"No wonder you all are so busy."
Dave. Glad you included that
cause the other guys at work reckon I'm getting a big head and it is very much a team.
Oh, while I think of it > you guys should be very proud of the show put on. Re : Olympics :clapsmile
Still waiting for the proper pics from the magazine photographer so I just posted a couple more from my $100 dolar special. My interior shots aren't that good so they'll still have to wait. These give a idea of the roof up. 700mm lift with 3 stage hydraulic rams and will lift an extra 750kg of gear up too.
The outdoor entertainment gear is cool. All top shelf ski boat gear so it's really weatherproof. Carbonfibre speaker cones and IP65 rated wired remote controlling the outside zone without changing the interior settings. Same with the LED light over the sink. Modified from a portable anchor light. Actually all the bins have recessed LED lighting too. And finally a "transom" shower.
BTW, the 20"LCD TV gets relocated inside as well. When they're travelling, the kids have their own 19" dropdown with games console in the cab.
Remember this truck was built for family camping holidays with 3 young kids rather than extended touring.