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  1. J

    One of the best 1st Gens Ive ever seen.

    A lot of them have had the milage wound back, I've seen a few over here claiming stupidly low milage, and seen that the interior is worn out, especially things like pedal rubbers and handles, and the timing chain tensioner stretched more than a native one with 3 times the milage. Not saying you...
  2. J

    My Disco Story.

    That is a brilliant story behind your disco! Seems like awful hardship at the time, but it helps to get to know the vehicle better. Soon you'll be undertaking huge tasks on your own (because it is a land rover 😀) with complete confidence
  3. J

    My '98 Montero

    I'd say he meant kick down cable, the one with the orange sheath on it
  4. J

    One of the best 1st Gens Ive ever seen.

    Those things are gorgeous! Theres a guy in my local city has an intercooled Japanese import one in LWB flavour, beige over brown, in completely factory fresh condition, the interior is completely immaculate too. I bet he spent a lot of money for it around 20 years ago when he first imported it
  5. J

    scratch prevention ideas

    I'd be going for a wrap if I were very worried about my finish. My Pajero gets dragged through the forests here,usually getting stuff dragging down the sides of it, I try to keep it waxed with a good carnuba wax, it keeps it looking clean, easier to wash, and it seems to keep the scratches...
  6. J

    CDN Chris's Pajero

    I've also cracked a head, I was towing, with a radiator half filled with mud. Rather than go for the EGT route I went for the coolant temp gauge, does a good job at letting you know how hot the coolant coming out of the engine is. Its advisable to give the cooling system a good flushing, and...
  7. J

    Surfboards next to roof top tent on a Mitsubishi

    Any way you can place the rear of the boards on top of the tent with the fronts of them slanting down towards the top of the windscreen, they will act like a wind breaker for the front of the RTT, which is fairly un-aerodynamic. Only issue is that you'll need to pull them off every time you...
  8. J

    Rivet nuts??

    I've used them, and I think they're the handiest thing ever. Main thing to watch for is that the whole they're going into is only just big enough to minimise the risk of the rivnut turning in it, and to get the ones with the little ridges cut into the outside to get them to grip. The tools to...
  9. J

    My version of onboard air with mv-50

    That is very cool! I've the equivalent of the MV90 and i'm looking into doing something similar for my truck.
  10. J

    The old 1999 build thread

    Have you any pictures of the skid plates from directly below to show the shape of them? Mine got ripped off on tree stumps somewhere and I can't seem to find where they are :sombrero:
  11. J

    My garage disaster and SAS/dual T-case pics

    How low is low with the dual transfer boxes? Seems like a cool thing to do. Does it cause any funny business with the props shafts on it with it being a SWB? I'd love to have an indoor workspace, All my work is either done on my driveway, which is a bit of a pain in a country that is known the...
  12. J

    CDN Chris's Pajero

    Yup the 2.5 and 12v 3.0 have lower body mounts because they've a smaller gearbox bell housing. It isn't so much a body lift as it is that the body outriggers are higher than the others. Its only 50mm but it makes a fair difference when it comes to tyre clearabce
  13. J

    Mitsubishi Pickup Spotted?

    They are slow as *******, anything past 80km/h and it feels like you're killing it to make them move faster! I had one for 2 weeks, bought it cheap to clean up and flip, it would feel underpowered compared to the petrol ones, and the acceleration is pretty leisurely, but they are workhorses, so the...
  14. J

    Questions about adding a pop top to my Gen 1

    Did you get the Mazda bongo friendee in the states? They came from the factory with a lift up roof, and I've always looked at them and said if I came across a crashed one I would love to stick the roof onto a 2nd gen LWB paj, they seem to have the same dimensions. A guy in my village has one so...
  15. J

    3rd Gen Montero's --- Diff Issues

    Friend of mine bought a 06 3.2 last year, it had 50,000 on it. The diff would whine at over 65mph, which he didn't reach on the test drive. Luckily the dealer got it rebuilt for him under warranty The other thing is the half shafts can slip out and I guess the fluid could leak out running the...
  16. J

    2016 Mitsubishi Pajero/Montero spied - Most likely coming to North America

    Thats probably never going to happen in this day and age. The only reason that the L200 has a solid rear axle is that they're designed for carrying loads. They're nice machines, but when compared to a pajero of a similar age they feel a bit stone age. I'm just happy that we have out nice and...
  17. J

    Anyone care to help categorize Monteros?

    I like your thinking, We should all stick the identifier of our machines in our signatures. Mine would be a V26. I've noticed that the information from the Australian sites seems to only apply to the Australian Pajeros, and the Japanese and UK/Irish ones we get here seem to have different specs...
  18. J

    What did you do to your Mitsubishi today?

    I've been trying to source a power steering leak, it isn't the pipes or the Union on the top so I'm stumped. I might go ahead and fit a different one rather than ******** about with the one I have now
  19. J

    Post your Mitsubishi Pajero Pics

    Installed my projector headlight retrofit, washed it, waxed it and fuelled her up on sunday Then I took her into the forest with a friend, ripped off the front and centre bash plates, and tore the co-ax from my CB mag mount,and got it lost in a tree :sombrero:
  20. J

    2016 Mitsubishi Pajero/Montero spied - Most likely coming to North America

    Looks like it is probably the pajero sport rather than the full fat pajero. The lines on the front are very like the current L200, and it doesn't have the same upright position the pajero has