Doc's 05 Tacoma Build Thread


What were your thoughts on the single swing out from CBI? I am looking at having them make one for my 80 series and wanted to know if you liked it with your awning wallset combo. I was thinking that a single swing out might not be as obtrusive to navigate around in camp as a double swing out. I am stealing your set up by the way(flattery right?) as I was pretty impressed at the pnw overland rally.

Dave Bennett

What were your thoughts on the single swing out from CBI? I am looking at having them make one for my 80 series and wanted to know if you liked it with your awning wallset combo. I was thinking that a single swing out might not be as obtrusive to navigate around in camp as a double swing out. I am stealing your set up by the way(flattery right?) as I was pretty impressed at the pnw overland rally.

CBI makes awesome stuff. I've considered double swingout but for me the single workes best since it's out of the way of my shade/shower enclosure and just seems to work well when deployed.

Dave Bennett

Front Mudflap Mod

I'm tired of sand and rocks and mud hammering my rockers and sliders/steps... Check these out :costumed-smiley-007

Reno Taco sells these on TW:

They werent going to work for me (too big) so I modified them to be more off-road friendly. We'll see how they hold up.


CBI makes awesome stuff. I've considered double swingout but for me the single workes best since it's out of the way of my shade/shower enclosure and just seems to work well when deployed.

What were your thoughts on the single swing out from CBI? I am looking at having them make one for my 80 series and wanted to know if you liked it with your awning wallset combo. I was thinking that a single swing out might not be as obtrusive to navigate around in camp as a double swing out. I am stealing your set up by the way(flattery right?) as I was pretty impressed at the pnw overland rally.

I second Dave's opinion, I really like mine. Dave stated to me prior to ordering mine that he felt his swing out was a bit heavy. I think Dave's was fabricated with square tube steel (correct me if I am wrong). Mine is fabricated from 90 degree angle and is not very heavy. I run BFG A/Ts 315/75/17 big *** heavy tire and the swing out doesn't sag a bit!

Dave Bennett

The CBI bumper is fine for the truck, the biggest issue was that it's just that it's too heavy for my wife to easily handle opening and closing. And you know if the wife aint happy aint nobody happy! The new design will incorporate some lessons learned :)


Trucks looking good! I made some mud flaps for the 4runner awhile back out of 1/8" ABS and they have done great. Very sturdy but still flex enough if drug over something.


The retro TOYOTA decal looks good. Gives me a flashback to some of my first Toyota trucks.
Like the tail light upgrade too. Never cared much for the "pinkish" colored ones on my '08 either.

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