artikel/cabby-loo/&prev=search :

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Even when they are "just" caravans, the interiors of European RV products sure are beautiful! Here are some more videos which show the Cabby Loo installed inside various Cabby motorhomes. In the first, 28 seconds in; the second, 30 seconds; and in the third, 32 seconds:


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7. Incineration: the best form of waste disposal in a cold climate......


Now perhaps it should be no surprise that Cabby specifically sought out to develop this kind of incinerating toilet, because Cabby builds caravans used for winter camping in Sweden, and has even sponsored an Everest Expedition -- see http://www.cabby.se/sv/Valja-husvagn/Cabby-comfort-concept/En-riktig-vintervagn/ , http://www.cabby.se/sv/Valja-husvagn/Husvagnsliv/vintercamping-storklinten/ , http://www.cabby.se/sv/Valja-husvagn/Husvagnsliv/Kockmiddag_i_husvagn/ , http://www.cabby.se/PageFiles/5638/Särtryck_Cabby_polar_HoC_120523.pdf , http://www.cabby.se/sv/Om-Cabby/Expedition-Everest-Cabby/ , http://www.hvitserk.no/everest2015/ , https://www.facebook.com/hvitserk.eventyrreiser , http://www.utemagasinet.no/Aktuelt/Vi-foeler-oss-heldige :

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8. Caravanning in the Cold


Here are some videos about "Vintercamping" with a Cabby, to add some empirical confirmation that Swedes really do seem to enjoy caravanning in the cold:

And it has to be granted that there is a certain irrefutable logic to using a water-free, incinerating toilet when conditions are so frigid.....:sombrero:


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That incinerating toilet looks promising except for the need to use those paper bags every time one goes,,not very eco imho,
,also how would one use it if run out of those,,maybe someday someone designs perfect toilet

Meanwhile here are couple interesting designs that seem very practical





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Hi Silverado,

Many thanks for your post. Unfortunately, I've sort of had to go "around" it in order to complete this posting series about the Cinderella incinerating toilet.

In the course of looking through the super-detailed information about the Cinderella available in English, in the multilingual PDFs that -- for some reason -- are only accessible via the Norwegian-language side of the Norwegian website, I realized a few things:

(1) The "Motion" model is gas-operated, so the electrical "Comfort" and "Classic" models needed to be discussed, too. So I need more space than originally anticipated.

(2) One website claims that the "Cabby Loo" can be operated by either gas or electric, and easily switched between the two. As it turns out this is false, and it's also not true of the Cinderella "Motion" version of this product. Both the "Cabby Loo" and the "Motion" are exclusively gas-operated; electricity merely ignites the gas. However, I first needed to research the "Cabby Loo" a bit further, to see if I could find a PDF that describes the Cabby Loo in detail, which I have. In order to address all the interesting leads that thinking about about the Cabby Loo generated, I needed quite a bit more space.

(3) If there is some degree of smell outside the motorhome, the Cinderella "Motion" PDF recommends using a "bundled winter chimney". I am still not quite certain what this is, even though I've researched this too. But thought I might have needed more space to discuss this as well.

(4) Cinderella also makes urinals, designed to be used in combination with its toilets, no doubt to cut down on power consumption when one only needs to do number 1. So I needed to post about Cinderella's urinals as well, ergo, more space was needed for that.

I grabbed many more slots, and probably a few too many. I'll use the last slot to respond to your post after quoting it in full, so that it remains "in play", and does not get buried in the middle of this posting series.

My apologies for going around you like this, but when researching products in far-off lands, and only getting the information that one really needs (detailed PDFs in English) via circuitous and non-obvious routes that only finally "open up" as one begins posting, stuff like this happens. The Norwegian website is by far the most complete and useful, but it's in Norwegian, and it took me a while to discover that the Norwegian-language side of it has excellent multi-lingual PDFs that have detailed information in English.

All best wishes,


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8. Blackwater and Siberia


This only just occurred to me, but even if the TerraLiner's whole plumbing system -- including a blackwater tank -- were located inside a well-insulated interior, I still would not want to empty a blackwater tank in the middle of winter in Siberia. For winter temperature conditions in Siberia, see http://www.expeditionportal.com/for...Arctic-Antarctica-Tibet?p=1655440#post1655440 and http://www.expeditionportal.com/for...Arctic-Antarctica-Tibet?p=1660974#post1660974 in the Camper Thermal Engineering thread.

