quick update on the Helinox chairs
did a nice little 4 day trip this weekend the new Helinox Chairs
custom cut my IGT legs down in length so the chairs would give us a standard table height !
again my goal is to get light and compact without giving up comfort and durability ! knowing they cost a bit more and take a touch longer to setup we found they were worth it big time !
was nice not to lug big heavy chairs anymore !
was a fun group camp with 20 families all homeschooling families and the chairs were sat in by quite a few people of all shapes and size and all could not believe how comfy they were ! and of course how light !
setup take down is quick ! even took them down to the lake since they pack so small and light ! something I would not have ever done with regular camp chairs !
as the wife said this has been the best recent addition to our camp setup !
also my kids and other kids loved them cause they could easily pick them up and move them super easy !
super light, super compact, super strong (300 lbs capacity or close to that)
easy to get in and out of not so low ! you can just stand up from them some low chairs you have to push up off something to get out of !
easy to take them on side trips when camping like hike to the lakes where a normal camp chair you would not want to lug !
regular table height they are about 3 inches to low so dont plan on eating at a normal table height ! so unless you can adjust your table ? or dont mind sitting low they might not be the chair for you !
price for some ? I think $89
the smaller feet might dig into some soft dirt ? could put larger caps on them I guess ?
(also posted this pic in the tent thread)
but this pic has the normal sit height legs (660mm) as the main part with the grill and stuff so gives you a idea of how much I cut down the legs (down to 570mm) for our bamboo table extension to sit lower