I never had issues with MT, either. Not with AT for that matter, but to each his own.I remember Tacoma 6-sp had issues when they came out in 05. Guessing they've fixed that by now. The 5-sp in my old 2000 was solid.
The Flippac looks awesome. Looks like you'll be building up a solid rig.
Edit: just looked at the SR and "Utility" package with rear seat delete, 4-cyl, 5-sp, 4wd. $24k on the dot. Super simple, and looks solid. If you can make the cabin size work, man, that's a bombproof set up.
Believe they had throw-out bearing issues on that 6-MT. Other than this Trooper I haven't owned very many automatics. There was a C6 on my old F250, TH350's in my two Chevelles IIRC....hearing some of the repair cost of the modern transmissions makes me nervous...probably all for not though. Sure you can get 200-300K out of them, not unlike our modern engines. Computers have really helped in the longevity department.
That SR package appeals to me, a no nonsense, no BS little truck that is getting harder and harder find in this day and age. The Access Cab cabin size will definitely work (my current extra cab has worked for the past 14 years, guessing the ACLB will work for another 14, why change now?
Honestly what I have now works darn near perfect...only thing that would be nice is that clamshell rear door on the AC, be a heck of a lot easier getting my gear bag in and out. As it is now I have to fight it to get it in there.