Put it this way: it gets so cold in Yakutsk during the winter, that if one throws boiling water into the air it freezes instantly, and turns to ice/snow before it hits the ground. And not just in Siberia:


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When disposing of blackwater using a hose in such super-cold conditions, the disposal hose outside the vehicle should probably be heated and insulated too. Just having insulated and well heated tanks and pipes inside one's motorhome may not be enough:

[video=youtube;n5RGlcLSrM4]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5RGlcLSrM4 [/video]



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8. Does one really want to deal with sewage-disposal failure in Siberia, when the temperature is 40 degrees below Celsius?


Otherwise the hose outside the vehicle may block up simply because one section flash-freezes; and it may suddenly disconnect because of the consequent pressure. In just a few seconds one might find oneself creating lots of brown snow and ice. Imagine some of these videos of blackwater disposal failure set in extreme cold conditions instead:

For me, just the thought of such a sewage accident in the middle of winter in Siberia, is enough to seriously motivate exploration of any and all alternatives to a blackwater tank. There clearly do exist much better ways to process human waste than mixing it with water to create unnecessary sewage. The problem of handling "winter sewage" clearly motivated Sweden's Cabby and Ecotech to borrow and extend further Cinderella's technology, applying it to the winter-capable caravan market.

Note that the South Pole traverse, a road-train that delvers fuel and supplies to the South Pole Station, uses an Incinolet, even though though it stinks to high heaven, and is universally despised by those who work on the traverse -- see posts #53 - #58 in Camper Thermal Engineering, beginning at http://www.expeditionportal.com/for...Arctic-Antarctica-Tibet?p=1655502#post1655502 . But at least an Incinolet won't freeze up in Antarctic conditions, and at least those who work on the South Pole traverse don't have to deal with hoses, water, and sewage when the temperature outside is 40 degrees below Celsius, or worse.


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9. Cinderella FAQs


Now in the course of searching Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and Dutch websites, I found lots of pages that had useful insights. But perhaps the most useful page on any website is the FAQ, and two of the Cinderella PDFs just posted have "FAQ" pages embedded:

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Otherwise, as near as I can tell, there is just one other place on the web where one can find a usable Cinderella FAQ page: the Swedish distributor's website.

This website is also packed with PDFs, but unfortunately they're all in Swedish – see http://www.fritidstoa.se/sv/start/ , http://www.fritidstoa.se/sv/vara-produkter/cinderella-comfort/ , https://translate.googleusercontent...mfort/&usg=ALkJrhiwAgM-MPNBqJj4kF16hksmf73Mgg , https://prezi.com/dezrjtv8xb2k/dec-2014/ , https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...la/dokumentation-for-nedladdning/&prev=search , https://translate.googleusercontent...riser/&usg=ALkJrhipZuLqWWlf7BY9aCyWsj25yOXLmA , http://www.fritidstoa.se/sv/om-cinderella/dokumentation-for-nedladdning/ , https://translate.googleusercontent...dning/&usg=ALkJrhjBaxWVPV8WXNtO_Q66BuO_I12ZtA , http://www.fritidstoa.se/media/12931/cinderella-broschyr_ver32014la-gupp.pdf , http://www.fritidstoa.se/media/3081/Bruksanvisning-Comfort.pdf , http://www.fritidstoa.se/media/12922/Cinderella-Comfort-installation-svenska.pdf , http://www.fritidstoa.se/media/12925/Cinderella-Comfort-installation-finska.pdf , http://www.fritidstoa.se/media/12258/1-Cinderella-Comfort-installation_inluft.pdf , http://www.fritidstoa.se/media/3129/Kayttoohje-mista-sarjanumero-120124046.pdf , http://www.fritidstoa.se/media/3090/Installationsanvisning-Classic.pdf , http://www.fritidstoa.se/media/3093/Bruksanvisning-fr-o-m-sernr-120124046.pdf , and http://www.fritidstoa.se/media/3102/Bruksanvisning-tvaknappspanel-.pdf .

