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  1. J

    shock removal,PITA!!

    I use a filter wrench (chain type) on the shield of the shock and it does a good job,never fails to get the nut off then,once it has turned so far it wedges against the chassis,and you can use a big breaker bar over the end of a spanner to get the nut off
  2. J

    More trucks at my house!

    Looks like a hilux front axle,could be a hilux with an l200 body,or an l200 with a hilux axle. Thought you couldn't get either in the states,that shape L200 are shocking i don't know how they sold so many
  3. J

    any of you guys watching or bidding on this Montero?

    I just updated my thread with some interior pics of my pajero so I don't clutter this one up. If you think the chassis on that one is rusty you should see the stuff that comes out of the UK,You can stick your fingers straight through some of them!
  4. J

    The Life and Times of my Pajero

    Another thread on here made me realise that I hadn't posted up any interior shots of my Pajero,and that it might be interesting for you guys to see the differences between the models,and some of the unusual stuff the Japanese ones come with My pajero has been parked up with the last while due...
  5. J

    any of you guys watching or bidding on this Montero?

    The radius arm bushing in the pic looks totally shot too,I wouldn't mind a bit of paint or underseal on the chassis,so long as you know it is there as a preventative measure rather than being put there to cover up some rust. There is what looks like some rust bubbling through the paint in the...
  6. J

    Parking Brake Adjustment

    You will hear it giving a bit of a scraping noise as the wheel turns,it should turn relatively easy with the handbrake down,as in with the same resistance as the front wheels would turn with. Maybe give the nut another bit of a tighten,I fixed mine after not working for ages,but I found that...
  7. J

    Parking Brake Adjustment

    How far up does your handbrake pull? What you need to do is: Chock the front wheels with blocks Jack up the whole rear axle at once and put it on stands,with the handbrake down Crawl under and look at the back of the brake plate,there is a little rubber cover that you will be able to pick off...
  8. J

    a few teaser pictures

    That looks really nicely looked after,best of luck with it. And now you have an excuse to go for some rear springs too :sombrero:
  9. J

    Mitsubishi Montero Dash, Console, and Interior LED Bulb Replacement, Gen 2.5

    I've mine done in LED,none of the other lights stay on,they are 501 LEDs that go into the blue bases. They work well,but the lighting for the top of the coolant temp is a bit dim too I had a load of adhesive LED strip and just stuck it on around the factory interior roof light and now it is...
  10. J

    Who has wood? And who doesn't?

    Looks really cheesy if you ask me. I'd say it looked quite nice 18ish years ago when the trucks were new and cutting edge though. Depending on which wood it is,it's either held on with little screws,or else it is just glued on,in which case a good blasting with a hair drier will soften the glue...
  11. J

    The Life and Times of my Pajero

    This update contains both good and bad news Bad news: My pajero,despite having the correct mix of antifreeze and a religiously maintained cooling system,overheated the other day,cracking the cylinder head,she is blowing exhaust into the coolant :( Good news: I've sourced an engine from a...
  12. J

    2015 Pajero???

    I hope they put door handles on the new model whenever they bring it out. I like the idea of 4 seats and a big console up the middle,My friend is doing that to his defender and I think it will look really sweet!
  13. J

    4.9 R&Ps anyone?

    I'm not sure on the size,they would be out of a diesel 2.5 gen 2 or gen2.5 I get the feeling they are the smaller diff that the gen 2s came with. I must still find out how much I can get them for here,but they are never the part of the pajeros that give way,it's generally the manual...
  14. J

    Thoughts on a '98?

    I'm not sure about the states,but the pajeros from japan got bigger disks and callipers sometime in 1996,you could probably pick them up fairly easy. The way to tell is they have the 16 inch wheels on them that look like this: Not a huge upgrade,but better none the less.
  15. J

    Thoughts on a '98?

    I don't think it would feel a 3000lb load behind it to be honest,I'd have that behind mine and it would pull away at 50MPH all day so long as there isn't a big long uphill,where it drops back a little bit,I had just short of 3 times that behind mine yesterday,It wasn't exactly fast,but it was...
  16. J

    4.9 R&Ps anyone?

    I'm not sure yet,There are a lot of them that have been scrapped here,and they all have the 5.29 diffs in them,so I'll get the price of them,and see can I find out how much shipping would be and let ye all know. Anyone know the weight of a pair of differentials?
  17. J

    4.9 R&Ps anyone?

    Would anyone be interested in 5.29's out of a 2.5 tdi pajero? I could maybe get a few and ship the whole lot to the US at once
  18. J

    SR axle cracked while driving

    That has happened a few times that I know of, but it's odd that it happened to a 95,it was mostly happening to the early ones,but they weeped oil before they began to crack visibly. As said above it's quite rare and probably caused by a defect rather than being a fault with all of them,and it...
  19. J

    The Life and Times of my Pajero

    Not a huge update,but with the weather getting colder my pajero was having a bit of difficulty starting on a cold morning,as it has been doing last year too,my starter was taking too much abuse cranking for ages before it would start,which was going to wear out my batteries. So I went out and...
  20. J

    so I drove one today!

    Thats a step in the right direction. Theres something about these trucks,they are a joy to drive,90% of the time i'd choose to drive mine which gets about 27MPG over the car which gets about 60 on a good day,and i've no idea why that is! Despite being fairly old,with a few rattles and shakes...