Lost Canadian
Expedition Leader
Michael Reichmann just posted his detailed review of the X10 over at the Luminous Landscape. Check it out.
One big disappointment for me is that the EXR modes, Fuji's awesome pixel binning sensor technology, can only be utilized in an automatic mode and the output can only be record as jpgs.
I think you'll really enjoy it, I am. Get yourself a couple spare battery's though, one downfall of the camera is battery life isn't that great. Out of camera IQ is really good though, and that's what really matters in a walk around camera.
Any updates on the X10? I'm about ready to spring for one, but have been running into reports of a white orb in the image under some lighting conditions. Wondering how concerned I should be about that?
I'd say it depends on what you're shooting. My initial enthusiasm for the camera has certainly been tempered because of the white orbs which are very much real. Generally speaking, and in most situations you probably won't run into them, but.... As I started shooting more city scenes and around water I started to notice the white orbs more and more, and once I noticed them I found I was really trying to shoot around the limitations of the camera instead of taking the picture I really wanted. Sadly, this lead me to realize that this camera may not be for me, in spite of the fact that I loved using it and it did almost everything I wanted. With spring and summer fast approaching, and time on or near the water certainly due to increase, I decided to take another approach, and reluctantly sold the camera.
The new oly OM-d is looking mighty nice most likely will pick one up also