This website's FAQ page is also written in Swedish, but at least it's translatable into passable English via Google. The English-language portions of the Dutch and Norwegian websites have no such FAQ page, and the Norwegian website's FAQ page in Norwegian becomes very messed up and unusable when one tries putting it through Google -- see http://www.cinderellaeco.no/index.php?option=com_cck&view=list&search=faq&task=search&Itemid=380 and https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...&view=list&search=faq&task=search .

In short, we have no alternative to the Swedish website's FAQ page, other than the FAQs pages in the two PDFs posted above. Here is the Swedish FAQ page posted in full -- see http://www.fritidstoa.se/sv/om-cinderella/faq-med-fragor-och-svar/ and https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...nderella/faq-med-fragor-och-svar/&prev=search :

FAQ questions and answers

Must combustion toilet stand in a heated space?

No, it can be installed and used in freezing temperatures.

One can visit the toilet when combustion is in progress?
Yes, ongoing combustion stops when the cover is opened.

Can you turn off the toilet when you go away?
Yes, when you will return, just plug in / switch it on and use as normal.

You have to use paper every time?
Yes, the bag must be used at every visit. It is thanks to the waterproof bag that is always clean and fresh in the toilet.

How large households can you be?
Cinderella Comfort manage a household up to 12 people.
Cinderella Gas manages a household up to 10 people.

Is an incinerating toilet safe to use?
Yes, great emphasis has been placed on security. It is S-marked, EMC tested in accordance with EU directives and CE marked.

Can you have Cinderella in public places?

No, we do not recommend it because it uses the bag at each lavatory.

Why incinerating toilet view?

To ash formed not to isolate, "last-down-burned-first".

How often you have to empty out the ashes?

After 100-130 visits. Cinderella indicates when it is time to empty askskålen by alternately flashing the red and yellow light on the panel.

How do you handle the ashes?
The ash is completely odorless and germ. Spread it out in rebate, on the grass or put it in the compost or in household waste.

How much extra is based toilet in depth when drawing tube inside the toilet compartment?
With the T-tube mounted directly behind the toilet building the toalt approximately 82 cm.

What about the ventilation?
Cinderella Comfort has a completely sealed air systems which will eliminate cold drafts in the toilet space. It is very important that the installation instructions are followed regarding size, length and number of bends in the line should be.

Can you use any existing pipes for venting?
No, the tubes should be replaced. It is important that the correct type and size of pipe used (gray 110mm drainage pipes).

Does it smell during combustion?
Inside the washroom smell it less than a flush toilet thanks to the built-in fan. The toilet is equipped with a platinum-coated catalyst. Up on the roof, it may feel a slight smell of burned ash during combustion.

How much power does my burning toilet?
At most 2 kW. A combustion consumes an average of 0.8 to 1.5 kWh. If you go after each other reduces the energy consumption per visit.

Cinderella draws more power than other types of dry toilets?

It depends on how it is used. Cinderella draws no power when not in use. Looking at annual consumption tend to be about the same as other dry toilets often have a fan going around the clock and that also needs to be heated space.

How long has the toilet has been on the market?
The toilet is manufactured in a few different designs since the Swedish patent was taken in 1997.

Is there access to service and spare parts?
Yes, service and spare parts. You'll find all of our service centers and authorized service partners our
website »

Where can I buy bags?
From all our distributors which you can find on our website under the heading Dealer »

Following everything you need for installation in the delivery?
Besides the toilet comes with two connection pipes, T-pieces, valve cover, rain hat and a cardboard paper bags.
The long pipe from the T-tube up over the roof needs to be purchased separately as it depends on the ceiling height is.

Are there any references?
Yes, we have some on our web site under the heading: 
Satisfied customers - therefore we chose Cinderella »
If you want further references we can send on request.

How long the warranty is it and what does the warranty cover?
The guarantee is valid for 3 years from date of purchase. The warranty covers manufacturing defects and faults in components that occur during the warranty period. Always use original bags.

Errors occur due to other bags used, the warranty is void.

