The Great Camp Chair Debate


lost on the mainland
Honu, you are the target demographic for TheClymb. You would really like their site...too much probably.

hahahah DANGER stay away :)

if its like costco :) but for gear :) OK then might check it out

usually seems one of those give info then get hit with massive email :)


Like others in the _great Camp Chair debate_ my wife and i chose to try out a couple of the Strongback ZEN chairs. They are the most comfortable we've sat in over the many years of camping. We chose the ZEN model in part due to the sizing chart, my wife is 5'4" and i'm 5'7"...both regular build. So it seemed to make sence to just believe the sizing chart, and it worked for us. The second reason is we liked the more compact folded size of the ZEN to fit in the storage area under our bed platform.



my goodness you folks are picky.
I'll take any camp chair that will fit my bum and doesn't collapse.



Expedition Leader
Not sure if these have been discussed previously but I just impulse ordered the 'Picnic Special deal' of these:


Some RVers swear by them, they weigh approx. 5lbs so fairly light too. I'll let you guys know how I like them once I get them.


the Kohls thing is a good catch :) did not see them there before :)
just ordered 3 more from them and got %15 off using a regular CC ...


i received my four chairs from

honu, i think you ordered the last set of chairs from kohls - ********.


Colonal Angus

Not sure if these have been discussed previously but I just impulse ordered the 'Picnic Special deal' of these:


Some RVers swear by them, they weigh approx. 5lbs so fairly light too. I'll let you guys know how I like them once I get them.

I'm really interested to hear what you think about these, stioc. They look interesting and surprisingly/relatively inexpensive. I wonder why they don't make a taller variant. Thanks for posting.


Expedition Leader
Yes we are picky. Comes from years of just sitting in any old uncomfortable chair thats lucky to last a season. Lots more options now than there used to be. Having a few more funds now doesn't hurt either. In my younger days I'd certainly never have forked over so much for a chair.


lost on the mainland
quick update on the Helinox chairs

did a nice little 4 day trip this weekend the new Helinox Chairs :)
custom cut my IGT legs down in length so the chairs would give us a standard table height !
again my goal is to get light and compact without giving up comfort and durability ! knowing they cost a bit more and take a touch longer to setup we found they were worth it big time !
was nice not to lug big heavy chairs anymore !
was a fun group camp with 20 families all homeschooling families and the chairs were sat in by quite a few people of all shapes and size and all could not believe how comfy they were ! and of course how light !
setup take down is quick ! even took them down to the lake since they pack so small and light ! something I would not have ever done with regular camp chairs !
as the wife said this has been the best recent addition to our camp setup !
also my kids and other kids loved them cause they could easily pick them up and move them super easy !

super light, super compact, super strong (300 lbs capacity or close to that)
easy to get in and out of not so low ! you can just stand up from them some low chairs you have to push up off something to get out of !
easy to take them on side trips when camping like hike to the lakes where a normal camp chair you would not want to lug !

regular table height they are about 3 inches to low so dont plan on eating at a normal table height ! so unless you can adjust your table ? or dont mind sitting low they might not be the chair for you !
price for some ? I think $89
the smaller feet might dig into some soft dirt ? could put larger caps on them I guess ?

(also posted this pic in the tent thread)
but this pic has the normal sit height legs (660mm) as the main part with the grill and stuff so gives you a idea of how much I cut down the legs (down to 570mm) for our bamboo table extension to sit lower
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Expedition Leader
^ nice review Honu.

I got my Remington Furniture chairs and table last night when I got home from work. I set them up right in the living room for my testing lol Keep in mind I don't have any extensive frame of reference when it comes to camping chairs since we've been using the $15 generic folding camping chairs. However, I have sat in the ARB chairs and a couple of others. I always wanted something low...they just look more comfortable.

- very light weight for being wood construction. The set of two chairs and the table came in at only about 17lbs on my bathroom scale
- love the low height because I can stretch my legs out without needing an ottoman
- love the recline position/angle
- the table is well matched in height to the chairs
- very easy to fold out and fold back up
- fold flat so you can store light stuff on top or you can wedge them between stuff vertically
- $100 for a set of two chairs and a table is steal

- perhaps a cushion might help if you're going to sit in them to read a long novel but for the 5mins I sat in the chairs they were quite comfortable and supportive

The first time the gf tried the chair she sat on the edge of it which naturally tipped it forward. I asked her what she thought of it and she said she likes it but wasn't sure about being so low to the ground. I explained to her that she can stretch her legs out and see if she finds it more comfortable compared to our other camping chairs where your butt sinks into the seat like a sack of potatoes and your legs dangle pretty much straight towards the ground. She liked the fact that they are reclined which feels more comfortable.

All in all I'm more than satisfied with them and I can even see myself using them in the front or our backyard.



Expedition Leader
did a nice little 4 day trip this weekend the new Helinox Chairs :)

The REI Flex Lite Chair which is made by Big Agnes also is the light version that is rated to 250 lbs instead of the Helinox's 320 lbs. Also cheaper by about $20 if you don't need the extra weight capacity.

My friend has one and I thought it was very comfortable. I do like how compact they are when packed up.


lost on the mainland
The REI Flex Lite Chair which is made by Big Agnes also is the light version that is rated to 250 lbs instead of the Helinox's 320 lbs. Also cheaper by about $20 if you don't need the extra weight capacity.
My friend has one and I thought it was very comfortable. I do like how compact they are when packed up.

they are basically the same chair :) BUT !for sure not the same when it comes to comfort and build :) the frame is made from DAC and the plastic joints seem to be identical but the main part (fabric) of the chair is different :) IMHO its for sure the cheaper (option) copy of the original :)

this video below was a few posts up :)

not knocking the REI :) more praising the Helinox as the better built more comfortable chair of the two ! :)
my understanding is Big Agnes is the importer and the Helinox is a Australian company (kknown for their trekking poles) working with DAC to create the chair the REI is made by who ever does REI stuff and I imagine along with DAC
so kinda thinking DAC owns the design ?
since the REI has a great warranty its a great safe buy :) but when sitting side by side you will always want to sit in the Helinox model :) from adults to even kids agree the Helinox is more comfy when I had both
from below its more than the weight limit ! its the corners being better the width and the back height cause of the cut and even the bag design :)

OK since these two chairs are very similar there are also some differences
decided to order both and see what I thought :)

basically the Helinox wins IMHO its more comfy my wife and kids also thought so
the helinox is about 1 inch wider
the corners where the poles go in the Helinox has a stiffener inside them and they are larger so the poles do not dig into your back !
the shape or cut of the fabric is also different the Helinox being a bit more conforming and also allows you to sit in the chair a bit more making the back a bit longer which is much more supportive !
the Helinox I think says 330 lbs vs the 250 lbs of the REI
the Helinox bag is also a bit nicer IMHO again :)

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New member
Ive used a ROOTs camping chair for years, and it has held up great. For my last year of college I even used it full time in my room, and it held up fine (that was in 2008).


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