Abandoned/derelict sites


troyboy162, that is an AWESOME mine. Where is that? Your profile doesn't give a location
Interesting stuff but rather you than me. Is that sulphur on the ground?
Oxidized copper?

Thanks! This is UEC-129 and you can read more about it here: http://www.undergroundexplorers.com/uec-129-1.htm Unfortunately mine names or locations are no longer public due to BLM monitoring and to prevent theft. I forgot to add to the original post that if anyone does know the location then please keep it off the internet to preserve the site.

PPE was used in most parts of the mine. I would have to go look up the geologists email about the crystals, but it was something you wouldn't want to breath in on a daily basis. Our safety gear and brief exposure minimized risk. Good eye though. I even forget sometimes that pretty things are poisonous.
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Only a few miles off I-15 in Leeds, UT are the remains of the town of Silver Reef. There's a lot of history to this area and I'm going to try to learn some more this Winter. There is a well done Museum, from there you can drive "behind the Reef" to see abandoned mines, structures and some equipment. My album: http://winpics.fototime.com/Silver Reef Mine Area- Leeds Utah





Expedition Leader
Nice photos Win. Your list of photo galleries in that link is quite the archive of wish list destinations!


Thornton Melon's Kid
I had to click just to find out :)

That banner pic is amazing, is it for real?
I can believe it to be real. I just have no idea where it is.

Another list:

If that's not enough, this will keep you busy for hours:

My Google Earth has a lot of them marked too from over the last few years. It is amazing how many are around and how big some of them are. Weburbanist will suck the rest of the night right out of you though.


I have a real hard time passing one of these old remnants of Americana without stopping to make a photograph. This is the old Twin Arrows Trading Post on Route 66 outside Flagstaff, Arizona.

Cafe Sign at Twin Arrow Trading Post-Edit.jpg


Photographer, traveller
She is a great photographer.
Yes, quite a body of work there. All these good link and pics are causing me to sate a lot of my day :)

I don't photograph old buildings that much despite finding them really interesting, probably because I'm seldom on towns and almost never in cities but here's one example


An abandoned power station just south of Fremantle, Western Stralya.


Today we sold a 32" x 48" print of this image to the local Ford dealership. It's funny, you just never know what'll sell and what won't. I found this old truck on the side of a side road out in Castle Valley a few years ago. With this much character, there was no way I could pass up an opportunity to photograph it!

Found on Road Dead-Edit.jpg

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