Fritidstoa ab covers the costs of parts, labor, and transportation between Fritidstoa and your nearest dealer during the warranty period. Performed on-site service covered all traveling expenses of the customer.

The warranty does not cover:

• improper installation
• handling errors
• transport
• lightning

Costs associated with the service after the warranty period or faults caused as described above are covered in their entirety by the customer.

Any repairs must be performed by authorized personnel. In cases of complaint, please state the serial number found on the back of the toilet. Servicing and repair should the toilet be cleaned.

There is also a more compact description on another website at https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=sv&u=http://www.pricerunner.se/sp/cinderella-f%C3%B6rbr%C3%A4nningstoalett.html&prev=search and https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...stoaletter?attr_55813582=55813584&prev=search :

Fritidstoa Cinderella Comfort El combustion toilet

Cinderella Comfort combustion toilet Cinderella is no composting toilet with a toilet incinerating urine and feces at high temperature. All that remains is a bit odorless ash, about one coffee cup per person per month. The ash is completely germ free and works great as a fertilizer. Cinderella detects how much moisture there is in the chamber and adapt the combustion time thereafter. No need for water connection or drain. No need for bedding materials or chemicals. No need for heated space. The toilet works just as well in permanent accommodation in a vacation home. Technical specifications: Seat height 54 cm . Overall height: 60 cm, width: 39 cm. Capacity: Up to 12 people.

And there’s a useful “Prezi” (presentation) at https://prezi.com/dezrjtv8xb2k/dec-2014/ .


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10. What Scandinavian Blogs Say about the Cinderella


Here's a blog by a Swedish "convert" to Cinderella, one who hated the stench and yuckiness of the traditional RV toilet. She came across the Cinderella, and the rest is history. She loves it, and confirms that after using it for a month, it is completely odor-free, and simply fantastic – see https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...09/13/trolla-laskigt-till-latt-2/&prev=search :

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But there do exist some potential problems with Cinderella incinerating toilets:

(1) The original capital investment: the Cinderella is expensive.

(2) The Cinderella's consumption of electricity or gas -- Cinderellas are powered by one or the other. But either way, the Cinderella might be considered an "energy intensive" toilet

(3) The sound that the Cinderella makes during its burn cycle. In some new toilets there is a "cracking" sound made by the steel during heating. Apparently it will diminish with time.

(4) The odor that the Cinderella might spread outside (but not inside!!..:)..).

(5) The fact that the Cinderella is an incinerating toilet which involves fire, so the worry about setting a caravan or a motorhome ablaze.

(6) The need for the combustion chamber to be checked and serviced every few years.

(7) the complexity of the system, and the number of moving parts. See for instance https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...10-10_406477_89/Hyttesnakk_Snakk/&prev=search .

Opinions differ regarding sound and smell, with Cinderella enthusiasts insisting that the toilet's burn-cycle does not make that much noise, and that it also does not smell that much outside either, where it vents. But nobody claims that the Cinderella smells inside, which is quite an accomplishment for an incinerating toilet. Unlike the Incinolet, the Cinderella is a true odour-free incinerating toilet, at least on the inside of a motorhome.

The enthusiasm of Cinderella "converts” is very strong. They will say that even though the Cinderella is very expensive, it's worth every cent, because it finally solved their cottage toilet problem. See for instance https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...forskaffa-icke-vattentoalett.html&prev=search , https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...lopp/17927-forbranningstoa-2.html&prev=search , and https://translate.google.co.uk/tran....no/forum/showthread.php?t=116827&prev=search .

I don't think I've read such enthusiastic endorsements of any other kind of alternative toilet, anywhere. Comments even by those positively disposed towards a given brand of composting or incinerating toilet will always qualify their praise, because satisfaction is never 100 %. Nobody ever writes about such toilets with the joy and enthusiasm of a total convert. Whereas this does seem to be how Scandinavians are writing about the Cinderella.

