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  1. J

    post pics and specs of your cj in use.

    Thanks BK... My XJ is also a slow work in progress! ;)
  2. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    And its been about 24 hours of snow and salty roads and the bumper is already looking scary... lol! The road salt they use here in Germany is no joke! On a brighter note I did get a small package from 4WD hardware today... new JKS shackles and wheel spacers for the XJ and its 8.8 to come. :)
  3. J

    post pics and specs of your cj in use.

    Mine again... Guess I should add an updated pic or two of mine... Somehow I lost this! Been pretty busy wrenching on mine but to be honest I haven't had a chance to take it out much. I brought it here to Germany with me a couple years ago and shortly afterwards the tranny blew...
  4. J

    Where to by a RHD snorkel for xj's?

    What about trying to adapt a different model snorkel to the XJ? I believe TJs mount on the pass side....and I'm sure there are non Jeep makes that do as well... Or maybe you could modify one of the new JK snorkels from Rugged ridge?
  5. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    The risers are 3/16s as are the flat stock (strap steel) so working with it is a little slow. All the metal was cut out using my trusty angle grinder (ugh) and then cleaned up with sanding discs. The flat bar I had thought to just bend in a vice but it proved to be more stout than I had...
  6. J

    Where to by a RHD snorkel for xj's?

    Yeah... I think even the chinese knock offs are mostly left handed ones. Theres a guy from china on Cherokee forums (jeeptian or something like that) that is a vendor for the knock offs. You could try and ask him? But the Spectre filter seems well made, uses a replaceable filter, and comes in...
  7. J

    Where to by a RHD snorkel for xj's?

    This is what I was talking about...
  8. J

    Where to by a RHD snorkel for xj's?

    Not sure you would need one either... The one I got off of Fleabay could be rerouted perhaps to just clear the second battery. The "kit" has you tying the snorkel to the factory air box via a flex hose. I think the design is crap so I plan on just running the flex hose straight to the TB. I'll...
  9. J

    The Jeep "things"... One and two.

    Vengeance... Back with a vengeance and updates... :) Since I'm now on orders to get out of Germany (Yippie!) and back to the states I'm feeling the time crunch. With the goal (like I have a choice..haha) being to get both my CJ and the Black XJ ready for the boat ride home, I have been spending...
  10. J

    Jake's XJ build.

    I hear ya man... Its on my bucket list for sure. :)
  11. J

    Seth's 97XJ

    Replied. :)
  12. J

    spy photo of new Jeep 4x4

    Be still my turning stomach. lol
  13. J

    Seth's 97XJ

    Me, Me, ME!!! How much do you want for it, I'm interested! You don't mind shipping it do you? :) Please let me know!
  14. J

    Jeep diesel discussion and the future.

    Untrue. Ethanol...Perhaps. But Bio diesel can be made from almost ANYTHING! Have a solar tube generating electricity? Don't know what to do with the algae you scrape out of it to keep your free electricity going? Process the algae into bio and dump it in your diesel. Bad crop of soybeans... or...
  15. J

    Jeep diesel discussion and the future.

    Fixed it for ya. ;0
  16. J

    98 Jeep ZJ "SHTFV"

    I hear ya! Work is busy here and I spend every free moment wrenching on one Jeep or another. Have lots to do before I can get them on the boat to come home! Woot! Can't wait for the progress... :)
  17. J

    Seth's 97XJ

    X2 and from where? I have a Parts mike 1 ton set up on my CJ and i'm not happy with the way the TRE fits into the drag link. I'd like to ream it out a little more but am a little confused on sizes of reamers...
  18. J

    98 Jeep ZJ "SHTFV"

    ahem... updates? :)
  19. J

    Jeep diesel discussion and the future.

    A diesel will once you process it. :O
  20. J

    Jake's XJ build.

    Now imagine how the settlers felt doing that "drive" in a slow covered wagon! ;)