The Great Camp Chair Debate


How bulky are the Strongback chairs when folded up?
We have the Zen model because the length when folded is 34" and still store under dinette seats in my FWC Grandby camper. They're not much bigger around than the cheapy versions. Nothing had to come out of the underseat storage for them and it's full. The replaced the original fold up chairs one for one.


How bulky are the Strongback chairs when folded up?

11 1/2" x 6 1/2" x 43 3/4" is the size of the box one chair came in and fits snuggly, out of the box the bottom is smaller diameter.
I am using a StrongBack for a computer chair now, nice back angle, must be cabin fever........


If anyone is looking at the REI Flex Lite you can grab em for $55.99 using coupon: 126TAKE20
Think I will pick one up to try out.


SE Expedition Society
I have a Kermit (and love it!) but I'm going to get a second (wide load) with a table since their doing the group buy on here.
My Kermits are getting old and rickety. They lived in my motorcycle saddlebags, in the back of my MINIs, Jeep, & Power Wagon. The bouncing around is making the metal pins fall out...

Been looking at those folding wonder GSI contraptions. I like the way they disappear.


OverCamping Specialist
My Kermits are getting old and rickety. They lived in my motorcycle saddlebags, in the back of my MINIs, Jeep, & Power Wagon. The bouncing around is making the metal pins fall out...

Been looking at those folding wonder GSI contraptions. I like the way they disappear.
They are nice, mine sits on my front passenger seat most of the summer, as I often take lunch outside behind my rig underneath a big shade tree at work.
Hardly takes up any room at all.


Supporting Sponsor - Mojoe Outfitters
I've seen and used alot of chairs over the years. Some good, some bad. I hate chairs in a bag that suck you in when you sit in them. I hate chairs that cost $$$ and break in 1 season. I read the article in OJ. I've seen and heard about PICO chairs and Kermits. None fit my requirements.

So, in 2007 I bought this MacCabee chair at Costco to take to Iraq. I figured it would be durable enough, and if it survived I'd bring it home. It did, and here it is in the fall of 2009 still going strong!


This same chair has been to Iraq, Maldives, Oman, and Djibouti plus all the trips I've done here in the states like Death Valley etc.

All aluminum structure with rivets (no plastic). Folds flat so it's not the smallest when stowed, but durability and comfort have been outstanding!

Here is a similar design, now being sold as a Coleman, at Costco now:

I bought two MacCabee chairs just like yours (same color!) about ten years ago and nothing I've seen before or since even comes close to the durability and support (particularly back support) of this chair. One of my MacCabee's got blown into the campfire about five years ago and burnt up. The other is still going strong. On camping trips, everyone wants to sit in my chair and I have to chase them off to their stupid Walmart/Big Five chairs. I have been looking everywhere on-line and in stores to buy a few more of these MacCabee's but can't find them anywhere. Does anyone know where I can get them?


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