Even critical reviews tend to focus only on the price. For instance the Danish article already mentioned earlier acknowledges that the Cinderella Motion/”Cabby Loo” toilet is everything that it promises to be. The Danish article's only complaint is that the Cinderella Motion/Cabby Loo is expensive, about 30,000 Danish Krone, or 4,350 USD and/or 4,020 EU – see https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...e-til-at-lukke-op-og-skide-i.html&prev=search , https://translate.googleusercontent...5.html&usg=ALkJrhi2ToHze7jLB5AnqLjPDD7f4GAFqw . A Dutch blog confirms the same rough-ballpark price, claiming that the electric Cinderella 220 costs 3600 EU in Norway, and the gas version costs 4500 EU – see https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...um.nl/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8440080&prev=search .

Apparently the gas version consumes quite a bit of fuel. But it's not worth considering in any case, because the TerraLiner will not carry LPG, and it's quite possible that in places that have excellent DNI the TerraLiner will be able to run all camper systems off solar, including a Cinderella incinerating toilet.


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11. An Independent Laboratory Comparison


Finally here are some Scandinavian “alternative toilet” market comparisons that include Cinderella, as well as dealer catalogs that offer more than just Cinderella toilets. Some documents were too big to translate into English, so they're still in the original Scandinavian:https://www.hyttebutikken.no/web-content/Katalog 2012/gruppe_hyttetoaletter.pdf ,http://www.jegrelius.se/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Hallbar-toalettavfallshantering-2011.pdf , https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...sen.no/?id=515882&show..&apage=77&prev=search , https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...ring-eller-kremering-2799880.html&prev=search , https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...produkter-for-enskilt-avlopp.html&prev=search , https://translate.google.co.uk/tran.../www.bad.no/c/forbrenningstoalett&prev=search , and http://issuu.com/bonniermedia/docs/04-10 .

And here is an independent laboratory study conducted by Testfakta, one of Scandinavia's biggest test and research companies specializing in the evaluation of consumer products. It comparatively evaluated Cinderella, Separett, Toamoa, and Incinolet toilets -- see http://www.testfakta.se/node/3244 , http://www.testfakta.se/sites/default/files/_BINARY_97707.pdf , and https://translate.google.co.uk/tran...shmedia.no/cinderella-best-i-test&prev=search :

Large differences in effectiveness and safety.

The incinerating toilets from Cinderella incinerate excrement both best and safest in Testfakta's test. Three competing toilets more or less fail on the safety side.


The electrical incinerating toilet is an increasingly common alternative to the summer house owner’s outhouse and other systems based on biological degradation. The incinerating toilet does not need a water supply. The whole idea is that urine and faeces is incinerated at a high temperature of about 600 °C. The ashes, which are completely odour-free, are collected in a container and can usefully be emptied in the garden where they operate as fertilizer.

Testfakta Research has, on behalf of Fritidstoa, commissioned a comparative laboratory testing of electrical incinerating toilets. The purpose of the test is to compare the ease of use, performance, and safety of Fritidstoa's model, Cinderella Comfort, with the three competing brands on the Swedish market. The laboratory test has been carried out by SMP Svensk Maskinprovning in Alnarp, Skåne, and includes the following elements: manageability, performance and safety.

In the manageability element, the laboratory has among other things considered the manufacturers' instructions for installation, application of toilet bags and how easy it is to get at and empty the ash pan.

According to the laboratory, a professional should carry out the installation if you are not "very handy".

Bengt-Göran Pripp is a test technician at SMP in Alnarp and has worked on the test:

- The toilet itself is easy to connect. It only takes a grounded plug to make it work. And if it's in an old outhouse most people could probably manage to saw holes for the chimney and ventilation. But if it's in areas that require work in insulated walls or ceilings it will, of course, be more difficult. Then it may be easier to bring in someone who has the right tools.

In the performance element, the laboratory has compared ability to effectively incinerate faecal matter and urine by simulating more and less demanding user scenarios. The test has simulated everything from cold start to a simulated toilet queue of up to six people. The test showed that the Cinderella toilet clearly had the most effective incineration. Several of the toilets in the test had problems with incineration in the more demanding operations where Cinderella did not leave any unburned residues. Energy consumption for a "flush" is on average about 1.5 kWh. However, it is important to be aware that the toilets suck in significant amounts of air during the incineration process, which can affect indoor environmental quality. What sets Cinderella Comfort apart from the other toilets is that it takes air from outside and thus has no impact on indoor environmental quality.

