COLORADO CAMPER VAN LLC-**Do business at your own risk**

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I believe Derek is doing what he believes is right by you and stands by his product.

Agreed, and you bring a very good point in terms of inspection prior to taking delivery, especially when no warranty is given or implied. However, please keep in mind that many of these defects were brought up when TS took delivery, Derek denied they were workmanship issues, stating the mold was old and so was the van, therefore TS should not expect perfection.

As far as standing behind his product, I respectfully disagree. Saying that one can sell/ install a product with (any) workmanship defects was justifiable because the recipient vehicle was out of production and not new... does not sound like someone standing behind his product. I doubt Agile Off-road adopted a similar policy.


Baja Ironman
Here is one of many happy customers...

This thread has gotten ridiculous.

After putting 20,000 miles on CCV's camper top, I'm certain I made the right choice for a Pop-Top. We have camped out in it many nights with the family and just my wife and I and it is all around solid. There's things I wish were a little different, like it coming down square on the van vs. to one side, that the paint and top were harder and more resistant to scratches from branches and such, but I easily overlook that. What the top is, is super convenient and in my opinion, good looking. Thanks to Derek, he saw it through, with time, that I was a satisfied customer. Thanks CCV for making my conversion possible.


It is probably not a good idea for me to step into this conversation...

Yep, should have probably followed your instinct...

Doing business out of state or out of your comfortable driving proximity can be a problem for the consumer and the vendor.

When you buy a custom product or have custom work performed a great distance from your home, it is incumbent upon the buyer to fully inspect and approve the work or product before leaving with it. It is in your best interest to do this, because addressing the problem once out of the area is very problematic as you have found.

Many of your complaints about the product should have been easily identified on inspection at pick up - why were they not addressed then?

Perhaps the vendor believes that what he supplied you was exactly what the product should be - they feel you got what you paid for..., you do not... That should have been addressed before you paid for it and took delivery.

You have every right to be dissatisfied with the product, but you did buy it as it was, and took delivery as it was. The buyer takes some responsibility in the process and you may have to live with it.

The vendor also should take responsibility and try to make things right - but to who's standards, and at what expense tot he vendor. I'm sure the vendor would be more than willing to fix as much as he can to your satisfaction at his place of business. But to expect a small business vendor to pay other vendors to fix it, is at some point unreasonable. The best thing a vendor can do is offer to compensate you in some way that is reasonable to them to take care of a customer and maintain his business reputation.

Believe it or not, but these are not high margin businesses - this isn't CostCo, where you can buy a product in Colorado, drive it home to California and return it there for a full refund.

Work out a reasonable settlement and move on with getting it in the condition you can live with and enjoy.

I believe Derek is doing what he believes is right by you and stands by his product.

I'm not even sure you read through this thread for all the relevant details. CCV bears most of the responsibility for trying to pawn off a product in this condition on a paying customer which btw, has already been addressed by the sales guy at CCV.

I believe if he truly cared about his business reputation, this situation would have been handled much, much differently with a much faster resolution and we wouldn't still be talking about it.


Yep, should have probably followed your instinct...

I'm not even sure you read through this thread for all the relevant details. CCV bears most of the responsibility for trying to pawn off a product in this condition on a paying customer which btw, has already been addressed by the sales guy at CCV.

I believe if he truly cared about his business reputation, this situation would have been handled much, much differently with a much faster resolution and we wouldn't still be talking about it.

Mic..... DROPPED!


Yep, should have probably followed your instinct...

I'm not even sure you read through this thread for all the relevant details. CCV bears most of the responsibility for trying to pawn off a product in this condition on a paying customer which btw, has already been addressed by the sales guy at CCV.

I believe if he truly cared about his business reputation, this situation would have been handled much, much differently with a much faster resolution and we wouldn't still be talking about it.


Reposting from other thread....

I have been driving for decades now. I thankfully have never run anybody over. If I should ever happen to run someone over, and tell their family gee sorry I killed your loved one, but I drove for decades without killing anyone so I shouldn't be held accountable for this one.....?

Mistakes happen, and it's hard to please everyone so there are bound to be unhappy folks no matter how good your business is. How one deals with those mistakes and makes amends is what defines them. CCV needs to step up and stop screwing around.

EDIT- CCV has offered a refund

I believe Derek is getting friends to post in his defense to cast doubt on the validity of Bruce's claim. Douchbaggery? Perhaps... only those involved know for sure.
However, this is arbitrary as the MIC HAS BEEN DROPPED, thanks Stroverlander, you rock.
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Baja Ironman
I believe Derek is getting friends to post in his defense to cast doubt on the validity of Bruce's claim. Douchbaggery? Perhaps... only those involved know for sure.

Suggesting I am Derek's friend or have communicated with him in any way, is "Douchbaggery"!

Don't drag me into this trash talking.

I have NO vested interest in this issue and no communication with any of the parties involved.

I only stated my perspective on doing custom business with small vendors out of your proximity. I stand by those remarks!



Well Baja, I actually was referring to the concept of douchbaggery via getting people to post up, however this cannot be substantiated by data. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Thanks for emotional confirmation of your lack of vested interest; noted.

My personal belief is you should stand by those remarks, because they are statistically valid and completely reasonable, which is why I agreed. This high cost of out-of-region repairs is why it is so crucial for service and goods suppliers to ensure commitments are met and customers are happy. Being associated with a reputable business yourself, I assume you understand.

In terms of trash talking... that comes when someone makes commitments and doesn't make good on them. Since this story has not yet ended, trash talk has been suspended at the request of the original poster.

