Expeditions West: (JK) XV-JP Announcement Thread


Scott...in a day and age when people are tied down to wherever their current location is, I just want to say, from one adventurer to another, amen brother for getting out there and living your dream!

While I may not post in this thread much due to being extremely busy and having my own project on-going, not to mention doing my j-o-b in Iraq, I will be keeping tabs on your build and your great adventure.

Finally, don't let anyone get you down. I've had nay-sayers come and go and I'm sure others will come in the future. There's always going to be people who question your decisions because you are a self thinker rather than someone who falls in-line with the way they want you to do things. In the end, you only have to answer to yourself, your loved ones, and your creator. Your professionalism in dealing with others is admired and appreciated.



Supporting Sponsor
Yea, it would be awesome to see the vehicle built step by step.... They may not want some of their secrets out though....;)

I personally NEVER question anyones purchasing decisions. We're a group with wide interests, needs, and budgets. Scott needs to be the guy paving new ground, trying new things, so we can reap the benefits in the future and make better decisions for ourselves!!


Scott, I always appreciate your professional, well thought out response as apposed to the typical "can't you read?".

I have a question. How will the solar panel be protected from stray branches and such? In the photo's I have seen, it looks like it may become a problem.
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Scott Brady

Ok, we are in the middle of team edit for the Spring issue of Overland Journal, so I took a little "post" break.

saltamontes said:
How about a SMB?

The Sportsmobile is absolutely awesome. I just spent six weeks with one and Stephanie and I both loved it. The SMB has an advantage in interior storage space and lounging comfort, the XV-JP has an advantage in extreme trail performance and in the wet head. Both are awesome machines built by awesome people.

saltamontes said:
Don't think I am the only one thinking Unimog, as recently as 1 year ago you yourself said:
"If I traveled just for personal experience (no business attached), I would use a Unimog. It fits my personality, performance expectations and needs perfectly."
What is it about the ER JK that changed your mind?

Oh, I have major Unimog love... However, I am only 35 and my "nest egg" needs to last another 50 years, especially with just funding several new businesses. A full-blown Unimog camper (new) would cost 350k or so. That could put a dent in my long-term semi-retirement :friday: There are also no longer "new" Unimogs available and their performance properties are a bit off from my current needs. I expect that I will build a BIG camper for my next machine, which I will Roll-on-Roll-off to Australia or Africa. Who knows what I will cook-up for version 3.0 :chef:

Scott Brady

boblynch said:
Scott I sent you a bunch of PMs detailing what color socks are best for Chile...

To be perfectly honest I'm not that interested in what you're driving. I’m sure you’ll give us detailed OJ feedback on the Sportsmobile and ER when the time comes. However that pales in comparison to my interest in the routes you might take and places you might visit.

If I could get that much time off I’d go in your Trooper, Taco, or almost any mechanically-sound rig on this forum...



Bob, you totally "get it". Next time you are in Prescott, please let me buy you a beer!

Scott Brady

IH8RDS said:
I have a question. How will the solar panel be protected from stray branches and such? In the photo's I have seen, it looks like it may become a problem.

The panel is a semi-flexible unit and has a protective cover (transparent). I will spend more time researching the panel and how durable it is and let you know.

I might also bring along my two solar rolls.


TheRAMadaINN on Instagram
expeditionswest said:
The panel is a semi-flexible unit and has a protective cover (transparent). I will spend more time researching the panel and how durable it is and let you know.

I might also bring along my two solar rolls.

Will damage to one cell affect the entire panel? I know some solar panels are considered useless if only one cell is damaged.


i agree with a few others, its hard to be brand loyal on a board like this with such free thinking and innovation. other boards are all about brand flaunting and whatnot, but this one is genuinely original.

as for your choice scott....... i think it will prove itself one way or the other. honestly i am a judge first kind of guy at a first glance. i like to read books by looking at the cover (i know its a bad habit.) however i do not compleatly rule out an option unless it wont fit my needs at all.

anyway, to the point. when i first saw the xvjp i thought "eww what... yeich, who thought up that idea." upon further investigation i still have my reservations and reasons not to like it but i cannot make a final decision on something till i have seen it in person and actually seen it work. many a time i have been proven wrong and many a time i have reneged on what i said earlier.

so on to my questions. mostly tech.

1. what bumpers are you going with? winch as well?
2. storage seems to be key in that truck unless you want to be tripping over boxes and bags. the overhead storage is rather tight from the pics on the ER site. furthermore, people are being rather ignorant about the trailer. i think it is key to your survival for 6 months.
3. how are you going to deal with actual problems, like a crack in the shell, or a tent rip, motor crap out. anything that will significantly hinder your voyage.
4. who is your lift manufacturer?
5. how are you going to open the rear door?
6. overhead lights? honestly on the site i have yet to see a xvjp with the over cab lights on. have you considered taking them out of the overhead to make more space and hanging them over the cab? something like that?
7. ladder? would you consider a backup ladder for the tent.. just in case sort of thing.
8. do you want a patch when i get them? should be in here in 7-10 days, pleanty of time to stitch a few on. willing to trade for something cool!

as to the other board members that read this, scott said something that struck a chord. he picked what himself and stefany would like best and work reliably. comfort is key when it comes to humid, bug infested climates. i say, nice choice. a jk with a tent would work. but being able to deploy a tent without getting out of the jeep could be nice when the misquitoes and no see em's are out.



Expedition Leader
expeditionswest said:

"You should not judge happiness by the height of one's condo or the depth one's financial statement.. but rather by the width of their smile" -Warren Miller

For you saltamontes, in case you forgot.


New member
expeditionswest said:
I do plan on redesigning the ExPo logo at some point. It will no longer include my vehicle. It will just be a fun, cool logo for the site :)

The original logo was created in about 5-minutes... The next will have more thought and be less brand specific.

That means you are going to remove my truck out of there... oh maaaaan

BTW good luck on the new rig. Interesting choice. I am not surprised though.

Scott Brady

Cruiser99 said:
That means you are going to remove my truck out of there... oh maaaaan

Doron! Your post just made my day.

I hope all is well with you and the family. Stephanie and I both miss you guys. Please make a trip up to Prescott when you have some time.


Scott, I don't care what you drive, as long as you keep doing what you love. I'd still be proud to hit the trail with you or ride along with you even if you were driving a Kia!

I think your Jeep is gonna be absolutely awesome! :smiley_drive:

Maximus Ram

Expedition Leader
WOW...build what you like and be happy.
Since I found this site , I have enjoyed reading and vieing ALL of the different "brands" on here. I like to see ewhat others have done and get ideas for my personal rigs. There is always something new coming down the pike and I have found quite a few products here that I would never had seen if I stayed in the "brand' specific sites I am on.
Keep up the good work and I look foreward to reading and seeing more on this build.....:1888fbbd: :friday: :coffeedrink: :safari-rig:

Like sands through an hour glass, So are the DAYS of OUR LIVES:jump: :hehe:

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