In the safety evaluation, the laboratory found a number of more and less remarkable deficiencies in all the toilets in the test. The most serious criticism is given to the toilets from Toamoa, Separett and Incinolet. These toilets have a technical solution that makes it possible to flush while sitting on the toilet. The incinerator hatch opens when flushing, which entails a risk of exposure to flames and a "theoretical" risk of contact with heated components. The same three toilets also lack a locking system that prevents the incineration process from starting if the ash pan is not installed.

Despite the safety weaknesses found, all of the toilets meet the requirements for CE marking. The question for the consumer is how reliable CE marking really is.

Bengt-Göran Pripp of SMP expresses himself diplomatically:

- It is not our job to comment on CE marking. It is the manufacturer's responsibility. Our task is to review the toilets based on a sort of standard. In doing so, we have also seen these risks. They will clearly be smaller if everyone follow the instructions, but we cannot ignore the fact that an open incineration chamber carries a risk, for example, for anyone wearing flammable clothing.

Electric incinerating toilet

An electric incinerating toilet is a toilet where urine, faeces and toilet paper (waste) is incinerated at a high temperature. Incineration occurs by the waste being heated to a temperature of about 600 °C. Flue gas is directed out through a degassing pipe. Oxygen for incineration is supplied from either the indoor space or directly from the outside. To ensure oxygen supply and extraction of flue gas, the toilets are equipped with a fan. The ashes after the incineration are collected in the incinerator container (ash pan). Incineration is effective and the amount of ash is limited.

The following toilets have been tested:

  • Cinderella Comfort
  • Toamoa
  • Separett Flame 8000
  • Incinolet TR Deluxe 1800

The laboratory test includes the following main elements:

  1. Installation
  2. Ease-of-use
  3. Performance
  4. Safety

In order to carry out the test all the toilets were installed in accordance with their respective instruction manuals. Installation was performed in an isolated climatic chamber. The test element for performance (incineration effectiveness) was done one by one to ensure adequate ventilation.

1. Installation

All toilets can be connected with power plugs to a normal power outlet (220-230V) and do not require more than a 10A fuse. Connection of flue ducts and ensuring ventilation is an important and demanding part of the installation. If the flue duct or ventilation is connected incorrectly the toilet will not function optimally and, in the worst case, flue gas can leak out into the room. Unless you are particularly skilled, you should enlist the help of a professional to ensure a proper installation. None of the toilets in the sample are delivered fully ready for installation. The most complete was Cinderella which, unlike the other toilets, includes pipes for connection of air inlet and outlet.

2. Ease-of-use

Flushing mechanism
The flushing mechanism on Cinderella is electronic, i.e. the flush button is pressed and the toilet does the rest. The other models are mechanical and require either the pressing down of a lever or treading on a pressure plate to "flush" (open the hatch to release the waste to the incineration chamber).

Signal systems
There are also differences between the toilets when it comes to signal systems. Cinderella signals functions and status with light and sound codes. Toamoa and Separett show functions and status directly in text on a display. Incinolet has no signal system at all in light, sound or text.

Application of toilet bag
It is important for the function of the toilet that the toilet bag is easy to affix and has a good fit. Cinderella's toilet bags had a good fit and were easy to affix. The bags for the other toilets in the sample had a poor fit and were difficult to affix.

Emptying of ash pan
To empty the ash pan the protection must first be dismantled (remove the protective cover). For ease of use, it is an advantage if the cover is easy to remove, but there is a safety aspect in that the door should not be too easy to open (see more about this in safety, below). Once the cover is gone, it is possible to take out the ash pan. All of the ash pans were difficult to get out of their holders. Overall, emptying and cleaning of the ash pan was easiest on Cinderella.

All toilets were well designed to facilitate cleaning of seat and liner. They were easy to access and there were no nooks or crannies that collected dirt. Incinolet stood out by having a toilet lid that was easy to remove, which made it easier to access for cleaning.

3. Performance

To test the toilets' performance (incineration effectiveness) the laboratory performed a number of different capacity tests. Artificial faeces and artificial urine, prepared in accordance with Ecolabelling Sweden's criteria for the testing of toilet systems, were used in the tests.

