(above) With the drawer faces for the driver side cabinet made and fitted, it is time to final-set the cabinet box...One last look before setting it in place... Again a combination of adhesives and fasteners hold it in place...Polyurethane construction adhesive between hard surfaces and through bolts will go in at the front edge...
(above) I put spray foam at the back as a good cushioning filler and later, a base to fiberglass to...
(above) While waiting for the foam to set-up, i returned to the drawers for the fine tuning...Adding T-nuts where they were missing and sanding the top of the top drawers that I cut down just a tad...
(above) The faces for the curb side pull-outs had the zebrawood glued and nailed to the vertical edges then set in front of the heater for an accelerated cure...
(above) I got out the zebrawood veneer too...
(above) The end panel that is the base for the inverter is getting veneered too, so I pulled that off...
(above) Waiting for the spray foam and the wood glue to harden, I turned back to the drawers...I'm going to line the bottoms of the top drawers with cork...
(above) Pressure sensitive adhesive sheeting is unrolled and the cork is laid onto it, then the backing paper is peeled off and the cork/PSA is placed in the drawer and pushed hard into place...
(above) The drawer under the cooktop...
(above) The wide utility drawers got some lightweight grey carpet for their bottoms...
(above) By now the spray foam had hardened...The excess was cut off with a fine tooth handsaw...
(above) Next four layers of fiberglass tape and epoxy were used to tie the top of the cabinet to the fiberglass rear cabin wall...
(above) The glue on the curb-side pull-outs dried and the faces were sanded and fitted to the pull-outs...To maintain the proper margins around the edges, I pin nailed from the inside, the 1/8" plywood spacers then fitted the face in place and pin-nailed it to the pull-out box...
(above) With the fit confirmed, the faces came out, got drilled for T-nuts, T-nuts were installed, slide-bolt slots were routered then the faces were prepped for veneering...
(above) The inverter end panel needs to be removable, so I'm using the brass latches I had originally intended to use for the drawers...Much fitting and fine tuning is needed to get the latch to fit perfectly, but the convenience and the final look are worth it...
(above) Brass and zerbrawood...A fitting combo...
More tomorrow...