PS- I always wanted to do at least the Baja500; do you think a semi-stock rig do it at a slower pace? Maybe my Astro AWD with a pitiful 2" lift and 29" tires? I'd love to try but not if it would be a suicide mission!
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I read, and reread, and keep rereading this part. "plus what I paid them for the work"

(Standing with hat in hand)

Robb- You are correct sir, I am wrong. I shall eat my words, i.e. eat crow. Thanks for setting me straight.

@Derek- You are on the right track, sorry for my misunderstanding; I shall update my posts accordingly.


Expedition Leader
(Standing with hat in hand)

Robb- You are correct sir, I am wrong. I shall eat my words, i.e. eat crow. Thanks for setting me straight.

@Derek- You are on the right track, sorry for my misunderstanding; I shall update my posts accordingly.

I should probably preface my post the same as Baja but I'm just going to show the same bad judgement anyway..... :)

This is what happens when the wolves rush to defense of the almighty customer.

I don't doubt for a moment the mans top has issues but the public mud-slinging over it has in fact gotten ridiculous, just as Baja mentioned. Now total strangers are being called out as company shills because they post their positive (mostly) experience with said company.

Pictures don't always tell the whole story and are sometimes only worth 50 words.

There are ALWAYS 3 sides to the story.

You are almost always better being firm AND polite when trying to resolve issues like this.

Attempted public shaming is never the answer.

Sometimes, even if you're right, it's better to just take some hit and move on with your life. Just for your own mental piece of mind.

Waiting for the next mic drop.


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
Sooooooooooooooooo... I will go the bottom line of his response...

I get a long response today saying he will give me $1,300 refund for the gel coat issues, he was angry that I wanted it like new and he would not pay that estimate for cosmetic work when the top cost him less than $1,300.

or buy my van back $3533 (he claims that is the highest KB value for my van) plus what I paid them for the work. I ran KB numbers, removing the seats since they are not there, and I came up with $5,907... a delta of almost $2,400 bucks. That kinda pissed me off... I have also sunk an additional $1,800+ in tires, wheels and mono tube shocks since I got back from that trip to hell.

He failed to mention/address the repair to the scissor action... the dome light... the panel or sending back my camping mat they still have. I guess he assumes the buyout covers those issues rather than FIX THEM!

I want to KEEP my van... and I want it fixed!

As always rain down with your opinions even if you don't agree with my upset...

My take on this may be a bit different than others... but here goes.

You are in a toxic relationship that you need to get out of and move on with your life. How much time have you spent on this already that you could have spent either earning money or doing something more fun? At the end of the day right or wrong should be less important than what you do going forward.

If you want to obsess over this and chase it to the end of time, then make that be an affirmative decision. Based on your experiences that certainly seems within your rights - but just maybe not the right choice for you.

I've made decisions to walk away from stuff that I hated at the time but looking back it was the best thing I could have done (from a mental health and financial perspective).

In business we call this the "sunk cost fallacy".

Deleted member 62268

Bajasportsmobile... Thank you for your responsible communications, I would be willing to do business with you... and I would also be willing to do business with Derek at CCV, he looks like he has some nice products and mostly happy customers...


Look who's back for more. Allow me to explain, and I'm all out of crayons, but try to keep up anyways.

You see, your little angel of a supplier did nothing but piss, moan and try to get out of responsibility for over a month until finally manning up and making good on his commitment... TODAY. This most likely coming only after one of us mud slinging wolves offered to make the masses aware of his crap work, or take the small claims case pro-bono. OR maybe it was when his competitor offered to fix his mistakes for free, it doesn't matter because if it looks like a duck and quacks like one... its pretty hard make an argument that its a airplane huh.

Now, consider this; despite the 'grand gesture' he's still a couple grand short of the mark, not including the additional $1800 TS just threw at the van that "DO NO WRONG CCV" pooch screwed for him. If its "just a few dollars" difference, then why don't you pony it up? Got $3800 just burning a hole in your pocket, send it on over... clearly its not a big deal, maybe by some fluke you're independently wealthy and this is chump change to you.... or you're just a plain ole garden variety dummy as previously suspected.

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My take on this may be a bit different than others... but here goes.

You are in a toxic relationship that you need to get out of and move on with your life. How much time have you spent on this already that you could have spent either earning money or doing something more fun? At the end of the day right or wrong should be less important than what you do going forward.

If you want to obsess over this and chase it to the end of time, then make that be an affirmative decision. Based on your experiences that certainly seems within your rights - but just maybe not the right choice for you.

I've made decisions to walk away from stuff that I hated at the time but looking back it was the best thing I could have done (from a mental health and financial perspective).

In business we call this the "sunk cost fallacy".

Well stated Pugslyyy, you never disappoint.


Expedition Leader
Look who's back for more. Allow me to explain, and I'm all out of crayons, but try to keep up anyways.

You see, your little angel of a supplier did nothing but piss, moan and try to get out of responsibility for over a month until finally manning up and making good on his commitment... TODAY. This most likely coming only after one of us mud slinging wolves offered to make the masses aware of his crap work, or take the small claims case pro-bono. OR maybe it was when his competitor offered to fix his mistakes for free, it doesn't matter because if it looks like a duck and quacks like one... its pretty hard make an argument that its a airplane huh.

Now, consider this; despite the 'grand gesture' he's still a couple grand short of the mark, not including the additional $1800 TS just threw at the van that "DO NO WRONG CCV" pooch screwed for him. If its "just a few dollars" difference, then why don't you pony it up? Got $3800 just burning a hole in your pocket, send it on over... clearly its not a big deal, maybe by some fluke you're independently wealthy and this is chump change to you.... or you're just a plain ole garden variety dummy as previously suspected.


Really? Guy if that's the kind of childish conversation you want to carry on I've neither the energy or interest.

Have a great day man, sounds like you could use one.
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