Hi guys long time looker darn near first time poster. I've got a few questions regarding the 100w kit from Solar Blvd. (same one HenryJ has) I went ahead and ordered one and it showed up today. Pretty neat compact unit I'd say. This is my first venture with something like this. I bought it with hopes of keeping my battery topped off from lights, fridge, phone etc. I often camp in the bush at a few jem back lakes to fish. I've got a few questions I hope you guys don't mind me asking. I did go thru the "solar sticky" more than a few times in case, but I don't recall seeing my queries.
1)Should I add a fuse anywhere along the power cord to my main battery? The wire appears to be 12 gauge. If so could some pros recommend a size. The sticker on the back says something along the lines of 10amp in series regarding the fuse, but I don't know what they mean.
2)Is there a risk of starting the truck with the panels attached to the battery?
3)Should I disconnect the panels from the battery at night. The instructions mention something about this, but honestly there's a lot of broken English in the instructions.
4)The symbol on the far right of the controller is for a "load" Other than going to my battery with supplied alligator clips what would one use for this? Is this where you have your lighter adaptor going to HenryJ?
I believe someone was asking for the size of the panel so ill help out a litter here. Folded=21.25"x24.75"x2.75" Open=42.75"x24.75"x1.24" Hope that helps.
Here's a pic of the sticker on the back side of the info in regards to the fuse.
And one of the controller.
Thanks guys for any help