I first really wanted to offer an absolutely huge thanks to several friends who helped me attempt to hammer out the truck. A couple of them pulled all nighters or were down as late as 3, 4 AM working with me. One turned 30 and shortly after his wife gave birth and he just a couple days later he was back at it helping me out during the day which was simply unbelieveable
-Steven Chen (who also gave me the truck), who put in I think 3 nights through at least 3/4 AM and was sort of my guide and compass.
-Jake Smith (whose wife also just gave birth). He did all sorts of awesome odds and ends and was just so awesome. He would show up with donuts and juice at 9AM ready to go.
-Ken Dahlberg who I
can't thank enough, who was making trips back and forth for me delivering parts and driveshafts, and was moral support, and who I also got the parts vehicle the engine came from, etc etc..
-And Eric Edwards, who also did some crucial machining for the truck as well and put in a night to about 2AM helping with the manual transmission conversion (pedal installs, etc).
And then auxiliary supporters like Ryan Sharp who helped assemble one of the doors and some of the other folk helping out (I hope I'm not forgetting anyone important). Kurt Williams for 3AM phone calls.
It really became pretty insane and I really wish I could have documented it more and better but that became a second priority...
Steve Chen:
Jake Smith:
Eric Edwards:
Ken Dahlberg:
And finally my lovely wife who I owe
so much to. I've basically been MIA for at least the last month nearly completely. Here she is tuning powder skis and if I'm lucky she'll even occasionally tune mine... I am
one lucky man to have such an amazing woman, and friends and family...