Utah: The Maze District - A Family Affair


Active member
Excellent trip and pictures, guys! Great stuff. Canyonlands is one of my favorite places, and the Maze in particular after my first trip in with KC a few years back. It's pretty much an annual trip for me now and will be there again in two weeks.


That is perfect! Wonderful execution and expression!

The funny thing is that Zanders hat says "Monkey" with a picture of one above.....true under statement.....my kid needs one too!



ExPo Original
Great job guys! :clapsmile

We're still on the road (Elko, NV tonight), and it's been awfully quiet without Alexander & the girls around.... We should be back home this weekend (it's snowing there again, so assuming we can even get home...) and I'll add some pics and comments to this thread pronto.

Thanks for the invitation. Mia and I had a great time. So where are we going next? :chowtime:



Canyonlands is one of my favorite places, and the Maze in particular after my first trip in with KC a few years back. It's pretty much an annual trip for me now and will be there again in two weeks.

We would like to go Oct. 30-Nov. 2, but were wondering if that would be too late in the year (weather-wise). NPS info says to have chains for all 4 wheels and Flint trail is slippery when wet. How accurate are they? My wife is thinking of backing out since she read their website.


Expedition Leader
One never really knows...I have been on the Flint Trail when I should not have been...somewhat scary...i have driven to the doll house in a snow storm too...not the best...I would plan on it and access the area via the Hite Road...the weather event that is tough in the Maze is wind...you are exposed the entire time...unless you are down in the canyons...which I HIGHLY recommend...there is some awesome stuff down there...arches, rock art, ruins, CCC springs, etc...


One never really knows...I have been on the Flint Trail when I should not have been...somewhat scary...i have driven to the doll house in a snow storm too...not the best...I would plan on it and access the area via the Hite Road...the weather event that is tough in the Maze is wind...you are exposed the entire time...unless you are down in the canyons...which I HIGHLY recommend...there is some awesome stuff down there...arches, rock art, ruins, CCC springs, etc...

What are CCC springs and where are they?


Expedition Leader
Civilian Conservation Corp...I think that is right...What Roosevelt put into place in the 30s...There are some springs in the Fins area of the maze...south of the dollhouse road...there is a ruin in there too built by a white man...looks pretty authentic but the park carbon dated it back to the 70s...someone had a little time on their hands...


Perpetual Transient
Great shots guys! I really enjoyed reading the thread and seeing all the pics! I need to get a red rock fix soon!


Willman, excellent photography BTW. So nice we want to go there as the posts above state. Been spending many hours this morning planning a trip there. :smiley_drive:

Neither post mentioned your quality of pics, so thought I would rectify the situation. :victory:


Needs to get out more
Once we had made the journey to the Dollhouse, including covering some of the more difficult areas of trail, we stopped at camp 2 to have lunch. Hilary felt like this was the 'best' of all of the campsites, and really liked the area overall. I was still stuck at the Wall.


Lunch time at the Dollhouse:



Zander upset with his time out:

Images of the Dollhouse:






The Moody Fam:

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Needs to get out more
Great job guys! :clapsmile

We're still on the road (Elko, NV tonight), and it's been awfully quiet without Alexander & the girls around.... We should be back home this weekend (it's snowing there again, so assuming we can even get home...) and I'll add some pics and comments to this thread pronto.

Thanks for the invitation. Mia and I had a great time. So where are we going next?


I hope to hear some great news from your journey....:ylsmoke:
Did the tires hold out for you?

Where are we going next?


Needs to get out more
It has been a week now since returning from The Maze. I have still not cleaned out my vehicle, emptied the fridge, or washed the exterior. I am trying to maintain that peaceful 'homeostasis' I found on the trail with Nic, Hailey, Mia, KC, Hilary, and the kiddies. I hope it can somehow find its way into my daily life.

I couldn't have asked for a better group of traveling companions, Nic and Hailey were so generous in offering up their gourmet salsa, cucumbers, and of course the dutch oven dinner on our last night. They certainly brought a sense of civility with them on the trail. Kenzie and Abby were so cute, it was evident that they were both at peace with mom and dad around. I had forgotten the joy of a baby's smile...thanks for letting me in on that again. Never once were they upset, or out of character...certainly a great couple.

Of course if you have ever been on a trip with KC, you know he always keeps you laughing, and fills the camps with so much positive...all the while Mia and KC are exchanging some of the most comical banter I have heard. Both KC and Mia were very patient with Hilary and I packing up every morning, changing diapers, and stopping for drinks and snacks along the way. Olivia finally got Mia and Kenzie straightened out, and has been asking all week, "KC?" and "Where's Mia?" Zander certainly has developed a bond with KC, as he wanted to show him all of his rocks he was discovering, and consantly saying, "KC, I want to show you something..." Additionally, he has been genuinely concerned with the drive back to Lander after hearning about the snowstorm you and Mia were going to encounter.

I found myself sitting in class this week, trying to express the emotions I felt while out on this journey to my class of 8th graders. I showed them photos of Horseshoe Canyon, and tried my best to explain their significance. I also showed them photos of the Maze, trying to explain to them that people lived and ultimately thrived here, well before we were ever a thought. I explained that survival was the most important part of their lives, and finding food and shelter absolutely dominated their daily life. I went on to discuss how the simple fact that these people would spend the time to document things they felt important on the walls of a significant canyon when they were so overwhelmed with survival speaks volumes to their significance.

I have a few more photos to post, and I hope I haven't gone overboard, as I want to be sure I am leaving some of the mystery out there in the unknown for the next traveler.


Needs to get out more
I had forgotten to add-thank you to everyone who offered up the kind words. Part of what makes all of this so magical and spiritual for me is the sharing...I couldn't imagine taking these trips, experiencing so much...the emotions, the connectedness, and not ever being able to share it with anyone.

Thank You ExPo.

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