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  1. J

    Why does this rack look wrong

    Its not touching the top in the middle is it? Be careful if it is or you'll end up buying a 6 or 700 dollar top to add to the savings. :O
  2. J

    94 wrangler leaf spring question

    That loose bolt appears to be your rear trac bar...I'd need a more inclusive pic to be sure but that's a pretty fair guess. If it is and that is a YJ, you could actually remove that bar all together. A trac bar on a leaf sprung Jeep is pointless. Plus it exerts extra pressure on the frame that...
  3. J

    My 1979 Wagoneer. Long story with pics!!

    Crawler is a good bet and while its design would be to hard to replicate... the Waggys are tough to build good bumpers for. Just not a lot of metal sticking out the front to tie into. Chrome....YAK! no! ;) You could get a crawler and modify it to what you like looks wise. I'm doing it with my...
  4. J

    What did you do to your Expo Jeep today?

    Expo Scrambler... Been slaving away trying to get my CJ back on the road. Today I rebuilt the rear leaves so it wouldn't drag its butt anymore. Kinda a hack fix but it only has to get me on the boat to bring it back to the states. :) Also burned in the spring mounts and finished building the...
  5. J

    JK 2.8 CRD

    Hate you but hate being broke even more!!!!! ;0
  6. J

    JK 2.8 CRD

    Subscribed and making popcorn!!! :)
  7. J

    1973 Wagoneer - Full Size Camping Goodness

    And you got women to share the adventure with you...! *props* hahaha! Great pics man... funny how cameras never seem to do mother nature any justice. She must have a heck of a complex...heehee!
  8. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    Today was pretty good even though I didn't get as far as I had hoped to with the bumper. 1st thing on my "Must do" list was to find a replacement rear wiper arm since someone was nice enough the break mine. I got lucky and the only newer model XJ there actually had one... I never realized they...
  9. J

    '01 XJ DD/All-Purpose Build

    Eating popcorn now and holding my breath. :)
  10. J

    post pics and specs of your cj in use.

    Mmmmm......... My favorite color, Angry Pumpkin!!! :)
  11. J

    PHX Expo Parts: Warn 8274 Winch Jeep CJ mount, Scepter Water, Metal Jerry Can & Boxes

    IIRC it has a fitting like an air quick disco. May be wrong as its been a while since I looked at them up close.
  12. J

    PHX Expo Parts: Warn 8274 Winch Jeep CJ mount, Scepter Water, Metal Jerry Can & Boxes

    I think your "cleaning kit" is actually part of an NBC decon apparatus. Designed to be set up so Joe's exposed to whatever nasty junk is out there can be hosed off in the field. But your right... I DOES work like a portable pressurized sprayer. Best use I've found for them is to fill them with...
  13. J

    A pocket full of jingling bottle caps...

    ^that^ and maybe try running some acetone with each fill up.
  14. J

    post pics and specs of your cj in use.

    Your KILLING me! Flat fender envy!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. J

    FSJ who has them

    It is nice! I could shoot him a PM if you want? I guess to do that you have to be a member on the site? Its one of "those" Jeeps I know he doesn't want to sell and will always regret but we all have those stories, right? :) Let me know and I'll ask him what he wants for it etc... or if he has...
  16. J

    FSJ who has them

    Lol... No. While there are some seriously nice ones being restored in the Netherlands I haven't seen any here. But if you want a really nice one and not paying the ridiculous prices of someone like WagonMasters...Try this. No, I'm not affiliated etc... just thought I'd introduce you both. :)...
  17. J

    FSJ who has them

    I know where you can find a really nice one that is for sale. :)
  18. J

    Where to by a RHD snorkel for xj's?

    Great..... Now I'm thinking about duels! lol!
  19. J

    Lifted or Locked?

    I'd put the winch at the head of the line simply because you can always get stuck... just depends on how far out in BFE you are when it happens. But between the lift or locker... locker every time. And go with a selectable one, especially since your in the snow a lot. Driving a spool/auto locker...
  20. J

    What did you do to your Expo Jeep today?

    I have! My 2001 2WD has the exact same problem! I don't know if it came that way or not but it sure looks fishy! And both sides are exactly the same way... I thought I was the only one! Let me see if I have pics when I discovered it... Yup... here they are. Funny thing is I just cleaned them...