The capacity test was carried out in three different stages:

In the first stage, the toilets' capacity from a cold start and with an empty and clean ash pan was tested. Three rounds were run, and the average energy consumption, time and incineration result was noted. 100 grams of faecal matter + 100 grams of urine were flushed down to incineration at each run. Overall, Cinderella and Incinolet managed incineration best, though they did leave some small char residue. Toamoa and Separett Toamoa did not manage to incinerate the faeces and left a lot of residue. Energy consumption varied greatly between the different toilets.
Incinolet had the highest average consumption with 1.65 kWh, while the toilets that had the worst incineration had the lowest (Toamoa and Separett) with 0.95 kWh. All incineration times were in the range of 70-77 minutes.

In the second stage the toilets' capacity during more regular usage, without emptying and without the toilets having totally cooled between incinerations, was tested. Seven rounds were run, and the average energy consumption, time and incineration results were noted. In a first round a test series was run with five flushes of 100 grams of faecal matter + 100 grams of urine. There followed two flushes of 200 grams faecal matter + 200 grams urine at 10 minute intervals, which simulates a toilet queue of four people. The test result showed a significantly better incineration result for all toilets. Cinderella had the best incineration (no residue left). The other three toilets left small amounts of char residue.

During more continuous operation, all toilets had approximately the same average energy consumption (1.70 - 1.88 kWh). The differences in incineration time were, however, greater. Toamoa and Incinolet had the longest incineration time with 93 minutes and Cinderella had the shortest with 77 minutes.

In the third stage a test series of three rounds with 200 grams of faecal matter + 200 grams of urine was run at ten minute intervals, which simulates a toilet queue of 6 people. Cinderella was the only toilet which managed a complete incineration (no char residue left). Toamoa, Separett and Incinolet left quite a lot of unburned residues.

Cinderella, which passed the incineration series best, also had the highest energy consumption, with 4.06 kWh compared with 2.93 for the lowest (Separett).

4. Safety

The laboratory's evaluation of safety for the user includes the risk of coming into contact with heated components, the risk of fumes indoors, and the risk of damage to the underlying material.

For three of the toilets there is a risk that the person sitting on the toilet may come into contact with a flame. Toamoa, Separett and Incinolet have a technical solution that enables flushing when the user is sitting on the toilet. The act of flushing opens the hatch to the incineration chamber and the person seated on the toilet then risks coming into contact with a flame. Even if the actual incineration has been completed, the temperature is so high that paper (the toilet bag) ignites with the open flame.

The biggest risk for burning oneself is in the handling of the ash pan. None of the tested toilets have any warning concerning the risk of high temperature when emptying the ash pan (however, all manuals make clear that emptying of the ash pan should wait until incineration has been completed and the fan has come to a stop). To get at the ash pan a protective cover must first be removed. For two of the toilets (Toamoa and Separett), tools are required to remove the cover. The cover on Cinderella is easy to remove, which means a risk that children can pick up the cover and come into contact with the ash pan that maintains a high temperature.

Air supply and extraction of flue gases is controlled by a fan. In the event of a power outage, the fan stops and there is a risk that flue gas goes out into the room instead of through the chimney. Cinderella, Separett and Toamoa are each equipped with a back-up battery to power the fan in the event of a power outage. Incinolet has no back-up battery.

Cinderella Comfort has a technical solution that prevents flushing and incineration if the ash pan is not installed. The other toilets do not have this lock which means that waste can be flushed down and incineration started without the ash pan, which involves a risk of damage to the underlying material.


The results of the comparative test have been rated in consultation with the laboratory. For the overall rating performance has been weighted at 50 per cent, safety 30 per cent and ease-of-use 20 per cent. In the performance element the greatest weight has been given to the incineration result (60 per cent), while energy consumption and incineration time received a lower weighting (20 + 20 percent). In the result from the safety test the greatest weight has been given to the risk of burns (contact with open flame and contact with hot surfaces), 60 per cent. When it comes to ease-of-use the greatest weight has been given to the toilet bag (40 per cent) and signal system (30 per cent).

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