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  1. J

    Fuel gauge not working after repairing rear bumper...

    if the connector on the top of the tank has been disconnected before it can be a bit of a pain to get it to clip back together, mine has a tendency to pop out and the needle would drop to nothing, a few wraps of tape on it made it a lot more secure
  2. J

    No Montero , but Mitsubishi considers new pickup, sedan for US market Read more

    I saw a Fiat fullback a few months back and had to do a double take! If you get that in the states you can rest assured that it has the full mitsubishi running gear on it and you're in pretty safe hands Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk
  3. J

    Hamptons Expedition Vehicle 91 JDM 2.5 Exceed. Advice welcome.

    Those champagne over brown ones are really nice, they often have a really good spec, like curtains and super plush seats. Things to change on them is the fuel filter, and give the intercooler a good flush out with petrol, it will get all the oily sludge out, you just have to make sure all the...
  4. J

    12 Volt On-Board Air Compressors What's Out There?

    I've the equivalent of the Mv90 compressor, does a right good job of inflating my 35s, can have the 4 of them aired up in no time at all, have used it on tractor tyres too without it complaining. The hose on mine is starting to get a bit battered, but I think I'll get some standard air...
  5. J

    Dirty fuel filter (pictures)

    This is what came out of mine after I found it having trouble starting and being a bit weak up hills Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk
  6. J

    A great big clunk. what is it?

    Mine used to make a loud crack under braking, accelerating and articulation, the noise was so loud it was hard to work out where it was coming from, it turned out to be the rear radius arm bolt being slightly loose. I had let it go for so long that the hole in the axle had become slightly oval...
  7. J

    First Gen Montero Upgrades

    You can wind up the power by sticking a few mm of washers under the waste gate bracket, means the waste gate has to push the rod further to open the waste gate. Also you can wind up the pump a bit by adjusting the on boost fuelling, you file down the plastic washer on the plunger, and turn the...
  8. J


    Did you install the o-ring on the fuel filter, on the paj you shouldnt, it starts drawing air in through there and running like crap Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk
  9. J

    Common rust areas for Gen 2-2.5 Montero?

    Under the cladding on the wheel arch at the rear doors, and the rear ends of the chassis by the rear wheels. The drains get a bit blocked in the chassis and they can rot from the inside out in a rainy environment Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk
  10. J

    Snorkel for gen 2

    I've a cheapo one too, and it has withstood awful abuse over the last few years, dragged it through high banks, used it as a limb riser and it has survived the ultimate test, yummy mummy's hitting their doors of it in the supermarket carpark Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk
  11. J

    Gen 2.5 cupholders

    Mine had a different linkage for propping the lid up on the mk2 cup holders compared to the mk2.5, I'd say a bit of time with a file would make room for it on the new one, didn't bother in the end and just kept the tray instead of the cup holders Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk
  12. J

    Mitsubishi Montero JDM Clear turn signal - plugs

    The JDM ones have a dual filament bulb like a brake/tail light bulb in the side light, when you indicate it puts on the brighter light to light up the direction you're going in. I doubt that function will work on the US models, but you might be able to use the same plug that the tail light uses...
  13. J

    2000 Montero, replaced trans fluid - hard shifts - wrong ATF fluid?

    I once pinched my kickdown cable and it was stuck in a way that it thought I was at full throttle all the time, it shifted like getting a kick in the ********. Ended up disconnecting it because the housing had broken, and I have a TPS so it shifts down when I mash the accelerator. Sent from my...
  14. J

    Montero to Shogun headlight swap

    They weren't on the UK shogun at all, they came on the SWB JDM pajero, and the occasional LWB special edition. Might make it a bit easier to source the surrounds if you search for pajero, the model being the XRII The slam panels are different between the round and regular headlights though...
  15. J

    New Pajero Just Came In

    Saw the original reg on insta, you can get all sorts of info from the UK government, this is for yours, looks like it was brought in to the UK from Japan in 99 Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk
  16. J

    New Pajero Just Came In

    That would be the one. I'd say it is an import from Japan into the UK, in the UK you must have a fog light on the rear, and the Japanese models don't come with one, so you can see easily enough when one was retrofit into the rear. A lot of the original UK models rotted away to nothing due to...
  17. J

    New Pajero Just Came In

    That looks like it is a Japanese one which was imported to the UK. A giveaway to see is it an original UK car is the original reg would be etched into all the windows, it was be one letter followed by 3 numbers and 3 letters. It will also have a rear fog retrofitted under the bumper if it is an...
  18. J

    New Pajero Owner - Any Suggestions on Passing Emissions?

    Drive it like you stole it for about 15 minutes, making sure to rev it most the way up to red line when accelerating, it blows all the old soot and buildup out of the exhaust, which generally makes diesels fail emissions. You could change the fuel filter fill the filter with fuel treatment when...
  19. J

    Rumble strips without rumble strips? Axle shaft bearing early failure warning.

    Mine had let go too, it dropped a couple of the needles when I took the hub off to change a CV, packed it the best I could, but after a few months it started a rattle while going around roundabouts, sounded a bit like a failing CV. That lasted a month before it ******** on me and gave up completely...
  20. J

    1997 Pajero Evolution (Old Betsy VII)

    Those are awesome, Best of luck with it. In the unlikely event that I find myself in possession of too much money I think I will buy one as a toy. The intake is near enough to the drivers window that you'll always have it cracked open to get the lovely roar