lost on the mainland
thanks ditto
like to see a pro con list
I see these chairs or a exact look alike on Asian blogs a lot
curious do you have a link to them ? the table seems pretty nice
we have some REI cloth ones but think I want a hard table rather than a soft ?
like to see a pro con list
I see these chairs or a exact look alike on Asian blogs a lot
curious do you have a link to them ? the table seems pretty nice
we have some REI cloth ones but think I want a hard table rather than a soft ?
^ nice review Honu.
I got my Remington Furniture chairs and table last night when I got home from work. I set them up right in the living room for my testing lol Keep in mind I don't have any extensive frame of reference when it comes to camping chairs since we've been using the $15 generic folding camping chairs. However, I have sat in the ARB chairs and a couple of others. I always wanted something low...they just look more comfortable.
- very light weight for being wood construction. The set of two chairs and the table came in at only about 17lbs on my bathroom scale
- love the low height because I can stretch my legs out without needing an ottoman
- love the recline position/angle
- the table is well matched in height to the chairs
- very easy to fold out and fold back up
- fold flat so you can store light stuff on top or you can wedge them between stuff vertically
- $100 for a set of two chairs and a table is steal
- perhaps a cushion might help if you're going to sit in them to read a long novel but for the 5mins I sat in the chairs they were quite comfortable and supportive
The first time the gf tried the chair she sat on the edge of it which naturally tipped it forward. I asked her what she thought of it and she said she likes it but wasn't sure about being so low to the ground. I explained to her that she can stretch her legs out and see if she finds it more comfortable compared to our other camping chairs where your butt sinks into the seat like a sack of potatoes and your legs dangle pretty much straight towards the ground. She liked the fact that they are reclined which feels more comfortable.
All in all I'm more than satisfied with them and I can even see myself using them in the front or our backyard.